Wednesday, February 26, 2025


President Trump, his muse and buddy Elon Musk and his hand picked Cabinet are making massive changes in our government and polity. They are in the process of  relentless efforts to remake the presidency, rethink and alter domestic policy and  turn foreign policy on its head.  They reversed long standing US foreign doctrines, enemies have become allies, “propaganda” has become policy, foreign heroes have become “dictators”.  In only a month they have exposed massive domestic and foreign aid fraud, political malfeasance, mischievousness, slush funds, corruption and excess of the previous administration. Trump and his allies have put fear into the bureaucratic  DC “swamp”with firings and lay-offs. No one in government knows for sure if they still have a job. The old guard—on both sides of the aisle— are in retreat.The Democrats are without credible leaders and are demoralized. It’s a one man show both in DC and across the globe. Trump has even called himself a “King” as he turned the world upside down. It’s a one man show both in DC and across the globe. 

Has the “Trump phenomenon” ever happened in the past?  I can not think of any examples in US presidential history of such all encompassing change. But perhaps ancient history has an example of overriding massive change in government. 

The ancient doctrine of “historic recurrence”, or that human history occurs in cycles was always a popular idea.  Santayana’s oft repeated aphorism: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” is one iteration of this idea. 

This concept of “recurrence” is often used (and abused) to sway voters thinking one way or another, or to advance some government policy. A common one: “never negotiate with terrorists”, another warns of the dire consequences of “crossing the Rubicon”.  In recent times, as Trump prepares to negotiate with Putin regarding the Ukraine war legacy media who are opposed to Trump policy warn of  the potential recurrence of pre-WWII events such as Neville Chamberlain’s  “appeasement” and Hitler’s response by boldly marching into Czechoslovakia.  

But is was Thucydides (460 BC-404BC) Greek historian, author “Peloponesian War” who warns that history does not occur in cycles or repeat itself..but human nature is a constant and if humans are placed in similar circumstances they often respond to events in similar ways, thus giving the impression of historic recurrence..not its reality. 

So this brings me to President Trump and King Tut (Tuthankamen), perhaps being faced with somewhat similar circumstances though separated by more than two millennia, as such seem to support Thucydides concepts. 

On King Tut

In Egypt When the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenamun of the 18th Dynasty took power in 1353 BC (reigned 1353-1336 BC) he introduced a new cult dedicated to the worship of only one “god” the sun disc or “Aten”.  Akhenamun (or ~Akhenaten) may have been physically and mentally weakened by one or more genetic disorders (Marfan or Froehich’s syndrome) which may have affected his mind or thinking patterns.  For unknown causes Akhenaten broke with long and powerful forces of tradition to forbid the veneration and worship of all the many Gods of the old Egyptian pantheon, and in particular, he forbade the worship of  the “invisible one” or “God of Creation and Air” the god Amun.  Worship of Amun was very popular in Thebes the capital city. 

To insure that the new religion would become permanently established  Akhenamun, changed his name to Akhenaten and then, at great cost to the empire, moved the capital from Thebes which was located on the shores of the Nile, about 500 miles south of the coast of the Mediterranean. He chose a new site further north, closer to the Mediterranean at Amara, which was halfway between Thebes and Memphis (a city near coast). There, Akhenaten spent extravagant profligate spending on the fabulous new city on the east-shore of the Nile.  But Akenaten’s reign was controversial and unpopular.  His spending eventually brought down the empire penury.

“King Tut” or Tutankhamen was Akenaten’s son and heir.  When Akhenaten died, his two sons took over. Neither one supported living at the new capital in Amara, its extravagant costs, the instability of the reign, or unpopular religion of Aten —and the loss of  communicating with al of the old popular gods—and now restricted only to the new monotheistic sun god Aten. 

When Akhenaten died Tutankhamen was crowned pharaoh. ‘Tutankhamun  (sometimes spelled “Tutankhamen”) was determined to restore traditional worship and the old pantheon of gods. He issued a decree restoring the temples, images, personnel and privileges of the old gods and the rights of Egyptians who worshipped these gods. He restored the temples, of particular interest was the highly popular temples of Amun, which had been abandoned and fallen into disrepair. He returned the authority of the priests. He restored the shrines. He reversed the unpopular changes made by his father Akhenaten and returned to the worship of  the popular polytheistic religion of ancient Egypt. He restored the centrality of Amun the “god of creation and air” who had power of  “the invisible force” or “the hidden one” in Egyptian.  The symbol or representation of Amun, a ram’s head, (which suggested fertility or power) was widely copied and reproduced ancross the empire. 

