Why Trump over Clinton?
Mr. Trump is a novice politician. He speaks like the workmen in the Queens neighborhood in which he was raised---emotionally, imprecisely and sometimes crudely. In the past, like the hard-hat workmen of Queens, he has treated women and others in a boorish manner. He is not a perfect candidate, nor a perfect individual. But he does understand and identify with the concerns of a great swath of the working class American electorate. He has amply demonstrated his ability and competence by singlehandedly creating a world-class business, starting in a hardscrabble neighborhood in the suburbs of New York and growing it into a phenomenal multi billion dollar corporation situated in premiere locations around the world. It is ironic that if fell to Mr. Trump...a billionaire businessman- to become the political voice and advocate of working class Americans. But he has. He alone enunciates the polices and the direction (what it seems) is a clear majority of the what average Americans want. He stands for a more equitable distribution of wealth; a secure border; control of rampant immigration, the flood tide of which effects the jobs both native born Americans and those recent immigrants who reside and work here already. He wants to "drain the swamp of corruption" in Washington DC, and end the ugly dictatorship of the "inside-the-Beltway -elites" who control and manipulate policies for their own benefit. His concept of a more open, lower taxed, lower regulated US economy give us all hope of an end to economic stagnation. He would review and revise the harmful global trade deals our nation's leaders have formulated that bring prosperity to only the corporatist, big business, and a handful of the well-connected and super wealthy.
As for our other choice...Mrs. Clinton, is part of the problem not the solution. She is the ultimate insider who has gamed the system for her own benefit for three decades. She is indeed well-rehearsed and well-prepared. Well prepared to take the reins of the existing establishment and keep going in the same old direction. Every word she speaks is parsed, tested, and replayed over and over again to to keep the establishment types happy. She represents the very problem that the average working Americans are attempting to correct. Their goal is eliminate the dictatorship of the few, well-heeled, well-connected, over the many. By her own admission, (to Goldman Sacks audiences), her life in the heady world of the wealthy and powerful have changed Mrs. Clinton's perceptions, altering any vague understanding and empathy she may have had with the "regular working Joe and Jill". After decades of living off the taxpayer's dime she is well versed in how to live high on the hog by means of "pay to play" schemes and well versed in how to hide her "private" policies and formulated to enunciate only "public platitudes" to the people. Her stilted public persona is not shyness. It is simply the result of the need to constantly lie. She has the facial tics of a habitual mendicant, or prevaricator.
In my view, Clinton is too corrupt to serve as President. Her past is shot through with examples of venality too numerous to reprise here. But the most recent and most egregious is her relationship with the Clinton Foundation--a sinister slush-fund for the Clintons and their hangers on. The catastrophic email scandal which has dogged her all these months mistates her errors and misdeeds. She did not simply "mishandle" secret documents. She did do that, and yes it is a felony, punishable by jail time. But the question of why she erased and "bleached" 33,000 government property emails is more telling. The answer to that question is that as Secretary of State she was selling access to her office for private gain. That is ugly corruption of the first order. Imagine what she, Bill, and Chelesea could manage to rake in were she to have the power of the President's office?
A related fault and equally disqualifying factor is that she can not be trusted to tell the truth. She has, by her own admission, both a private and a public stance on issues. In a severe crisis, such as the recent Great Recession, how could anything she states to the nation be believed and accepted by the electorate and the citizenry? Her positions will always be suspect...and her ability as a leader would be severely compromisedan issue which could not be tolerated in a leader.
Our nation is not a true democracy, nor a parliamentary democracy...where the electorate actually chooses the parties which best represent their interests and then the parliament chooses its leader...the Prime Minister. In the USA we, with our ancient and creaky, two-party system..we always have a Hobson's choice...having to pick only of the better of two evils.
This time it is clear..Mrs. Clinton with her sinister ties to the powerful, rich, and foreign-dominated Clinton Foundation, and the un-American dynastic implications of her candidacy is much more dangerous to our nation's well-being than the less than perfect Donald Trump. Pick the candidate who will work his heart out for you...who has a chance to unite the nation, not the one who will divide it, and who is in it for only her own benefit.
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