Mr Trump made some promises on job creation and in his first weeks as President he tried valiantly to make good on those promises. At Trump's urging, Ford Motor Company promised 700 new jobs at a plant in Michigan, Lockheed promised 1800 new jobs in Fort Worth, Amazon claimed it would create 100,000 new jobs this year. Other companies like Hyundai , and GM, Bayer and Monsanto promised new investments in the US that would lead to new well paying jobs.
Trump's latest effort on jobs, as reported last week in the Los Angels Times, (Feb 1, 2017 "What Trump's push to limit overseas workers means for India's army of high-tech migrant labor") )was swamped by the news of violent demonstrations against Trump and free speech for right wing supporters at Berkeley University and New York University. As a result, I fear that information regarding the H1-B visa holders and the jobs they sequester from American workers never reached a wider audience in the nation.
It is too bad. Perhaps if some of these higher educated students had realized that Trump was actually attempting to provide them with more and greater job opportunities they wouldn't be so close minded and critical concerning his Presidency.
The LA Times reported on February 1, 2017 that President Trump's pledge to protect American jobs and American workers will have a great effect in India, particularly on the large number of high-tech workers who vie for US H-1B visas, a document which permits the holder to travel to the USA and work here for three years. The article was not Trump propaganda---it simply emphasized Trump's likely efforts on this front to limit H1-B visas and focused on the consternation it is causing in India where high US salaries, and the experience of working in US firms often mightily advances the career of an Indian, Chinese, or Mexican worker when he or she returns home...if they do not simply stay on illegally!
The H1-B visa program brings some 85,000, mostly Indian workers to the USA annually, although some are Chinese and even Mexicans who get the nod. Can you imagine that. Nearly 100.000 jobs shunted off to foreign workers each year while our kids with similar degrees are forced to flip hamburgers in a Mc Donald's. It gets worse. Apparently the last Administration permitted to H1-B visa program to degenerate to the level where it permitted large Indian-based outsourcing companies to gobble up the visas for their own employees and then were permitted to send these workers to the US to work for US tech companies---but at much lower pay than Americans would be offered. To add insult to injury there are many cases reported where American workers were forced to train incoming Indian workers in their jobs, and then once the cheap labor was trained, the American worker was laid off. So here is another example of how the Washington elite, in consort with business interests screwed the American worker. Who profited from this deal? The big tech companies, got a rotating cadre of cheap but highly motivated Indian workers every year, which vastly increased their profits. The Washington crowd of Congressmen and Senators got the pay-off from the business companies to block any legislation and keep the process going. And the media, like the NYT, Washington Post, etc. etc. got journalistic access to other stories by NOT reporting on this corruption. This H1-B visa process is just another example of many of how the American worker has been screwed (there is no better word) and how it exacerbated all that was ill with America---too much money sequestered in the hands and bank accounts of too few, the scarcity of well-paying jobs, and the loss of upward mobility for working class kids here in America.
The Democrats and the GOP all permitted this system to flourish or fester and the American worker with his sheepskin degree still wet was turned out of the door and had to find a job in Mc Donald's or in Walmart, and go live in his parent's basement because he could not earn a living wage. Disgusting.
(It is noteworthy our new AG, Senator Jeff Sessions is a strong critic of the H1-B visa system, as are Congressmen Issa and Lofgren from California who have proposed corrective legislation, while Senators Durbin and Grassley proposed an end to the lottery system which makes it easy for Indian jobbers to flood the system with applications.)
It is clear why the working classes elected Trump! No one was looking out for their needs.
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