Appearing on Chris Wallace's Fox News last Sunday (April 6,2014) , where he was surrounded by other Fox tough guys who like to swagger behind their desks and heel-click their patent leather shoes as they support sending other people's kids to war, little Micky Haden (former CIA director under George Bush and Dick Cheney) characterized Senator Dianne Feinstein as "emotional" and her CIA torture report non-objective, though he had not even read the summary of the report.
“That sense that the motivation for the report may show deep emotional feeling on the part of (Sen. Dianne Feinstein), but I don’t think it leads you to an objective report,” Hayden said on "Fox News Sunday."
Hayden, used the "emotional female" card against Feinstein, suggesting that she could not be "objective" about torture. The catty, ad hominem attack by Hayden to Wallace's question left little Micky look looking "emotional" as he squirmed with obvious anxiety concerned that his own culpability in the torture revelations of the CIA will be exposed.
I image Haden labors under the "tough-guy-behind-the-desk" opinion that you are only a "real man", when you can order six big guys to tie down a scared, struggling individual to a gurney, then stub out cigarette butts on his bare chest, or pour water down his mouth and nose, or stick the handle of plunger up his anus, or tie electric cables to his testicles, then be able to laugh about it when he screams in agony. Yeah, maybe Diane Feinstein can't countenance such behavior, but a "real man" like little Micky Haden can do it.
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