Thursday, October 29, 2020

Glen Greenwald Can’t Publish Biden Scandal Story -Resigns

 Glen Greenwald Resigns From Intercept 

About six years ago I discovered “The Intercept” and the journalist on the left whom I considered one of the very few,  maybe the only, real journalist remaining  in that progressive (left) part of the journalistic spectrum.

Glen was to me  “the best investigative journalist” of his time and place.  He never disappointed me. 

Glen co-founded “the Intercept” with two other journalists.  His agreement with them may have included boilerplate language found in such contracts which state that  editors are permitted to “edit” author’s  work and submitted work can not be published elsewhere.  

Apparently, the recent revelations (theTony  Bobulinski  documents and witness statements) about candidate Joe Biden’s history of working for himself and the Biden family in China, Ukraine and elsewhere to sell influence and access, while in office on the taxpayers dime drawing the salary of a VPOTUS attracted the attention of Glen Greenwald.  The Bobulinski revelations were  too much of a story for honest journalist Glen Greenwald to ignore.     

Unlike the entire USA media world (aside from Fox News and the NY Post and a few others )US media have  studiously ignored or sat on this story of corruption in high places by a candidate who seems in some polls likely to be our next president.  

Glen apparently wrote a piece on the scandal swirling around Joe and the Biden family self-enrichment schemes to take huge sums of “pay to play” money from Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs seeking influence on Washington. . But Glen’s “editor partners” at the Intercept were unwilling to publish it as written, and were fearful of breaking  the great gray wall of silence erected by the media industry to protect this candidate from embarrassing, unethical revelations or answering probing questions.  Instead these “journos” some of whom may have become an  “accessory after the fact” (an accomplice to crime) by  conspiring with Biden to hide his corrupt past. For the “fake news” media no stories which could in any way advantage President Trump can ever be published.  This is America? 

Glen tried to publish,  but was stymied by the legal constraints of his contract. But instead of submission to censorship, he courageously resigned. Kudos Glen. I wish him great success in any future ventures. 

I sought out the Intercept for the article documenting Glen’s departure   In this piece the purveyors of fake fake news, “the editors”, slime Mr Greewald as posing as a victim, characterizing him as  a juvenile, throwing a tantrum,  etc. They attempt to smear an honest journalist, as they hide a real news story that real journalists would be eager to put their name to,  as they perform the responsible duty of a legitimate Fourth Estate —to truthfully inform the people.  

Below see excerpt from: the 10.29-2020 article in the Intercept, Glen Greenwsld Resigns” . 

“The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum. It would take too long to point them all out here, but we intend to correct the record in time. For now, it is important to make clear that our goal in editing his work was to ensure that it would be accurate and fair. While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism.”!

This above l is what goes for journalism today but is more representative of the propaganda sheets of East Germany during the Cold War years. This episode is a microcosm of  the sad state of our nation’s media co-conspirators with corrupt politicians. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020


 The story that the left is trying to submerge and bury is the Hunter Biden Abandoned Laptop Scandal.  Drug addled Robert (Hunter) Biden abandoned a laptop filled with compromising photographs, and emails that reveal the inner working s of the Biden Family Cosa Nostra. (Italian: Cosa= “thing”, NOSTRA  “our.“  Thus:  “our thing”)  These  data  prove that Joe not only knew about his son’s deals but that he was actually involved in or directed them.  Since 2017 ( when Joe suspiciously strong armed the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings a gas company where his son held a lucrative board seat) Joe  has been repeating the big lie that he “never spoke to his son about Hunter’s business deals and had no knowledge of them.”  The laptop proves that Joe lied over and over again.  

 The abandoned laptop now in the hands of the FBI reveals that the Biden’s had their “own thing” and that Joe was the head (“Big Guy“)  of this family business involved in selling access to illicitly influence government policy.  

The  Biden family  “business” in which Joe’s brothers, his sister and son(s)  were all involved, operated by using  Joes’s name and elected position to leverage emoluments ( in the form of fees, no-show jobs, lucrative  positions on corporate boards, cash, gifts, and other forms of self-enrichment )  from willing and eager foreign corporations and individuals ready  to pay  to gain access to top tier politicians like Joe so as to influence legislation ad policy in Washington .  This is nothing new.   corrupt politicians have been doing this since the days of the Roman Empire.  Most recently Bill and Hillary were masters at.selling influence and  in “pay to play” schemes. Hillary was heavily  involved stuffing the coffers of the Clinton Global Initiative with cash while  serving with Biden as Obama’s Secretary of State (thus, her need for her own now infamous secret mail server). Joe probably learned a few tricks from Clinton during these years.  The  Clinton Global Initiative’s real function was as a slush fund for the Clintons and HRC’s 2016 election fund.  The Bidens were not as smart or as corrupt as Bill and Hillary.  But with 47 years in DC even dummies learn how to swindle the public.  And for the “family” headed with a professional politician  there  was enough time and foreign funds to share and to raise all of the Biden family fortunes. 