So young King Tut reestablished the old order…and made things right again in the 14th century BC.   

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 February 24, 2025

We have had a cold winter season which I remind you stretches from December 22 to March 21.  Βut today dawned clear and sunny, with temperatures of only 300 F.  Today the sun has risen high enough to provide us with 11 hrs and 4 m 55sec of daylight. A far cry from our winter in early January days when days were less than 10 hours long.  But besides that, the sun climbs higher at noon above the horizon now too. So its rays are more intense than the long, low sunlight rays of early winter.  All this movement has an impact on us and the living things all around us 

No our Earth has not circled around to official Spring just yet. We still have 4 days of February left, then 21 days to March’s Spring Equinox on the 21st.  Τhere are twenty-five (25) days left to official Spring on March 21.  But what is the “percent time” to Spring? 

The total days of winter days are measured from December 22 (winter solstice) to March 21 (spring equinox).  There are: (1/4 of 3651/4 days = 91.3) or 91 days of “winter” each year.  So far we have completed (endured?) 66 days of our winter season of cold (minimum was 170 F)  and have about 25 days left. In terms of percent—we have competed about 72% of winter and have only 27% of winter season left.  

So with almost a third of winter with us it was unexpected to see two Red-Winged Blackbirds *(Agelaius phoeniceus) on my morning walk this AM. I heard the kankaree kankaree call of another Redwing some distance away from the walking path. 

The Redwing is a flocking migratory bird, moving south to Mexico and southern USA in winter and north to almost all of North America in spring.  Some Redwing populations do not migrate. However in this area of New York, our birds are not winter residents…Perhaps since they prefer marsh and open grassy fields to feed… the snow cover in this area precludes them as residents.  In fact I have not observed a single specimen all winter. 

The observations of this species were the first this season and the earliest in winter that I can recall. But these wild birds seem to know when to begin to stake out their breeding areas. So with nearly a third of winter left they have braved the cold and arrived at breeding grounds in north-central Suffolk County. 

It has been a pleasant and heart warming to hear their familiar call again. 

Ps: The following day I observed a moth flying around the porch light at night (@40F).  On the morning of the 26th I observed a large black spider ( ?Wolf Spider) moving around-a little gingerly in the cold among the brown, dry plant stems in the herb garden close to the back door. Then too that morning I heard the call of a Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). So critters are responding to the longer days and warmer weather 

* (Latin = red gregarious bird)


Saturday, February 22, 2025


February 18, 2025


In the early part of the last century, when I was a very young boy, living in a densely populated area of Brooklyn, NY, my father, who was working in our cramped back yard called me to come out to him.

“Look, look up there!”  He called excitedly, pointing into the patch of blue sky overhead. “It’s a plane!”

 I ran to his side, craning my neck to look up to where he pointed. There, a tiny silvery aircraft  glistened in the sky. The faint drone of its passage seemed far behind its image as as it crossed above the square patch of sky visible from our backyard.

Today, the passage above must be difficult to believe. Aircraft are so common, no one pays any attention to them (except for the often full sky-cover of jet-aircraft-generated “contrails” that often make their passage so obvious.)

That was long long ago!

Airspace is crowded these days. World wide, air traffic specialists claim there are between 80,000 and 130,000 aircraft in the air at any one time!. The FAA claims that in the USA at any given time, there are about 5,400 aircraft flying in the lower 48 airspace. The FAA estimates there are on average about 45,000 flights per day. 

Yesterday, February 17, 2025,  a Delta Air Lines CRJ 900, flying from Minneapolis to Toronto crashed, while attempting to land at Toronto Pearson Airport, Canada in blowing snow with 30mph winds gusts. 

This short haul aircraft (CRJ 900 Bombardier) in the same “family” of jets originally produced by Canadair Inc. as the CRJ 700 involved in mid-air collision with a US military Black Hawk helicopter on 29 January 2025 over Reagan International which caused the death of 67 crew and passengers on both aircraft. 

