"RACISM: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."
After hearing Ryan's ridiculous claim that Trump's tirade against Judge Gonsalo Curiel was a "text book example" of racism I can only conclude that the Speaker Paul Ryan does not know the definition of "racism", does not realize that "Mexican" is not a "race", but a nationality, and that the vast majority of Mexicans are of the Caucasian race like Ryan, himself. In fact I think calling Trump a "racist" reveals, more about Ryan's (racist?) view of the darker-skinned (though Caucasian) Mexicans than Trump's supposed racism. Speaker Ryan's behavior makes one suspect he has decided that his own personal and political standing and future would be more lucrative and opportune while serving under a Democrat, Clinton-led government in 2017, rather than that of the GOP. With self-serving Ryan types leading the Republican circular firing squad, Americans of all stripes will surely be faced with a disastrous Clinton presidency. Sp Mr.Ryan's recent acts seem to be clearly placing, the House Speaker's own personal political agenda and future above that of the needs and aspirations of the American electorate and the nation as a whole. Shame on Ryan, with this behavior he does not deserve to be Speaker of the House.
In regard to Mr. Trump's supposed racism: Trump's complaint against Judge Curisel is NOT RACISM. Trump simply stated that he thought this jurist was not objective in his rulings during the Trump University trial. Mr. Trump was, or claims to be the VICTIM in this case. His claim is that this judge is biased against him. In this case Trump is the victim of bias not the perpetrator of bias. It is entirely possible he is correct in his charge against the judge...though no one could actually know it. But, I f one thinks that when a judge puts on his judicial robes and sits before a court in his plush leather chair, he somehow becomes a sort of a judicial robot. Can we expect that his past, his ethnic background, his family connections, his childhood experiences, and his personal biases are all somehow instantly expunged from his mind? I doubt it. If that is what you believe, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, cheap.. There may be a rare case of such a judicial being, but I doubt it. Ask any trial lawyer....they will tell you of well known and oft discussed judicial biases...in great detail.
Was Trump right in calling the judge biased? Certainly, he was patently wrong both tactically and strategically. This was not a fight worth the political damage and set back in the polls. Was Trump acting as a racist? Calling the judge a "Mexican" is not a racist remark, or even an ethnic slur, not even a national slur. But being an. American judge of Mexican extraction may explain this. Man's bias when dealing with a case of a nationally known politician who has widley and loudly claimed that the surge of recent illegal "Mexican" immigrants are laced with "rapists", "thieves" and "murdereers". Add to that, the fact that this particular politician has won the nomination for his party and his political spurs by loudly and repeatedly promising to "build a Great Wall" along the Mexican border to protect us from this surge of illegal "Mexicans". Judge Curiel is not a judicial robot....he is a human being under those dark robes, still subject to human feelings of hurt, revenge, and capable of injudicial response. I suspect that the vast majority of Republican voters, and Independents too would agree.
Trump may be brusque, unruly, impassioned, and impolitic....but he is not a racist.
Trump is taking incoming from all directions. He is fighting the Republican elites, and those quislings of the GOP who claim they are his supporters (like Paul Ryan) but act to undermine him. He is also fending off attacks from the Democrats, in league with the main-stream media and the press, and now even the President has joined the fray against him. Trump has only the vast majority of the suffering American public on his side.
It is also worth noting that the viscious way the press, and the media jumped all over the unfounded "racist" charge seems a sure sign and an excellent example of how frightened the oligarchs, super donors, political operatives and elites of both parties are of Trump and the vast majority of his "regular guy and gal" supporters out here in the body politic.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
I was busy with something else and just happened to hear a snippet of Trump's "Victory Speech" on June 7, 2016. It staggered me. I had to stop and listen carefully. Trump did not give his usual rambling stump speech, pouring out his hurt and his soul, as if he was on his psychiatrist's couch. He spoke coherently and logically. What gave me pause was his sincerity and the simplicity of his message:.."I am going to be America's champion.....America First!"
Trump reminded us of our decaying infrastructure, "our crumbling cities, dilapidated airports, bridges, highways". He lamented the loss of our manufacturing jobs overseas. He rightly termed the lost jobs "an embarrassment" to our nation. He placed himself squarely against foolish and wasteful foreign interventions that have been a massive drain on our treasury and a distraction from our main task of getting our middle class back to work and making America great again. He promised he promised to get us all working again...citing his pledge to support "every American worker of every background, protecting all their rights and privileges"...
He reiterated his stance against NAFTA and other one-sided, destructive trade deals which put American workers and their meaningful jobs at risk from unfair foreign competition. He promised to rebuild our inner cites and take care of our downtrodden black, white and brown city folk who have been ignored so long by government of both parties.
He made the case as a successful businessman, promising to put his energies toward making Americans safe, employed and working at meaningful jobs, and moving forward to prosperity.
But he also (rightly) attacked the Clintons. He promised to expose them for their past transgressions, policies and their "politics of self-enrichment". He reiterated how they both sold favors and government access to make millions for themselves.
The speech was a watershed event. If this is the new Trump...he is a formidable candidate.
With this message he can win in November.
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