Circumstances dramatically  improved Biden family “business opportunities”, especially while Joe served for eight years as Obama’s VP and “point man” in China, Ukraine and elsewhere.  Based on new evidence from an actual witness and business partner of  Hunter Biden we know more lurid details.  Not only was Joe informed of Hunter’s business deals but he was a silent partner who demanded a 10% skim off the top profits.  In addition to his ten percent “rake off “ he further stipulated his name was to be scrupulously kept out of any “deals”.  This served the groups business interests in that Joe could continue to play the mythic  role of “working-class guy, commuter politician“ and thus get reelected on a regular basis and keep the  ” family thing business” going. 

But even a Gambino crime family would have to “go to the mattresses” when a family‘s  son falls prey to drugs and other illegal habits and causes an evidence-stuffed laptop to wind up in the hands of the FBI.  

 But sadly the USA “media, government, intelligence, industrial complex“  have circled  the wagons to ignore the whole lurid story. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 Joe Biden is the Democrat stealth candidate.  Stealth candidates misinform the electorate and thus  have no mandate to govern.  In a democracy they are the political “con men (women), an abomination.

In our system of Constitutional representative, government the people, the citizenry, the legitimate voters  are the source of the power to govern. They elect those they want to represent them. Each election should be a sacrosanct event of the transfer of power from one administration to the next  in which it is only the people, the “demos” of the Greek word  “demokratia,” who are the source of the mandate to govern.  

Only the people can transfer the right to govern to their candidate. But an essential  corollary of this right is that the “demos” also have a right and a duty to know the platform, plans and. details of the candidates.  They have a Constitutional right  to information about the candidates.. 

A stealth candidate (“candidate furtif”) is one who knowingly and purposely conceals his or her positions or plans, or purposely misrepresents them.  Most often this is  because their actual plans are so unpopular that if revealed the likelihood of their election would be compromised.  Such a candidate nullifies the underlying basis of the election. The victor in such an election has no valid mandate to govern.

What is also clear is the need for a robust unbiased,  fact-based Fourth Estate which functions to honestly inform the citizenry regarding  the nature of all the candidates and their platforms. Sadly, in this, our mass media have failed us.  

The politicized modern mass media and social media in the Trump era have an agenda of their own.  They ignore the sacred will of the people, and instead have turned toward  positing the view of a few elites. They have embraced the idea of a super intelligent, “scientific”, better-informed elite oligarchy ( oligo = the few).  The “few” in government, academia and the media who have  self-established their own elite status believe that they—the few—know what is best for the more than 320 million of their compatriots.   In doing so they abandon our most elemental  laws, precepts, and precedents embodied in our Constituion.  These so called “journalists”, rather than functioning to inform the electorate,  instead conspire with the stealth candidate to submerge, conceal and misrepresent the candidate’s agenda  and formal platform.  In 2020, Joe Biden has become the most recent example of the  “stealth candidate”.

What is Biden and his campaign hiding?  

Biden’s campaign is both literally and virtually buried away in his dark, dank Delaware basement.  Biden is an old man. He is hiding his own physical frailty and mental decline. But far worse than that, he is concealing and misrepresenting his far left social, economic and domestic agenda.  A platform he has agreed to to gain the nomination in a new far left Democrat party.  He is welcome to present this agenda to the voters,  as there are some who support such a platform. Instead he says ”they don’t deserve to know”.  So he remains a silent con man hoodwinking the electorate  .  His candidacy is a dishonest one. Even if he were to win,  he would have no valid mandate to govern because he has so thoroughly misrepresented himself to the voter. 

We still have time for Biden to come clean and for the journalists to ask candidate Biden some hard questions.  Make him an honest candidate,  who,  if he wins, can actually have a valid mandate to govern. . 

Monday, October 19, 2020


 The MS Media: Accessory After the Fact In Biden Case?