The Delta CRJ900 with 80 crew and passengers flying from Wichita Kansas was attempting to land at Toronto in strong winds and wind-whipped blowing snow. The runway was cleared of snow and the air control tower gave the aircraft permission to land. Their final communication was a warning of gusty cross winds up to 30-40 mph. 

The pilot began its descent attempting  a “crabbing” maneuver, a common pilot strategy to ease the aircraft down and avoid difficulty pilot control in strong crosswinds. In this maneuver the plane approaches the centerline of the runway at near right angles, then with the nose of the plane directed partly into the wind while the aircraft itself is directed over the center-line of the runway, so the aircraft fuselage and the centerline of the runway are not aligned—it is “crabbing” forward,  as it continues its descent. 

As the CRJ900 began its decent onto the runway it approach speed was too fast and its angle of approach was “level” or parallel to the ground. Delta CRJ 900 was approaching too fast (well above the generally desireable 150 mph).  

Furthermore at this point the pilot should have begun to “nose up” or “flare” the approach of the aircraft as it approaches touchdown. Flaring as the pilot causes the aircraft to lose lift so that the plane slowly descends. Close to the ground its belly and wings create a compressed air cushion with the tarmac, and as the plane slows down its rear two wheels should  hit  the ground first. 

Since there was no flare the aircraft made a hard landing. The aircraft rather than slowing maintained its forward speed and like a skipping rock throxwns over the surface of a lake skipped of bounded as it touched down. The right (starboard) landing gear wheel stuck the tarmac very hard and may have caused it to collapse. The collapse of the rear tricycle landing gear caused the starboard wing to strike the ground. 

At the high speed the aircraft was moving, contact of the wind tip with the ground ripped the wing off, compromising the wind fuel tanks, which leaked fuel. Friction caused by grinding of the airframe against the concrete generated sparks which set the fuel leaking from the partly detached wing tanks. They exploded into a fireball. But since the plane’s fuselage with crew and passengers continued its speedy course down the snowy runway, the fireball and.burning wing were fortuitously left behind. 

As a result of the ground frriction resuling from the loss of its starboard wing, the speeding fuselage began to rotate colockwise to its right, forcing its portside (left) wing into the direction in which the fuselage was moving at high speed. As a result of air flow, friction with the ground and other factors,  the port side wing and tail detached. 

The now cigar-shaped cylindrical  remnant of the fuselage sliding down the snow blown runway finally slowed, rolled over-like a rolling pin—and came to a stop in a upside-down position. Its roof on the snowy ground while its belly faced the still overcast snow filled gray sky. 

In the interior the passengers were mostly hanging from their seats —as someone described —like bats in a cave. To escape they had to release their seat belts and fall head first down into the “overhead” luggage compartments which had instantly become the “floor” of the plane.  Many had difficulty and were hurt falling. A small child was greviously injured perhaps it was not strapped to a seat by being held by its parent during the crash.  Eighty passengers (80) on board survived. Seventeen (17) were injured, 3 were hospitalized in critical condition. 

If all that has been reported so far is accurate, it does appear that this near -air tragedy—was a case of pilot error. A tragedy was averted by circumstances..the snow may have reduced the possibility of fire(?), the plane design helped reduce fatalities, and the crew and first responders performed their tasks well and efficiently.  This could have been a horrible and tragic loss of life..but miraculously—so far-ther were no fatalities.  

 Early in February an Alaska commuter plane with ten passenger on a flight from Minneapolis to Nome Alaska, did not make its schedule landing in Nome. After several days of searching the crash site was sited  somewhere in Alaska, there were no survivors fatalities.

A Philadelphia Medical transport plane with a pilot, former patient and family on a return flight to Mexico crashed for no known reason in that city soon after takeoff. There were no survivors and one fatality on the ground.

Washington DC Reagan Washington National Mid Air Collision Army Blackhawk helicopter collides with passenger jet attempting to land a Reagan International. There were a total of sixty-seven (67) fatalities. Three crew member in the helicopter and 64 in passenger and crew in the Bombadier CRJ 700 aircraft.

Prior to that a military jet crashed in Arizona.         

