Thursday, March 31, 2016



Mr. Trump's campaign has unintentionally underscored and exposed the evil influences of big money donations on our political campaigns and the sinister effects it has on the way our government operates.

Donald Trump has garnered massive support during these 2016 Republican nomination elections. To date, Mr. Trump has out-voted, out-appealed and out-lasted all but one of his opponents, almost all of whom were highly experienced politicians, who were massively-financed and well connected politically or descended from established political dynasties. He has (almost) withstood all the many ambushes, and mine fields planted for him by his many enemies in the political establishment and the media, two groups who too often collude and closely support each other. The Donald remains the GOP front runner with nearly double the delegate strength of his closest competitor. Yet, the print and electronic media elites, the nation's top editors, TV talking heads, and the blogosphere pundits have all been at a loss to explain his popularity.

He appeals to "the racists, the anti-feminists, the under educated and ill informed," they claim. "He's a bully, a brute and a fascist..and worse", they rail, claiming that is why voters like him. He appeals to "the angry white men" in the population, they state. But all of these Trump voters could not all be ill-informed, women-hating, angry white men, and these proffered reasons simply can not explain his massive popularity, the enthusiasm of his supporters and his manifest success at the polls over wide geographic ranges of this nation and with a highly diverse demography.

What is Mr. Trump's real source of popularity? The primary answer is that unlike all of his competitors, this candidate is untethered from the GOP money machine and its failed ideology. Mr. Trump can speak his mind. He is free of ideas framed and controlled by the big donor class, the monied oligarchs of the party. These 400 or so super wealthy ideologues have for too long commandeered the party of Lincoln with lucre. For the last decades they have doled out funds to their favorites. They have controlled the pick of candidates, the message and the GOP's governing policies. Their power is based on their ability to provide campaign funds, and as importantly, it rests on the threat of withdrawal of financial support. And even more fearful is their ability to quickly shift cash from a uncooperative (independent, perhaps a patriotic ) candidate to a different, more compliant one. Oftentimes these powerful oligarchs can squash a politician's long career by financially supporting an opponent in a primary challenge. You see---It is the money! The pols are so scared they almost always do exactly as they are told.

Mr. Trump is in large part financing his own campaign. He is not controlled by the the monied elites. His message can thus stray from their prepared script. His message can actually serve the needs of a the wider American electorate. The prepared script and policy serves only the needs of the one-tenth-of-one percenters who control the message and messengers.

Where has Mr. Trump taken us with his free message? His stated goals are clearly more in tune with the vast majority of voters than those espoused by the controlled establishment candidates. The electorate has responded favorably to Mr. Trump and rejected the establishment types. One has only to examine the list and pedigree of the failed establishment darlings: such as Mssrs Walker, Rubio, and Bush, who mouthed their prepared talking points and went down in flames in front of the unhappy voters.

Mr. Trump has shined a much needed light on the failings of the GOP policies of the past...and its slavish attendance to the needs of only a small sliver of the electorate--the donor class-- the one percenters---the Singers, Koch brothers, the Adelsons--while the Washington elites abandoned the vast middle, the working classes, the small businessman, farmers and the independent voter. The strategy of throwing the dry crumbs from the political table to these millions of hard working, voting men and women in the form of wedge issues, like abortion, marriage regulations, flag waving, a "strong military", and phony trickle down economics issues etc. etc. while astutely toeing the line for the rich to cut taxes, cut entitlements, deregulate banks, maintain a porous border, expand free trade agreements, and finance military adventures abroad, all in support of big donor wishes. These domestic and foreign policies have backfired and the failings have been duly noted by voters. They know that the Bush- neocon adventures in Iraq were a disaster. They know that our infrastructure, our roads, our bridges and transportation system are crumbling about our ears. They see us deploy troops abroad, expand foreign bases, butt our noses into the affairs of nations far afield while our own people suffer with poor wages, non-existent or poor-paying jobs. They find their expensively educated children still living in their basements. And in face of the government bail out of wealthy Wall Streeters, they find they are no better off then they were thirty years ago. They are still paying dearly in gold and blood for the misguided policies of the GOP.

Yes, Mr. trump is correct! NATO should be reevaluated and we should not be asking the American taxpayer to foot the vast majority of that bill to succor foreign nations who can well afford to pay for their own defense. What purpose do all of those 900 military base serve abroad? Yes we must staunch the flow of illegals at our porous borders. Yes we must bring back jobs to American workers and prevent the flow of jobs offshore. Yes we need better, wiser deal making with our trading partners.

All these issues would not have been raised or placed into public debate without the unfettered speech by Donald Trump a candidate untethered from the political money machine.

The appeal of Mr. Trump? Do not defame and berate the electorate as racists and fascists. It is the Washington money machine that is the cause.

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