Accessory After the Fact

While merely failing to report a crime is one thing, helping to conceal a crime is another. A person can generally be charged with accessory after the fact, or aiding and abetting, if he or she wasn't actually present during the commission of a crime, but took actions to conceal the crime or help the perpetrators avoid capture.

The recent revelations regarding the Hunter Biden laptop embrolglio  angers me. Crimes have been revealed  that should be exposed and investigated,  But forces within our nation  conspire to hide or submerge these.  In this case it is clear that the politicized  media and social media are conspiring with Democrats to aid and abet criminal activity.  They should be charged  as accessories after the fact. 

Several months ago a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden,former VP Joe Biden’s son, was dropped off at a computer shop in Delaware for repairs after it was damaged.  The owner, Hunter Biden, failed to collect  the instrument after signing  an agreement which stipulated that failure to collect and pay the repair costs would result in forfeiture of the laptop to the shop owner. 

After months went by, the shop owner—by this time the formal owner of the abandoned computer—inspected the hard drive and content of the instrument  in an attempt to locate the owner and perhaps get paid for his services.  What he found was  evidence in the form of imagery and e-mails indicating  probable criminal activity.  Fearful that he may become an accessory to a crime ( aiding and abetting a criminal activity) he called in the FBI and presented  the instrument to that organization.  He took the precaution to copy the contents of the hard drive to protect himself. 

That hard drive eventually came to the attention of the NY Post ( oldest and third or fourth largest newspaper in circulation) which reported last week ( Wednesday Oct 14, 2020) that besides incriminating pictures of the former owner, (Hunter Biden) there were incriminating emails. These reveal that Hunter, while on the board of  Burisma Holding Co. (a Ukrainian natural gas firm) introduced his father, VP Joe Biden, to a chief executive (Vladimir Pozharsyi) of that firm with the apparent intention of influencing or encouraging favorable action from the White House in regard to Burisma and its dealings with the USA.    

Pozharskyi’s email thanks Hunter for the introduction to his father and the opportunity for time spent with the VP.  The document (dated April 17, 2015) is evidence of a possible troubling act of collusion between father and son to use government position for personal gain.   

The email is of interest because it occurs just about one year before VP Joe Biden  (at the time “ point man”  for President Obama in Ukraine)  infamously called for the ouster of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma for illegal activities  (where Hunter was on the Board earning an exorbitant fee).  Was this act the payoff for Hunter’s job?

At the time,  Biden bragged on TV that he threatened the Ukraine President to withhold  a billion dollar US loan, unless the offending prosecutor was fired within the next six hours—the time of Biden’s planned departure from Ukraine. Biden proudly stated  that the man was  fired and in return he released the loan money.  

The VP  didn’t reveal at that time that Burisma was paying Hunter Biden some $80,000 per month to sit on the board of the Burisma gas company in Ukraine, a nation in which Hunter  had no knowledge and an industry in which he had no expedience.  Hunter  was simply being paid for his connections to the White House.  During the Obama years a “pay for play” operation was rampant in both the Clinton-run State Department, and now it seems as well, in Biden’s VP office.  Famously, Biden denied any knowledge of Hunter’s compromising  position when questioned about the firing of the prosecutor. Biden’s reply has always been, “the firing had nothing to do with Hunter”, adding somewhat unbelievably: “I never spoke with my son about his business dealings”.

Now we know, as a result of the abandoned laptop, Biden lied.  Biden is not the lovable “ old uncle Joe”,  an act  he has spent 47 years in DC polishing and perfecting portraying for re-election. His  record instead reveals more of a typical corrupt  professional “pol” in the worst sense of the word. A lecher, a plagiarist, a master of self emolument by  “pay for play.”   Biden is the head of a family, in which his sister, his brother and his two sons were all well schooled and proficient  at using the Biden name to sell access to the .”regular guy“ Senator who rode the commuter train home each day, but who   ( in Hunter’s now exposed emails) was really the “big guy” who skimmed 10% off the top of all of Hunter’s deals. 

But Biden’s connivance and malfeasance is totally ignored by the press.  Biden is the benefactor of the main stream media’s abandonment of its critical role  of acting as members of the  “Fourth Estate” — journalists- who function to expose such acts.  Sadly, in our time the media are in cahoots with the perpetrators, rather than eager to expose them. In the Trump era they function as co-conspirators as they aid and abet the criminals by ignoring and helping to hide criminal activity.