After four air tragedies in a month, after a long period of almost no serious accidents or fatalities— political leaders and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) were quick to reassure air flying community  that air travel is still safe.  They note that the chances of fatality during a flight is 1in13.7 million miles flown. 

While 283 million privately owned vehicles in the USA each are reported to drive about 13,000 miles per year, and generate 41,000 traffic deaths in a year on average. 

If there are 283 million private and commercial vehicles on the road each traveling about 14,000 miles per year (14,000 miles x 283 million vehicles = 3.96 e12 ) or 3.96e12 vehicle miles per year,, or 3,960,000,000,000 vehicle-miles per year. Each year there are 41,000 vehicle related fatalities (41,000/3,960,000,000,000 or 41/3,960,000,000 = 1 to 96 500,000 vehicle miles driven. Or 1 to 97,000,000 miles driven.

1 in @14 million for air travel

1 in @97 million for vehicular, ground travel 

97/14 = 6.7 or 14 x 6.7= @97

According to these premises and figures ground travel is just about seven (7) times “safer” or 7 times less likely to end in a fatality than flying

Or flying is 7 times more likely to result in a fatality than (if possible) vehicular ground travel.   

Of course some travel can only be accomplished by air craft, and examining  length of time of travel may also result in different figures and outcomes.

One must ask however, in light of recent air tragedies, are there too many planes in the air? Should we insist on higher standards for air traffic controllers, pilots and copilots, and ancillary staff responsible for safe air travel.

Air travel staff appointments should be based on ability, experience and knowledge. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DEI) is a “luxury” we can no longer afford. Selecting for anything other than merit is a sure way to decrease standards of performance, efficiency and safety…and increase likelihood for fatalities. Recent cases in Washington, DC (67 fatalities) and in Toronto, Canada (no fatalities) are the canary in the coal mine warning to the flying public.    


 April 28, 2025


Washington Post, April 25, 2024. Macron speaking in Taiwan stands by his divisive remarks, repeating his claim that being a US ally did not equate with “being a vassal” state. 

What is a vassal state?  Is it a puppet state? Client state? Protectorate? Subservient entity?

A vassal state is a nation or group of nations which follow the lead of another more powerful nation and do its political, military, economic  bidding. Vassals  keep silent and hew to the political stance of its overlord, and support its every move, even when those policies weaken, or impoverish the “vassal” state. 

As a European-American (my western Europe ancestors arrived here before the American Civil War) I am embarrassed by  European  leadership.  I always hoped the best for the EU.  But it has become nothing but a minor, but sometimes politically useful US appendage, often used to give cover for USA foreign adventurism.  USA can drag the EU into unwise foreign conflicts to support our stupidity and greed.  Particularly easy pickings for the US overlords are those more recent additions to the 27 in the less sophisticated “eastern end” of the block. I need not identify them by name.  You western EU nations were not so wise in bringing these folks in. 

France and the others ARE vassal states!  Subservient to the often  less intelligent, less advanced, less sophisticated political leaders here in the USA. What a disappointment you are!  You should be leading the west not following.  

But then as a vassal state you need not provide for your own defense. Oh, yes, let the Yanks do it.  But such a retreat from responsibility may soon find  you dealing with Russian missiles, nukes and long-term radiation. It is the vassal state that pays the price.  

What advantage was it for France Germany, Italy or any other of the “27” to be dragged into the Ukraine War by President Biden?  For age challenged Joe Biden who was only serving his own (or his handler’s) US domestic political needs.  Then too, some claim he may well heavily compromised by his, or his son’s lucrative business dealings in that corrupt state.  The EU and US agendas are not coincident, you are weak, or foolish if you think otherwise. 

Does a “non vassal”  state feel more secure with a ferocious war going on its eastern border?  How about 6-10%  inflation, and Biden-caused recession? Do you like paying double the price for petrol?  What about natural gas—so useful during those cold winters.  What about the real threat of nuclear war?  Do you all expect to keep getting cheap oil and gas from America, even if we need it more than you do?  

Yes, President Macron,  you and the EU  are a vassal state.  Wise up!  

Postscript. 2/18/25

This blog above was written in April 2024. Since then, President Trump was elected to end the war in Ukraine. This radical change in policy is unsettling to vassal states. War monger Joe is gone…now vassal states must change their positions on Ukraine —or reveal openly their “vassalhood”  Trump has made it plain about how he envisions the vassal state of France, Germany and the rest of the EU. 

