Friday, April 10, 2015




A large majority of USA Democrat voters favor the President's just-revealed, framework-Iran nuclear deal. Interestingly, there is also a plurality of Republican voters who also support the deal. (This data according to a recent April 9, 2015, "the Atlantic" article by Jeff Bourdon). Yet there is little evidence of this public sentiment in the Senate. The President is faced with a great deal of opposition there. He is sweating this one out. He needs all of his Democrats to hold steady to prevent a veto override vote in the Senate, yet even stalwarts of the Party, such as Chuck Schumer are acting and sounding like Dick Cheney Republicans on this deal.

The reason? AIPAC AND ADELSON MONEY. The effect of big money from AIPAC and slush funds from one-issue billionaires released into the political system (by the Supreme Court recent Citizen's United decision) are showing clearly how the nation's elected officials are controlled (bought and sold) by big money. Our great nation is sadly in the process of morphing from a democratic republic into a South American style oligarchy, where the monied elites and powerful foreign interests control the nation's policies...not its voting citizens.

If our President's Iran nuclear deal is thwarted by the Netanyahu and Neocon crowd we can expect only WAR to follow. The Iran hawks are calling for " more sanctions" and "a better deal" but what they want and are unable to say is:"bomb bomb bomb Iran". That --regime change--is their actual goal. They have poor memories. But the American public does not. After the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos the American people find another long term war in the Middle East a very unpalatable idea. But it is clear that is the goal of the McCain-Cotton-Graham triumvirate. With no nuclear deal, Iran would simply continue to move ahead with its nuclear enrichment and development. With the threats of bombing from Israel, and saber rattling from Washington, a constant drumbeat, while US and other sanctions imposed on its economy reach existential threat levels wonders what other choices would Iran have but to attempt to build a bomb "a la North Korea". At that juncture war, either instigated or initiated by Israel or the Washington crowd would be almost inevitable. But this would be a much wider, devastating conflict unlike a"the few days of bombing" which Senator Cotton has disturbingly indicated. It would probably include China and Russia, and other nations which would clandestinely arm and support Iran. It's an ugly and fearsome prospect.

In the end as many parts of the Middle East lay smoldering again the world and the American people would know who to blame for the loss of American life, the massive costs and wide and awful devastation. They would only have to review the anti-diplomacy, saber rattling speeches of the Republican War Hawks, the sneaky invite of Speaker of the House John Boehner, and the tapes of Netanyahu's war speech to Congress. The American people will know who to blame. But at what a cost!

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