After the NY Post broke the story, all other MSM remained silent, either failing to report the story at all or claiming it was a Russian hoax.   Tech giants Twitter and Facebook actually blocked accounts of those who attempted to retweet or pass on the NY Post piece.  The social media giants even went to the extreme of actually blocking the accounts of the NY Post and government officials as well. What about our First Amendment?  

In our system of jurisprudence, those who aid or abet a criminal act can be charged with being an accessory after the fact.  I suggest here that the media and social media are hiding aiding and and abetting criminal  acts of the Biden family.   Certain editors, reporters and publications which knowingly hold the incriminating stories and fail to report them are acting like the dozens of witnesses in the infamous 1964, New York, Kitty Genoese slaying who stared out of their windows, ignoring the violence they heard below but doing nothing to report or aid the screaming victim. Those folks were held culpable for failure to report a crime.  But gave no aid to the criminal.   Can these publishers and journalists today who actually conspire with a criminal to avoid detection be considered  accessories after the fact?  They are intentionally concealing a crime and aiding a criminal to avoid prosecution. 


Saturday, October 10, 2020



 We have all heard over and over again that President Trump paid only $750 in taxes in 2016. Many working citizens paid more taxes.  How can that be?

We all know why we pay taxes.  Revenue is collected to pay for government services.  Our government  presently (2020) collects about $3 trillion dollars in taxes from Americans and spends about $4 trillion.  Much expenditure is for our military, health care, various Government services, maintaining  government facilities, and paying interest  on our borrowed money.  We must collect revenue for these purposes, but at the same time we do not want to discourage entrepreneurship and economic growth 

The government in it wisdom realizes that its ability  to tax can also incentivize investment and promote economic well being   To help increase wealth and business investment, create jobs and sustain profits for all,  the government attempts to encourage individuals and corporations to invest their profits by implementing  deductions on gross income  to encourage reinvestment.  A deduction is a correction to a tax payer’s  gross income which permits the  payer  to remove certain classes of income  such as: costs incurred to generate profit (as well as  losses of income) from  income to calculate what’s called “taxable income”.  Citizens  pay taxes at a sliding rate based on taxable income. 

A traveling salesman can deduct the cost of travel, cost of hotel bills and food from his income.  A teacher can deduct the cost of special materials she or he may need to conduct their classes.  Large businesses can deduct the costs of a new plant , or the development costs of a new product from the total profits generated from the sales of that product. Losses such as in cases where a chain store must close a store which has been unprofitable are also deductible.  Thus the government does not punish an investor for loss. Such action would only tend to discourage further investment,  Deductions help to stimulate new investment, increase investment, increase economic growth and encourage better services to the community as well as new jobs too. 

Therefore, one can see how common it must be for individuals or a company to pay little tax or no tax at all for certain periods of time when legitimate deductions are high.  It is common for  larger corporations such as GE, Ford, GM, or Sysco  or other large companies to pay no taxes because of high deductables resulting from investing their profits in new plants and new products.  As a result, many huge companies often  pay no or very little taxes in some years. But the government and the nation still profit from increased wealth, new products, innovations, growth in employment, better paying jobs, increased service to communities, that these entities generate.  Thus  for this reason our government wisely  maintains and encourages the use of deductions. 

Paying little tax or no tax may mean the individual or corporation made large investments that year or had heavy losses, all of  which raised their deductions equal to their profits for that year. It does not indicate  that they did any thing illegal or even unethical. 

President Trump’s $750 dollar tax bill reflects his company reinvested most of its profits, and had losses which increased deductions.  

Tax returns are Byzantine  and complex documents that can not be understood in a ten second sound bite such as:  “ He only paid seven hundred fifty dollars in taxes,”.  The statement  is meaningless and suggests that the person making a claim  suggesting something sinister is either ignorant of tax regulations or is simply  attempting to deceive the public. 


Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 The Democrats are planning to raise taxes on the “super wealthy” to pay for their free stuff. We are indebted now up to our necks S a result of the responses to the pandemic. ( national debt is pegged at $27 trillion).  The free stuff the Dems are proposing will have to come from more taxes.   Free college educations, free health care, free border passage for unvetted migrants from around the world , freedom to vote for anyone citizen or illegal interloper, support for the Green New Deal and etc. etc, etc. 