They now find themselves in a parlous situation…fearful that Trump will make a peace deal with Russia and expose them for what they are: militarily weak, fearful of Russia, overrun with immigrants, no longer able to access cheap Russian gas (so essential for a robust economy), way out over their skis on government spending on climate, safety net and social issues, and faced with a rising tide of native europeans who are unhappy with these “progressive” governments.

Friday, February 21, 2025


A disclaimer! The author is not a pilot, only a member of the flying public with tens of thousands  of miles as a passenger and a student of physics.. The following “analysis” is derived from publicly available photographs, data and descriptions in various media reports.

Yesterday, February 17, 2025,  a Delta Air Lines CRJ 900, flying from Minneapolis to Toronto crashed while attempting to land at Toronto Pearson Airport, Canada. The aircraft a short-haul aircraft (CRJ 900 Bombardier, originally produced by Canadair Inc.) is in the same “family” of jets  as the CRJ 700 involved in the recent tragic mid-air collision with a US military Black Hawk helicopter on 29 January 2025 over Reagan International Airport DC. That tragedy led to the death of 67 crew and passengers on both aircraft. 

A little more than two weeks after the DC mid air collision, another Delta Airline,flight-a  CRJ900 with 80 crew and passengers aboard—was attempting to land at Toronto in strong winds and wind-whipped blowing snow. The runway was cleared of snow and the Toronto Pearson tower gave permission to land. Tower warned the pilot  of gusty winds up to 30-40 mph which were blowing across the runway. 

The pilot began descent attempting  a “crabbing” maneuver, a common pilot strategy to avoid effects of string crosswinds on landing. In this maneuver the plane approaches the landing strip flying into the cross wind, then turns to fly over the centerline of the runway, while keeping the orientation of the aircraft partly directed into the crosswind (nosing the plane partly into the cross wind). The pilot continues its crabbing descent, until close to the ground where it corrects its path to steer directly down the centerline.. 

For some now unknown reason, the CRJ900 began its decent at its @ 3 degree glide path slope onto the runway at a speed well above the 150mph desired “landing speed”. At a critical point just before actual touch down the angle of approach to the runway was “level” or parallel to the ground, described as “a flat attitude” to the ground. 

In a flat attitude the plane is not slowed and continues in its near approach flying speed. On landing in such a case the aircraft tends to skip and bounce like a “skipping rock” thrown across lake water.  Just prior to touch down, the pilot should have begun to “nose up” or  to “flare” the aircraft.  In this landing attitude perhaps with its fuselage at a 2-5 degree angle to the ground. In this attitude the wings lose lift, and the aircraft tends to settle gently toward the ground and forward speed slows. As this occurs its rear two rear wheels should hit the ground simultaneously, equally distributing the force of landing to both wheels.

Since there was no flare, the aircraft came down in a level and high speed bounce-a hard landing. Its right (starboard) landing-gear wheel stuck the tarmac and may have collapsed as a result of the hard landing. The collapse of that wheel at high speed caused the starboard wing to strike the ground. At the high speed the aircraft was moving, contact with the ground ripped the wing off, compromising the wing fuel tanks. Fuel sprayng from the tanks was ignited by sparks generated as the aluminum wing and airframe ground against hard tarmac concrete. The detached wing fuel-tanks exploded into a huge fireball. 

Fortunately, the fuselage now separated from the flaming wing, continued speeding down the runway with its 80 passengers and crew. The dangerously flaming wing, pouring black smoke and flames into the air was left behind. 

As a result of frictional drag on the starboard wing caused by its contact with the ground the fuselage began to rotate approximately 90 degrees (right angles) to the runway centerline and its original landing position. Thus after the loss of one wing it was now sliding broadside down the runway at high speed. 

As a result of the rush of air, friction with the ground and other factors, the port side wing and tail fins, also detached, during this broadside portion of the crash landing. This probably as a result of the wing being stressed by forces it was not designed to resist. 

