Friday, December 22, 2023



In South Africa of 1990, a nation which had suffered through decades of racial discord, oppression, humiliation and death to South African blacks under the ruling Afrikaans government policy of “apartheid” which confined blacks to enclosed ghettos known as Bantustans (“homelands”), SA president Fredrick DeKlerk finally came to the realization that there was no future for SA in the long-held suppression of the African population. On that date, DeKlerk released his former nemesis, freedom fighter Nelson Mandela, from prison after 27 years of incarceration, ended apartheid, and submitted the nation to free elections.

Perhaps, in Israel, after this two month long descent into unprecedented inhumanity of death, violence and hate manifested by the Israel-Hamas Gaza War, some new leader in Israel will come to their “Mandela Point” and realize that there is no security for Israel, no secure peace, no options for acceptance of Israel by the world at large, and no future with the present polices of suppressing the legitimate statehood goals of the Palestinians. This unknown “Israeli DeKlerk” will end the racist-colonialist policies within Israel, close the outdoor apartheid prisons of the West Bank and Gaza, formulate a policy that will unite Gaza and the West Bank into a coherent free state. This new leader will envision the dark future of recurrent descent into violence, hate, death, and political turmoil, as well as the continued decline of Israeli respect and world acceptance. After this present demonstration of Israeli “war goals” with little regard for international norms of war or respect for innocent life the world at large can no longer afford or permit to such circumstances to continue.  There is no hope for either Israel or Palestinians under the policies of this present Israeli government. 

Israel’s present stated policy is to destroy Hamas and root it out of Gaza. This is not a reasonable goal given the reality of the situation, the nature of the terrane and the manifest massive collateral death and damage required to even attempt to achieve this goal. It is manifestly impossible.   

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 “Speaking Truth to Power” (American Friends Service, 1955) is a peaceful political tactic used to change the power structure under which people live and was effectively used by: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, Martin Luther King…and many others. 

However, today we are faced with a world where “speaking truth to power” is limited by fear of reprisal.  Noam Chomsky explained why. He stated : “‘Speaking truth to power’ is unnecessary. Power knows the truth already and is busy concealing it. He might have added: in modern times they are also busy preparing reprisals for those who attempt to use it. 

We live in a world in which our present government attempts to control “truth” by generating  narratives that protect and empower them.  If you fail to accept THEIR reality, they attack you as an apostate, ignoramus, terrorist sympathizer, or worse. Often their “reality” is so radically at odds with what your senses, your intelligence and experience tell you is true, you can not logically accept what they claim, and you wonder how rational humans could have could have reached such “far out”conclusions.  They are rational..their intention is to deceive. 

On Nov 20, 2023, John Kirby, Biden’s National Security Advisor, was queried about the “Genocide Joe”, taunt directed at President Biden by pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Many Democrats  believe our President, who has steadfastly refused to call for a cease fire in Gaza is thus “complicit in IDF ethnic cleansing, and in the killing of 15,000 innocent Palestinian civilians”.  In fact, a formal lawsuit alleging “genocide” was recently filed in a San Francisco court against the President and members of his administration who staunchly support the Netanyahu government. 

Kirby responded, claiming the term “genocide” was used “inappropriately”. In the Biden-Kirby world of alternate reality it is  Hamas, not Israel who is committing genocide.  In Kirby’s world, Israel (which has the 4th largest military in the world, equipped with US supplied heavy armor, massive intercontinental missiles, long range artillery, a powerful modern air force, and with 300,000 elite troops deployed in tiny Gazais the victim of “genocide”!   In Kirby’s twisted reality a lightly armed militia of perhaps a few thousand—holed up somewhere in the vast area of shattered buildings and concrete rubble in Gaza— are committing genocide upon Israel which is the victim.   Empirical observations, logic and human senses make that argument impossibly difficult to accept.  

Hamas is a terrorist organization, it has attacked Israel in a vicious, horribly violent act, but can that attack be constituted as “genocide”?  That would be difficult to prove.  Were the 9/11 terrorists who struck the Twin Towers in fuel laden passenger jets  committing genocide? They killed many more civilians, but was it genocide? No one has ever made that claim. (George Bush (like Netanyahu) turned our massive military forces upon Iraq in rage filled revenge response to that attack killing tens of thousands and displacing millions of innocents in a nation which had little to do with 9-11. 