They plan to collect all this additional revenue that is often calculated as about $2 trillion dollars by raising taxes on the “super wealthy”. The proposals generally floated around include a raise of 1 % on incomes of those making more than $600,000 annually.  According to many tax specialists that rise in taxes would generate about $12 billion dollars annually.  Pressed for more revenue they might go with a 2% rise and generate about 24 billion annually from the super wealthy. That is a far cry from the $2 trillion dollar price tag for the free stuff.  Thus we expect they would have to go to other revenue raising schemes such as a wealth tax.  

According to Senator Elizabeth Warren one of the most vocal proponent of the wealth tax such a draconian step would raise  about $30 billion per year.  Thus with the increased income tax and the wealth tax passed into law  the Biden Harris government could net an additional $50 billion annually.  Still that is no where near the price tag for the free stuff. 

Let’s look at the numbers a little more closely.  Presently ( prior to the Corona virus pandemic and its economic impact) we have a revenue stream of about $3 trillion dollars annually, but we spend closer to $4 trillion trillion.  The Dems are proposing massive increases in spending to sweeten up their appeal at the polls, while they promise to raise taxes only on the ugly greedy super wealthy. It is clear that even with massive and damaging rises in taxes to the upper 1% of tax payers and super wealthy they can only increase the revenue by a measly $50 billion dollars annually.  

Let’s be clear what that amount is. Suppose the revenue income was $3000 dollars per year ( rather than the $3 trillion dollars it is)  and we spent $4000 dollars per year for a deficit of $1000 annually. The additional tax revenue from raising taxes on the wealthy alone would be a mere $50 dollars a year.  A far cry from the $2000 dollar estimate ( in this analogy) that would be required to meet the needs of the Democrat spending spree. 

Just when do you think they will get that money? 

From all of you middle class tax payers!  It is going to cost you all to dump Mr Trump and replace him with Mr Biden. 

Attempting to actually implement their spending plans during the recover from the Corona virus pandemic would be catastrophic.  We have already indebted our government attempting to counter the effects of the pandemic. 

Expect a massive recession. Seniors on Medicare can expect to have to share their health providers with a massive new cadre of new illegal immigrant patients. Those who have company insurance will lose those benefits and have to accept Obamacare.  Workers can expect many employers  to cut pay or fire employees as a resu”t of their inability to afford to continue employment or hire new help at the new $15 dollars per hour wages.  Expect massive unemployment.  Expect massive increases in unemployment costs to government.  Expect the dollar to fall in value.  The investment class and the productive elements of the economy who have had to fork over large sums of cash and wealth to the government for redistribution will no longer have funds for expansion, new investments or for increasing need for employees.  Expect layoffs.  Many of these wealthy will find ways to avoid the wealth tax or leave the country ( as they did in France until the French decided to abandon the impractical counter productive idea) 

The Democrat economic plans for the nation can be best described bs an incipient disaster entering  the history books as the BIDEN HARRIS ECONOMIC  DISASTER AND RESULTING  DYSTOPIA OF 2021

Sunday, October 4, 2020


Four years ago at the Trump-Clinton debate, Wallace complained that President Trump treated him (Wallace) as a “potted plant”. Four years later, Wallace, perhaps to assuage his bruised ego , Wallace attempted  to avoid being sidelined, by stripping to his knickers and jumping  into the wrestling ring to tangle clumsily and ineffectively with Trump and Biden, completely ignoring his role as moderator. 

Chris Wallace.the typical, elite Ivy League-educated Washington DC swamp denizen, is the natural son of a great journalist, the late Mille Wallace.  Chris made it  clear on October 29, 2020. that having the surname of a great journalist is simply not enough.   Wallace  moderated and conducted the worst debate in modern-day political history, and will never live it down.  If he simply shut up about his failure, he would have been better off, but in a childish temper tantrum he had the chutzpah to air his failure on TV where he blamed the candidates and President Trump for his malfeasance, bias and incompetence. 

The man carries the name of a great journalist but that’s about all. Raised from the age of one year in  the powerful, affluent family of stepfather-president, Bill Leonard of CBS News, Wallace attended elite. preparatory schools, Harvard University and then, as the step-son of the boss, was awarded the plum job of assistant to Water Cronkite, at a very early age. With Mike Wallace’s name and his stepfather’s TV news industry clout and connections Chris was greased up the corporate ladder into top echelons of that industry. With just average skills but excellent connections and a famous name he rose rapidly to the pinnacle of news anchoring and reporting with little effort.  