At this point the remaining cylindrical fuselage-a cigar-shaped remnant of the aircraft— still sliding down the runway, pushing up clouds of  fallen snow, finally slowed, then rolled over, like a long giant aluminum rolling pin, as it came to a stop with its scraped and torn undersides facing the still overcast snow-filled, gray sky.  

Thankfully and unbelievably, almost all the passengers were safe, still bound into their upside down seats, hanging —as one passenger  described —like bats in a cave. Cross lap seatbelts held them dangling from the plane ceiling.  The air was filled with fumes of jet fuel and rapid departure was essential. To escape, they had to pull the release bar on their seat belt, knowing they would free fall head first down into the “overhead” luggage compartment which had become the “floor” of the plane.  

Many older passengers had difficulty and were hurt falling. A small child was grievously injured. Perhaps, rather than being strapped to a seat, the infant was held by its parent during the crash, and during the crash was thrown from their grip.   Eighty passengers and crew (80) all on board, survived. Seventeen (17) were injured, 3 were hospitalized in critical condition. 

If all that has been reported so far is accurate, it does appear that this was a miraculous escape from a horrible second air tragedy in only a few weeks. The primary cause of seems to suggest the concatenation of poor visibility, cross winds, blowing snow, all resulting in a hard landing.  

Tragedy appears to have been averted by several circumstances. The Bombardier CRJ 900 was well designed to protect passengers. The wings with remaining fuel were engineered to detach from the fuselage. They burned in place while the fuselage, perhaps due to runway snow cover, continued to slide to safety.  The fuselage remained intact, seats and seatbelts held passengers as they were designed.  The air crew and ground crew were well prepared and efficient in getting the passengers to safety. The snow may have reduced visibility, but may have also reduced the possibility of fire(?)

Was it possible that blowing snow and poor visibility of the runway or a cross wind might have caused the pilot to mis-calculate the plane’s precise height-above ground at touch down- the critical moment when the landing attitude slope should have been corrected to flare the aircraft and slow it down? That seems a likely possibility. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 April 28, 2024


Washington Post, April 25, 2024. Macron speaking in Taiwan stands by his divisive remarks repeating that being a US ally did not mean “being a vassal” state. 

What is a vassal state?  Is it a puppet state? Client state? Protectorate? Subservient entity?

A vassal state is a nation or group of nations which follow the lead of another more powerful nation and do its political, military, economic  bidding. Vassals  keep silent and hew to the political stance of its overlord, and support its every move, even when those policies weaken, or impoverish the “vassal” state. 

As a European-American (my central Europe ancestors arrived here before the American Civil War) I am often embarrassed by  European  leadership.  I always hoped the best for the EU.  But in this century it has become nothing but a minor, but sometimes politically useful, US appendage, often used to give “cover” for USA foreign adventurism.  The USA often drags the EU—like helpless pawns— into unwise foreign conflicts to support our stupidity and greed.  Particularly easy pickings for the US overlords are those more recent additions to the 27 in the less sophisticated “eastern end” of the block. I need not identify them by name.  You western EU nations were not so wise in bringing these folks in. 

France and the others are vassal states!  Subservient as they are to the often  less intelligent, less advanced, less sophisticated political leaders here in the USA. What a disappointment you are!  You should be leading the west not following.  

But then as a vassal state you have become soft and weak, even avoiding responsibility for your own defense. Oh, yes, let the Yanks do it.  But such a retreat from responsibility may soon find  you dealing with Russian missiles, nukes and long term radiation. It is the vassal state that pays the price.  

What advantage was it for France Germany, Italy or any other of the “27” to be dragged into the Ukraine War by President Biden?  For “age-challenged” Joe Biden, he was only serving his own US domestic political needS (or perhaps his handlers were making these decisions).  Then too, some claim he may well be heavily compromised in that corrupt state by his, or his son’s lucrative business dealings.  The EU and US agendas are not coincident, your weakness, dependence, freedom from investment in defense all color your thoughts.. 

Does a “non vassal”  state feel more secure with a ferocious war on its eastern border?  How about 6-10%  inflation, and Biden caused recession? Do you like paying double the price for petrol?  What about natural gas—so useful during those cold winters.  What about the real threat of nuclear war?  Do you all expect to keep getting cheap oil and gas from America, even if we need it more than you do?  

Yes, President Macron,  you and the EU  are a vassal state.  Wise up!  

