Panetta is a man who earned himself the epithet "stunningly disloyal" and greedy with the publication of his "tell all" book when he left the Obama Administration. The publication earned Panetta a nice buck when it was released just before elections. But it famously armed the Republican opposition with good talking points who claimed they were written by a "Democrat". This man has a long resume of working like a mole within the system. In his last tottering years he worked for President Obama and the administration as both CIA Director and Secretary of Defense. Positions which he did not deserve and was famously unprepared for. In his book he unjustifiably blames Obama for the rise of Isis and the destabilization of Iraq, as well as failing to send troops into Syria during the Syrian civil war. This man of who shifted with the winds from Republicanism to Democrat in 1971 is way off base in his recent pronouncements (March 26, 2015) advising the President to "make peace" with Bibi Netanyahu, another back stabber.
It was our nATION AND MR. OBAMA who were offended and rightly so, by the Israeli Prime Minister"s scheme to undermine the US President's foreign policy initiatives and (incomplete) attempt to conclude an Iranian nuclear deal, and to upend US protocol, and simple decent behavior, with his speech to the Senate, as well as his stated backtracking on commitments to support a two-state solution to the Palestinian question in good faith, and his racist remarks to supporters during the Israeli elections. It would be completely wrong for the US President to approach Mr. Netanyahu, hat in hand asking for reconciliation. Panetta does not mention that the crux of the problem is not personal pique between the two men, but MAJOR POLICY DIFFERENCES WITH THE ISRAELI LEADER, who had declared himself to be in direct opposition to established US policy goals. So what would Mr. Panetta have the President do? Tailor US policy to Mr. Netanyahu's whims? If that is Panetta's call it is plain stupid or worse it is unAmerican. The way I see it the brazen Israeli leader needs our help much more than we need his. But perhaps Leon is not that stupid, but has something else up his sleeve here.
The President's shift in policy toward the Israeli leader is a hard nut for Mrs. Clinton to swallow as she plans her initiation (we are all waiting!) presidential campaign. Perhaps Mr. Panetta, a longtime shill for the Clinton's is simply paving the way for Mrs. Clinton's presidential role-out. Having this disgustingly disloyal man claim that the President was at fault and SHOULD REVISE his new "businesslike" arrangement with Mr. Netanyahu would make it easier for Mrs. Clinton to stake out a position which would permit her to hold on to her big Jewish donors as well as keep a claim on Mr. Obama's loyal core constituency.
Panetta's machinations, at the behest of Clinton, undermine the President (again), and do the Israelis, and the nation no favors. This man should crawl right back under that pile of dry walnut hulls on his twelve acre 'nut ranch' in California from whence he slithered.
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