But you either have it or you don't.  And  like many scions of the great, he showed his lack of  mettle when the job got tough and the skills of his talented father were needed.  At that point he completely fell apart as he squirmed and blustered while at the helm of the greatest event of the year,  and the most watched debate in recent political history-the September 29, 2020 Trump-Biden debate.  After that debacle, no one will ever ask Chris Wallace to moderate a debate again.

Wallace with all his elite prep-schooling and Harvard university training seems to have been dozing at his desk when the professor  discussed the meaning of what the word “moderator” means. That person is a neutral arbiter  who helps conduct a meaningful debate by keeping the candidate on time, treating them them equally permitting rebuttal, and pressing them to actually address and answer the questions posed by the moderator.  Here Chris failed miserably. 

Unfortunately, Chris made it clear from the beginning that he was not a neutral moderator of the debate. He seemed determined to insure that Trump would not treat him as a “potted plant“ again.  That was a mistake.  From the beginning,  he showed his bias by pressing the President, interrupting him, and failing to press candidate Biden to address questions which were posed to him. And clearly Wallace did not followi up on Biden’s questions, while he vigorously pursued the President. Once it was apparent to the candidates that Wallace was not a neutral moderator the debate fell apart. Wallace began talking over both candidates attempting to gain some semblance of control, but to no effect. 

When the President determined he was debating both Biden and Wallace, he was forced to defend himself.  Given no opportunity to rebut Biden’s charges, the President had no alternative but to speak out, often over the voice of Wallace and Biden. At this point the “debate”went downhill fast and Chis revealed he did not have  the skills of a Mike Wallace.  The  resulting melee was largely the result of his inability to maintain a neutral posture.  

The night exposed the weaknesses of Wallace and both candidates. There were no winners.  

Chris, you ain’t no Mile Wallace! 

Friday, October 2, 2020



Biden head of a sinister revolution not a change of administration. 

With the distressing revelation today that President Trump is positive for Corona virus and will be quarantined at the White House, the American undecided voter is put into a quandary just a bit more than 30 days from the election.  Aside from the obvious questions about the state of the nation, and the well being of the President and First Lady, they are fearful and unsettled about the imminent election.  Do they vote for a president who may be compromised by the virus, or for the Democrat  candidate of whom very little is known of his actual POLICIES,  simply because he has been in fearful self-imposed  quarantine in his Delaware basement for most of the last six months of the campaign, and simply will not answer any questions about his policies? 

The strategy of the Democrats has been to put before the nation’s voters the now old, frail Joe Biden who has been kept virtually incommunicado, but who the campaign and the Media present only as the antithesis of the brash, boisterous bullying  President Trump. (Sadly the media have become not “questioning truth seeking journalists”, but only the propaganda arm of the Democrats)   But that Biden is not Donald Trump  is all we know or have been let to know about him.  He is the first American Trojan Horse candidate.  Biden has not been before a group of questioning and probing journalists—(they are too fearful to ask any questions of him afraid that in doing so they may inadvertently support the candidacy of his opponent) so he remains only a cardboard cutout of a candidate, a figment of the imagination from the last administration. And a  stealth candidate whom the voters only know as garrulous, back patting, gaff prone, woman-sniffing- touching “Uncle” Joe Biden. 

What we do know is that the far fringe left who populate and control Biden’s campaign and support him are radicals who are planning a sub Rosa campaign to completely alter our system of government.  They are planning a revolution not a change of administration.  Why?  Because they have come to the conclusion that  they can not regularly win decisively with the system as it is. 

This is a stealth revolution in progress!

What can the voters expect from a Biden Trojan horse campaign? 

First it is clear that frail, weak,  elderly Joe and Jill  will take the back seat and let policy be driven by the real power brokers within his radical staff. 

They want open borders to permit unfettered immigration from elsewhere to change the nation’s  present demographics in the hopes that such policies would alter the nations voter roles in such a way as to favor their socialist policies.  

They want to eliminate the Electoral College so as to shunt power away from the nation electing a  President popular across a broad range of geographic areas of this diverse nation into a system of popular vote which would favor  their own power base in  the coastal megapolis of East and West where teeming recent immigrants both legal and illegal remain only weakly assimilated into our society among a much more economically dependent anti capitalist social environment. 

They would pack the Supreme Court  because — their policies have become so radical they no longer can control enough states to win the White House regularly,  or a majority in the the Senate and thus have little opportunity to seat Supreme Court judges who favor their left wing polices.  