Postscript. 2/18/25

This blog above was written in April 2024. Since then, President Trump was elected to end the war in Ukraine. This radical change in policy is unsettling to vassal states. War monger Joe is gone…now vassal states must change their positions on Ukraine —or reveal openly their “vassalhood”  Trump has made it plain about how he envisions the vassal state of France, Germany and the rest of the EU. 

They now find themselves in a parlous situation…fearful that Trump will make a peace deal with Russia and expose them for what they are: militarily weak, fearful of Russia, overrun with immigrants, no longer able to access cheap Russian gas (so essential for a robust economy), way out over their skis on government spending on climate, safety net and social issues, and faced with a rising tide of native europeans who are unhappy with these “progressive” governments.

Monday, February 17, 2025



Average US teen spends more time on screen than they do sleeping. They spend (440/250= 1.76) almost twice (1.76 times) the amount of time on passive screen time than they do on “in-school” academic work  (or more than one and three quarters time. If we consider a 24 hour day or 1,440 minute day, average teens  spend @ 61% of the day sleeping and on screen

In 2024 Swedish parents seem to have accepted a simmering concern among Swedish academics that too much screen time was affecting the nation’s teenagers ability to read and comprehend what they read. The proof of parental concern came late in 2024, just before Christmas, when bookstores in Sweden reported a huge 20% increase in sales of books for teenagers and younger children. Real, bound, paper  printed books became popular Christmas presents in unusual numbers. What drove this new trend in sales? The fear that Sweden’s vaunted educational system was failing and that the nation’s children were not reading up to standards and that the nation’s schools were facing a “readers crisis” had reached a critical point! 

In September 2024, The Times of London reported that Swedish authorities had set a plan for 2028 in which youngsters would be required to start school one year earlier than in the past, in the hope of arresting the decline in the nation’s educational performance.

Le Monde, February 4, 2025 published a report on Swedish students not reading up to standards and headlined: “Sweden worries about a youth reading crisis” 

In other nations this trend toward illiteracy has been noted as well. In France, Le Figaro, posted a story on Feb 16, 2025. “Ils ne comprennent pas les consignes”. By A Vincotte,  (“They don't understand instructions”) French teachers complain  that students have poor vocabularies, can not fully comprehend assigned texts, struggle to effectively express themselves, and do not understand teachers instructions, even when they use simple language.  Is this also an example of impact of too much screen time? 

US rankings in school systems generally place the US at lower levels than other highly industrialized nations. News and World 2024 reports ranked Denmark’s system as # 1in the world, Sweden  took #2,  UK, Finland, Germany.Canada, Norway, Japan. Switzerland. Australia, Netherlands, followed in order with the USA at #12.  In the USA, reading scores have been in decline since 2019. Today US eighth-grade reading scores are at their lowest levels in 32 years with only 67% of students performing at or above the basic level. An AP News Report, dated Jan 29, 2025 posted article with headline: “US Children fall further behind in reading…”.

My personal inquiries with teachers here in the USA often corroborate those of  French teachers noted above . One typical response from  a mature history teacher in Suffolk County, NY stated: ”Students do not read or write well anymore. They do not understand directions. They just are not the same kids as I taught earlier decades”.  

Because the quality of  Sweden’s pubic educational system has been consistently ranked among the highest in the world, the circumstances publicized with Sweden’s students seems to imply a deeper more widespread problem. Sweden has often been cited as in the “top ten” for reading comprehension. It is applauded for being “egalitarian”, in which pupil’s chances of success are little affected by a child’s gender, economic, social or ethnic standing. US News and World reports ranked Swedens system as # 1 in the world.  When the top performers are having the same problems as those in the lower rankings one may suspect even greater education disparity among those in lower ranking among world nations.

An interesting but expected outcome of the “reading crisis” in what we term here in the USA ‘highschools” extends to  university education as well. A professor of ancient literature at prestigious Lund University (Sweden) claims she has 55 students in a history (number of total unknown)  who have difficulty assimilating the standard course text. The professor is shocked because these are elite students who should have no difficulty in reading long complex texts and passages. 

