Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Weasel Words From Mrs. Clinton on Iran Deal

According to "National Journal" (July 14, 2015) during a brief press conference on Capitol Hill Clinton called the P5 -Iran Deal on nuclear weapons "an important step". She added that the US should now focus on preventing more of Iran's "bad actions". She did not define Iran's bad actions. She added cryptically: "What I know of it now, we must seriously evaluate it carefully....it is an important step."

Our Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders spoke more plainly. "This is a victory for diplomacy over saber rattling and could keep the US from being drawn into another never-ending war in the Middle East". it is clear where Bernie stands. He supports the deal.

Clinton was using "attorney" speech, parsing each word like she was writing a legal contract. She is following play book of her morally challenged husband who famously could not decide what the word "is" meant during the Monica Lewinsky scandal,

Clinton will not reveal her position (if she has one) until she decides where her own political advantages lie. So we do not know where Mrs. Clinton stands on this critical deal. If she wants the support of the Democrats and progressives in this tired-of-war nation one of the most critical questions they would ask of her is..."are you going to lead us into another quagmire in the Middle East (like you did with Iraq with your "yes" for war in the Senate)?" In this telling instance she reveals nothing about her position... The statement:"it is an important step" means nothing. A step where? Into the abyss or toward a safer nuclear free world? Does she know where she stands? All she knows is that she would like to get back into that White House. This is why so few trust or believe her.

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