Sunday, September 11, 2016



The editorial board of the illustrious Washington Post...a former great sheet..which once published the Watergate stories, an act which ultimately took down a sitting president, today sealed its fate as a top down controlled politicaal rag, useful only for nailing on the outhouse my grandpa used to do with similar out of date and useless paper products. The editors of WP managed this base feat by publishing an opinion piece entitled: "The Hillary Clinton Email Story Is Out Of Control, " Wash. Post, September 8, 2016.

Apparently, unhappy with Mrs. Clinton's performance at the National Security Presidential Forum on Wednesday last, and Mr. Lauer's LEGITIMATE efforts in questioning the Democrat candidate regarding the email issue, the editors opined: "one would think that her (Mrs. Clinton's) homebrew server was one of the most important issues facing the country this election."  Unfortunately, for the misinformed editors, Mr Lauer and the vast majority of the nation were and are correct, the Clinton email story is of primary import.  The Post's editorial board is sadly wrong or so partisan they are incapable of envisioning an issue (the interplay of the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation and egregious conflict of interest) which threatens the very foundations of our nation.

The email controversy is not a minor mishandling of a few "(c)" confidential or "secret" or classified emails...The facts uncovered by the FBI indicate that Mrs. Clinton's handling of these were indeed careless and cavalier...she or her aids may have indeed committed a felony. But that is not the real import of this story.  As  it was in Watergate, Nixon was not unseated by a simple break in of DNC offices.  The email scandal is not what appears on the surface either.  It is not the illegal use of a home brew server.  What should concern us all is WHY Mrs. Clinton had to hide her emails from public scrutiny.   This story concerns the underlying  REASONS for the USE of a home brew server and its  coverup.  The story IS critical and, rather than out of control, it deserves close scrutiny by the media and the electorate.  The question is NOT "THOSE DAMNED EMAILS" Senator Sanders so famously stated. The real story is  WHY SHE WAS SO DETERMINED TO HIDE HER EMAILS.

Some have wondered as this saga has evolved into an embarrassing politically damaging mantra, how could a savvy pol like Hillary do this to herself?  Mrs. Clinton is not stupid, far from it.  And she is definitely not careless, (regardless of Mr. Comey's characterization). A more precise and calculating person would be difficult to find in all of Washington.  So why did she generate this horrible career-threatening mess by attempting to go around the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) laws to hide her inconsequential "personal" correspondence from scrutiny?   The answer is there were more sinister and much more threatening elements in her personal communications which were necessary for her to hide and maintain her presidential aspirations..

What is clear now is that in contravention to the transparency agreements she signed with the Obama Administration, prior to her tenure as Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton  was intimately involved with her husband in the machinations of the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation.  As a result of revelations, and surviving emails it is clear now to all that as Madam Secretary she used her position of authority and power as an officer of the state (Secretary of State) to enrich her husband and herself by means of shunting "donations" and "speaking fees" to the Clinton Foundation and its many related operations and funds.  The Foundation, which started out as a legitimate Presidential Library fund for past-President Bill, grew into a $100 billion dollar international slush fund.  It served as a source of wealth for the high-living Clinton's and their daughter, as a means of keeping key actors in their organization on their payroll and available for Mrs. Clinton's planned 2016 run for president, and as a source of future campaign funds.

 When Mrs Clinton lost to Obama in 2008, she pressed the President for a high level government post to add luster to resume as she planed for her 2016  presidential resume.  The Obama Administration handed her the position of Secretary of State. The post came with the particular advantage of high visibility, global exposure and interaction and great political power for a potential presidential candidate. In spite of promises to the contrary husband Bill, under these new circumstances, could continue to sell his "presidential expertise" and official contacts to the highest foreign and domestic bidder, as he had been doing all along. But with this new situation  he could also sell access to Hillary as the Secretary of State.  He did so with enthusiasm and gusto, as numerous surviving emails make clear.

What an opportunity for corruption for this ethically challenged couple, who in the past were wont to sell off "sleep nights" in the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House, or purloin national trinkets. Their past efforts were literally chicken feed in comparison to the $100s of millions of dollars they were able to rake in with this new  "pay for play" gig.  What damage they did to the nation and its interests in hot pursuit for  their own personal gain while they were paid government employees are unknowable.

The money they raked in was mind boggling, literally approaching the GDP of a small nation.  With their new "Pay to play" gig they made themselves rich as Croesus and as powerful as Caesar.  But the possibility of unwonted exposure was a severe threat to their long term plans.  Mrs. Clinton, who used her thirteen different Blackberrys, for "family business" had to keep all of these so-called "personal" emails strictly private.  Yes, some were no doubt related to the size of her pantsuits, Chelsea's wedding, and her Yoga dates, but those were not really what she was hiding and would not have required the massive subterfuge and effort she expended in her coverup.  The real reason: Her correspondence would have made it perfectly clear, exposed to public knowledge, that she was selling off access to her government office for personal gain, avoiding the FOIA act and disabusing the binding legal agreements she signed with the Obama Administration.

Thus the need for massive secrecy about her private email and her "home brew" server, her thirteen different blackberries, and five iPads, her lies, and more lies about the need for "convenience", about using "one" instrument, about her aides smashing blackberries, others"bleachbiting" her server after the data was subpoenaed. ( And not as she stated so innocently when a journalist queried about "wiping her server" with the response: "What do you mean? Wiping it with a cloth?").  Clinton's behavior was criminal corruption.

So Washington Post editors, decisively NO, this is not a story "out of control".  It is NOT about a simple act of carelessness, as the Wapo editors should like to portray it.  It is not, in Watergate terms, (as you Wao creditors should know well), the simple "break in" of the office of the DNC.  This is a story of massive corruption in government, misuse of power, use of government office for self-enrichment. It is a lapse in judgement and ethical standards, an act of criminality  that should disqualify this candidate from consideration for the highest position in the land.

Our nation can not survive the corrupting influences of the Clintons, the powerful, immensely wealthy, international Clinton Foundation and all its permutations,  and the venality and lack of trustworthiness of the past President and Mrs. Clinton,  The email affair, and its causes and underpinnings, rather than being "out of control"  have underscored how dangerous the election of this candidate would be to our nation.  Mrs. Clinton, her husband, and the Clinton Foundation pose a  threat to the very fabric of our democracy, the rule of law and the idea that we are all equal under the law. There shoould be no special place in our democracy for the Clintonian elites.

Think of the descent of the Roman Republic into the tyranny, corruption and decay of Imperial Rome under Caligula. That is a scenario to envision. Imagine Bill padding around the White House, a shapely female intern and a foreign dignitary (and Clinton Foundation donor) in tow, while Hillary in the Oval Office is plotting how to sell off our national treasures to the highest bidder.

Get the picture?

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