Friday, May 4, 2018



President Trump and his staff who are the victims of secret, unelected, establishment, powerful forces which wish to undermine his presidency and the choice of the people in a valid election—should be more circumspect concerning the types of candidates they nominate for politically powerful, positions shrouded in secrecy and with little or no oversight.  These are the very dangerous forces which we have learned in the last 15 months are capable of undermining a president and attempting to overturn a legitimate election.  The President and his advisors  should be more careful—but they are not.  Mr Trump has nominated Ms Gina Haspel as Director of the CIA.

Mr. Trump and the entire nation is now experiencing what happens when powerful establishment forces within its structure, move toward taking on evil practices that attempt to deny the Congress oversight into their activiies and  begin to think that they are the “government” and deny that function to our openly elected officials.  These “deep staters”and  establishment types believe that they “know better’  than the millions of voters who cast ballots in a supposedly democratic, constituriona  republic.

To my mind it is ironic that Ms Haspel a typical denizen of the deep state establishment  has been nominated by Mr. Trump—a presidential victim of run away establishment power—to head one of the most powerful and most secret (and most dangerous) agencies we maintain in our government.  Ayone who is nominated to head such an agency should be beyond any question of doubt of their support for our Constitution, our moral code and ethical standards.  They must be beyond even a hint of reproach.  He or she should be a person who does not carry the stench of torture into the directorship of the CIA.  

Ms Haspel is a long time insider at the CIA.  Her supporters claim she is “patriotic” “obeyed orders” and was always eager to take on “difficult” assignments.  That is a weakness not a strength in a leadership position which may require an invidual to stand up for a moral and legal code.  Adolph Eichman and the Nuremberg defendants were also patriotic and willing to take on difficult assignments.  Their excuses that they  “did what they were ordered” got them all a hangman’s noose.

Ms. Haspel ran the infamous secret Detention Site “Green” in Thailand where the CIA detained and tortured its victims.  She was involved in the decision to transport and torture Abu Zubaydah at that site. This man, though he freely gave up any information he had to FBI interrogators, he was waterboarded 83 times, as well as suffering extreme physical and mental abuse (more forms of torture) at the hands of the CIA.  In the end, he provided no useful information as a result of this treatment by Ms Haspel and her underlings.   He remains in our custody...nearly two decades after his arrest.  Besides her connection to these actions which are actionable in the World Court and may hinder her travel beyond our borders she was also involved in an illegal coverup of torture and abuse at these infamous detention centers.  Ms Haspel is reported to have complied with orders from the CIA leadership to destroy 92 video tapes which were evidence of the tortures conducted at these dark sites.  That act compounds her involvement, sanctioning and complicity with torture with the act to destroy evidence and coverup an illegal act.  How can such a person assume the leadership of the CIA?



Tuesday, May 1, 2018



Mr. Netanyahu of Israel has launched a campaign to encourage Mr. Trump to pull out of the Iran Nulear Deal.  His attempts fit in with the rest of his policies.  He would have Mr. Trump abandon one of the only positive and useful consequences of the Obama years—the ‘nuclear deal” between Iran—the USA, Germany, France, Russia and China, which reduced tensions in the Middle East and permitted the belligernants to step back from the brink of war.

Netanyahu is an advocate for Israels policies of expansionism and resistance to finding any peaceful solution or common ground with the Palestinians.  (Regardless of his continuous claims to the contrary).  We can not control his ambitions for conflict—but we can ignore his attempts at misinformation and incitement to war. .

Mr. Netanyau’s governemnt has  recently killed and wounded hundreds of peaceful demonstrators INSiDE the Gaza border fence. He has repeatedly bombed targets in  Syria.  His most recent raid in war-torn Syria has killed dozens of non combatants on the ground with “bunker busting “ bombs supplied to him by the USA.

Now he is on a campaign of misinformation regarding the Obama nuclear deal with Iran.  Our military leaders and our intelligence services have debunked Mr. netanyau’s claims as  untrue or “old news”.

Mr. Trump should be very wary of this supposed ally..who would like to hold the USA’s coat, while we engage in conflict with the Iranians.

Mr. Netanyahu is a dangerous ally who should be kept at arms length.

Mr. Trump must be reminded of his promises and his policy of AMERICA FIRST!  

That is exactly what Mr. Netanyahu’s policy are—-Israel First!   These two goals (American and Israaeli) are not congruent or coincident as some of our war hawks and neocons would like us to believe.  We must realize that Mr. Netanyahu does not have the best interests of the US or the rest of the peace loving world in mind as he foments and engages in aggression and as he formulates his foreign policies.

Mr. Trump claims to be an advocate for America...Now is the time tp prove it.

Keep Mr. Netanyahu at arms length.  He is our most dangerous ally.