A professor at the Karolinska Institute, Solna, near Stockholm who coordinates basic science courses for medical students reports that in last three semesters  she has had to change textbooks used by first year medical students to reduce the difficulty and length of text reading required, so as not to lose too many students.  Students unable to read effectively carry this problem on to higher education. That seems very threatening to society as a whole. 

Reading the written word is an essential mental ability which unlocks a world of knowledge to a student. As a young person I began to discover this world of knowledge almost exclusively through fabulous books—there was no TV,  iPhone or Tick Tock or Google..I quickly discovered I could learn about anything that interested me —all I needed was access to words that I knew the meaning of and those words were in books. Fortunately I lived in a city where library's were free and accessible to all.  I could learn about any topic, that might interest a young boy: Judo, Fishing, Baseball, then later too the world of nature—insects, birds and far off places, and adventures as well. Reading is the active process of the brain, interpreting the meaning of each word which induces a mental images and which stores it for recall. It encourages critical thinking. Each word and its meaning is stored. To function well it  takes long hours of practicel. The more word-mental images you store in neuron connections the more complex and integrated those connection become. It fosters more complex —yes critical thinking. Each word learned may have a massive network of stored information with it. Reading develops the ability for the brain to focus on what it has learned. The brain, is working to sort and catalogue the words and ideas—for later recall. It  develops, the mind for complex thoughts

But passive video games, play stations, long screen times…discourage this essential mental activity.  Our modern teens are missing the mental practice, stimulation of reading and the  growth of complex neuronal webs  which broaden understanding expand ability to make critical connections and comparisons and stimulates the mind so as to develop it for higher thought.  

 Too much screen time particularly gaming, video, and passive entertainment which encourages passivity  may impact the ability of teens to concentrate, to focus their minds on reading with comprehension and  ability to study and internalize what they read. Too much screen time alters the ability to focus on written words, sustained attention is weakened, and reduces ability to focus.  

The USA spends more on education than most but consistently scores lower in reading, math and science proficiency. The reason: the USA faces several challenges in education. It is a large diverse nation with students coming from a diverse, economic, ethnic and racial population. Nations with more homogeneous populations can better devise strategies for success with the needs of their students. But in 2022 the USA ranked 6th in reading scores 

In the USA the average 8-12 year old spends TV and Video, (2hrs/40 min) Video games (1 hr 27 min) , Browsing websites (24 min) , Social media (18 min) for a total of 5 hours and 9 minutes on screen time.

The average USA teenager (13-18 years) spends TV and Videos (3. Hrs/16 min), VideoGames 1hr/46 min), Browsing Websites (51 min), Social Media (1hr/27min) for a total of 7 hours and 20 minutes screen time. 

For USA Teens

Average “screen time”…..7 hrs/20min =440 min (31%)

Average sleep time for teens about 7-7.5 hrs per night or 7 hrs/15min =435 min (30%)

Average hours at academic work at high school 4 hrs/10 min = 250 min (17%)


Average US teen spends more time on screen than they do sleeping.

 They spend (440/250= 1.76) almost twice (1.76 times) the amount of time on passive screen time than they do on “in-school” academic work  (or more than one and three quarters time. 

If we consider a 24 hour day or 1,440 minute  day they spend (440+435=875) 875/1440 = 0.61 or 61% of the day sleeping and “on screen”

While in school, academic work comprises 250/1440= 0.17 or about 17% of their day.

The result: More than 60% (61%) of an average teenager’s day is dominated by sleeping and video or other screen activities. While about 17% of their day is in controlled academic activities. 

There is little time for reading, learning other skills, artistic or cultural activities.   


Sleep, screen, school Total =1,125 min, 24 hour Day =1,440 min

(1440 min per day minus) - (1,125 min of sleep, screen, school time) = 315 min

Teens use up their day with sleep, school,  315 min or 5 hrs 15 min all other = travel, breakfast, dinner, toilet, dressing, undressing, essential exercise, etc.

The average number of hours at school is 6-7 hours per day= 6.5 hrs

High School—average about 6.5 hour per day= 390 min

 7 classes at 50min per class =350 min

2classes lunch and gym- no academic work= 100 min

Total academic mins = 250 min academic class work or 250/60 = 4 hrs/10 min  

The average screen time for Swedish teenagers is about 6.5 hours per day (vs 7 hrs 20 min USA teens)