In Gaza our empirical observations from video and media reports reveal each day the level of destruction meted out in that narrow strip of land. The IDF has dropped the “equivalent of two Hiroshima nuclear bombs” in an area about the size and population density of Queens NY.  Imagine that level of destruction in Queens!  Media reports document the purposeful targeting and destruction of civilian sites such as flour mills, bakeries (11 bakeries have been purposely blown up), food caches, water purification facilities, hospitals, ambulances, sewage systems, residential areas, known refugee camps, and hospital parking lots where hundreds were seeking refuge against the incessant bombing.  These IDF list of targets are enough to provide evidence to the world of the Netanyahu government’s intentions to kill, to terrorize and to eliminate or “cleanse” civilians from Gaza.  Observers conclude the Israeli objective of these attacks are to drive the civilian population out of Gaza into surrounding nations. Additional evidence of attacks on civilians is the fact that the IDF cut off all electricity, water, medicine and fuel supplies into the tiny enclave of 2.4 million. Furthermore they directed civilians to flee to areas to the south, where those areas were then intentionally bombed. These are evidences of war crimes, “ethnic cleansing” and even genocide.  It is terrible to think that our “democratic” ally Israel has descended to this level of rage, revenge and inhumanity. We do not want to believe it.  But the facts impose themselves on us.

But here in the USA we are not really surprised. Kirby’s alternate reality is the typical  modus operandi of the Biden administration where wrong is right, functional is dysfunction, open is closed, “safe” areas are targets and perpetrators are victims. 

For Biden and Kirby our Mexican border is closed.  Yet our eyes reveal thousands of illegals worming through razor wire coils, wading across the the Rio Grande or simply files of young men walking across that border each month. Millions have done so already. Tens of thousands of illegals clutter the sidewalks in tent communities of our major “sanctuary” cities where they  find handouts and temporary comfort.   In the real world our border is wide open. 

Joe Biden claims: “Bidenomics is working”, but consumer’s eyes roll and jaws drop when confronted with massively inflated prices at the gas pump, or the grocery store check-out- counter”, or at McDonald’s—and its “$16 burger meal”.  Our pocketbooks and intellect tell us we have lost almost 1/5 of the value of our “Trump-years” dollar’s purchasing-power under Biden. That will not come back when inflation drops back to 2% (if it ever does)  Our flattened pocketbooks tell us the truth: Bidenomics is not working.

For Biden and his supporters, the 2020 election was perfectly “valid”. They dissemble. They continue to suppress  the facts surrounding many irregularities of that election. Such as that Mark Zuckerberg gave over $400 million dollars as a legally questionable and hidden “get out the vote campaign” for Democrats in key states. That Democrat sympathizers and propagandists suppressed and then debunked the Hunter Biden laptop news story. The FBI lied about it, 51 former “security sources” claimed it was Russian disinformation. The suppression of these damaging revelations surely altered perceptions of voters at a critical time in the election cycle. Must most egregious and damaging were the often illegal alterations to absentee, mail-in and eligibility voter-requirements which were instituted by appointed State or county individuals rather than the legal legislators of the state. Yet anyone who rightly claims that there were election “irregularities” in that election (in which only slightly more then ten thousand votes in each of four key states changed the results) is deemed a conspiracy theorist or liar.   

In the Biden world alternate reality there is “no crime wave”. But our senses tell us that  “defunding the police”, police “accountability” initiatives, and support for BLM has led to a “soft on crime mentality”, and a spike in car jackings, shootings, street-violence, and robbery.  The spreading plague of  “smash and grab” looter mobs in urban areas are called “peaceful, legitimate demonstrators” in this alternate Biden world. On the other hand, political demonstrators objecting to established government narratives or “received wisdom” get long sentences of incarceration, while “progressive” judges using no bail and “equity incarceration” policies  release violent criminals to emerge on the streets to commit more vicious or heinous acts. They know the truth, but hide it.

Each weekend our President stiffly staggers and stumbles across the White House lawn to a waiting helicopter pad for his trip to Delaware; he often knows not where to stand, verbally fluffs his printed lines, falls ignominiously climbing stairs, can not reliably remember where he is, reads haltingly (only from a prompter), when not stumbling a reading from a prepared text he falls into “faux history” parables as his mind wanders, yet his staff tout him as “fit for another 4 years”.  They know the truth but hide it. 

The Biden government has actively turned the powerful forces of the government judicial and policing power against its political enemies by raiding Mar a Lago, over a dispute that is tantamount to “over-due library books”, bringing flagrant charges that are designed to smear political opponents, drain their financial resources, imprison them, or tie them up in a legal quagmire so that they can not effectively campaign for office. These efforts are indefensible.

We live today in a world where “truth” is only what elites in government and their media propagandists want you think.   Those who actually see that the “Emperor has no clothes” and have the temerity to express that idea are attacked as idiots, “irredeemables”, conspiracy theorists, liars, antisemites, or dangerous “agent provocateurs”.  They use fear to silence you and control your ability to speak truth to power.  

Chomsky was right: Kirby and Biden know Hamas is not “committing genocide”, they know  crime is rampant, that Bidenomics is a failure, that the head of government is too old for the job, that our border is wide open, that they are using “lawfare” against political enemies. But they are consumed with concealing these facts, so as to prevent your-the voters-from acting on that knowledge.  

But Chomsky would agree: Don't let them get away with it.  Keep speaking  truth to power!