They would add more states to the union ( adding Washington DC , Puerto Rico etc. ) so as to add more Left leaning Democrat Senators to that body in an attempt to break the log jam the often Republican controlled Senate has been to their extreme polices. 

The Democrat  plans for the economy are just as threatening.  They would put a strangle hold on the nation’s businesses, both large and small, by abandoning the Trump tax and regulations cuts and massively increasing both personal and business taxes. ( This to pay for their massive free giveaway  programs in free education, giveaways to poorly governed urban areas, increased social spending and elsewhere).   The result of which is to take wealth out of the hands of the productive portion of the citizenry to funnel it through the grossly inefficient government and then into the hands of the least productive elements of society.  Expect that to drastically decrease business investment, lower the GDP, weaken the stock market, increase the unemployed, lower government  tax receipts  and lead to generalized decline of the economy—perhaps a recession. 

So the choice of voters should be clear.  If you favor our present system of government which has produced the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth, the best of all worlds ,  you must shun the Democrats whose policies would initiate a national decline into a poverty stricken Venezuela style socialism. 

Vote vote vote.! 

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Below is the gist of a letter I received from an old Brooklyn friend.  The names and places have been changed.  

“White. Privilege?  I knew it exited.  The really rich like the Kennedys, Roosveldts, Du Ponts and others like that were privileged sure.  But 99.9% of folks in America like me never experienced it.  But I think  I know what these folks who are pushing Critical Race Theory are talking about.  It’s crazy, but to them, if somehow you were able to grow up without serving jail time, and were successful enough to put a roof over your head and food on the table, you somehow did it as a result of white  “privileged” and had a easy time of it.  It sounds like “transference” to me. That is the word I use to describe the case of transferring blame for a bad outcome.  Like the kid with the failing grade who wants to forget the fact that he /she did not study, but would rather blame the teacher for making the test too difficult.  

According to the NY Times and Critical Race Theory me and my childhood  best friend  Jammy (Jamille) Terry, we would  be classed as having lives of “white privilege”.   Jamie and I attended public school 201 and high school together.  We  both came from working class families.  And we were relatively good students who worked hard and as a result achieved reasonable success.  But today, after the Black Lives Matter uprisings we  should feel guilty about our “privileges“.  (Oh yeah, we were both straight males too and I guess that’s not so good anymore either.  It’s simply  another source of guilt. )

Yeah,  in our neighborhood,  me and Jamey, we would have been classed as “white privileged“ by modern day standards.  We had it pretty good even though we  lived on the wrong side of 13th Avenue in  Borough Park, Brooklyn.  Even being poor,  we had it better than a lot of the other kids in the “hood”.  Both our dads came home  from work each  night.  One from the LI Railroad  the other from a small auto painting business.  We both had a two-parent family, and both our moms worked.  Mine,  as a seamstress in a local coat factory and Jamey’s mom in a furniture store on 4th Avenue.  We lived in similar apartment houses with our parents and siblings  ( but neither of us had our own room!  I wonder if that cuts into our “privilege” status? ) and were raised to respect the law and stay away from gangs, drugs, tobacco  and alcohol, In time, we both graduated high school in 1957  and then went to Brooklyn College,  which In those days was free —but only if you had very good grades. Jamille went on to become a lawyer.  I did ok too.   My life was a bit more privileged.  Jamille,was In ROTC and went on to serve in the Army in Vietnam during that war.  He died there when his MASH unit took a direct hit from Vietcong artillery.

So according to the modern day race theory ( Critical Race Theory) we both lived lives of “white privilege” that we should feel guilty about.  Fact is  Jamille was a black kid and I white.  . I kinda feel that that theory isn’t really much about skin color or race. It’s a lot more about how you were brought up.    If Jamie were around now I don’t think he would feel guilty about being a privileged Black  “white” kid  and  I don’t feel that way either. 

Some folks want us to feel guilty for our “privileges“ of having two loving parents, of being sons of hard working, caring-fathers who took responsibility for their familes, of having  moms who directed us To do our best, made our lunch bags up. (Jamie’s brown paper lunch bag was always the neatens and best in our class), cooked our meals, helped us with our homework and made sure we brushed  our teeth.  And to live in a family whIch took us  to church on Sunday, and made sure we respected our teachers, the pastor of our church and the cop on the beat.  

These CRT folks  really just want us to feel guilty about the great sacrifices our folks, both black and white, made for us.  We had no special privileges only caring and loving parents.   Somehow I don’t get it.”