The slime stories coming out of the mire and muck of lowland DC in the last few weeks are so confusing and difficult to unravel or digest. They reveal rampant corruption, a capitol awash with global cash and politically motivated fake news. They reveal collusion and politicization of our domestic intelligence agencies, mis-deeds of the Obama Administration after the election and before the inauguration, pay-off from Russian investors to the Clintons, pay out of the Clintons to Russians for fake dirt on Trump, and revelations of the former DNC chair that the Democrat nomination process was rigged to favor Clinton long before any nomination votes were cast. And finally, thee seems to be evidences of the last gasps of the awful Bush and Clinton dynasties. Here is a —too long—I fear— attempt to put some meat on those bones,
We now know that President Trump, whom the media try to characterize as an inveterate liar is in fact probably the most open and honest president we have had since Jimmy Carter, Trump simply says what he thinks. He does not take time to parse his words or prevaricate. Also, he speaks in a casual (and unfortunate ) New York outer-borough vernacular which can add to the confusion. The left takes advantage of his verbal imprecision, parsing his every word literally ( as if he was Janet Yellin) and ignoring the underlying meaning. He is also be misinformed at times, but this author suggests he does not purposely tell an untruth or lie. When he speaks he believes what he says. But almost everyone else in DC lies naturally. It is expected! In DC lying is almost as natural a response as the autonomic nerve response—like breathing. When you are surrounded by liars—telling the truth becomes the big lie. See below.
Former FBI head Robert Mueller now ensconced as the DC “inquisitor general” has finally charged someone—but it seems his charges are far removed from his mandate which was to examine Russian interference in the 2016 election. Many characterize his recent investigations as proof of a politically motivated “fishing expedition”. After many months as Special Counsel, spending enormous sums establishing a battalion sizers team headed by 14 or 15 democrat-leaning high pay-scale attorneys as associates —he has finally indicted someone.
In recent days Messers Manafort and Gates were indicted for alleged MONEY LAUNDERING RELATED TO A 2014 UKRAINE CONTRACT as well as failure to register as a foreign agent ( a misdemeanor). Manafort did have a connection with Trump—a tenuous one. For a few short months he was the Trump Campaign Chairman. He was called in briefly when Trump won the nomination and needed specific help to nail down electoral college votes. The alleged crimes of Manafort and Gates (his associate) were dredged up by Mueller from as far back as 2014....long before Mr. Trump even thought of running for President. If these two men are guilty of something—they did it long before they had anything to do with Trump. Long prior to election money laundering and lobbying for Ukraine are far removed from the Mueller mandate to determine if and how Russia interfered with our 2016 election.
In order counter claims by Trump supporters that the charges against Manafort were outside the special counsel mandate, Mueller simultaneously revealed the “red herring” guilty plea he tagged George Papadopolous with for misstating a date. The naming of this Greek heritage man sent everyone in Washington scurrying to their computers to find out who he was. No one knew him. But as with Manafort, this man did have a tenuous relationship with the Trump campaign—although a very minor one indeed. After diligent research we all learned that the young Papandopoulous sporting a very thin resume served briefly as an unpaid volunteer member of an obscure Trump election committee.. Papandopoulous first worked for the (off the charts) Ben Carson campaign, again as an unpaid volunteer. When Carson’s campaign folded, he continued to seek involvement with the then successful Trump campaign. We know now that he attended one foreign policy meeting for that campaign—perhaps to toss a bone to the significant and well heeled Greek supporters of Mr Trump (Mr. Rience Priebus who served as Chair of Republican National Committee and later as Chief of Staff for the President is also of Greek heritage)
It has been reported that at his one and only meeting— the all too eager—29 year-old Mr. Papandopoulous—proposed making contact with an unknown Russian informant— but this proposal was quickly shot down by the others at the meeting. Mr. Papandopoulous was not asked to attend again, and his connection with the Trump campaign effectively ended. When he was questioned by the FBI about the dates he made contact with this purported Russian contact he either lied or misstated the dates. His naïveté in these mattes were apparent—the FBI already had the dates. His sharp questioning (a form of entrapment) led to his misstatement or lie and that —the lie—is a federal which he pleaded guilty. There is no state or federal legislation limiting or controlling contacts with foreign activists or lobbyists. His guilty plea was the result of misstating the dates of these contacts nothing more...though the Main Stream Media ate this up as a guilty plea. .
So we can conclude that there is no evidence of “collusion” or wrong doing in the Trump campaign after more that 18 months of intense scrutiny, by the most powerful, intrusive intelligence agencies of this nation. The Obama Administration, the DNC, the Clinton machine, a British MI6 former spy, the politicized FBI under first Mr. Comey and now Mr. Mueller were all eagerly searching for all this time and have found nothing. The FBI turned over every possible rock here in the USA, and abroad, yet not one shred of evidence has come to light that indicates President Trump or any on his Committee “colluded ” with Russians to subvert the election. All that has come to light is that Mr. Manafort—long before he was associated with the Trump campaign and long before Mr. Trump entertained the idea of running for president may have some legal problems associated with his foreign lobbying endeavors. And that a young and over eager election committee volunteer contacted a Russian who claimed to have a trove of Clinton emails. No illegality there. But this inexperienced young man lied about the dates of his attempted contacts. Mueller has nothing on the President.
On the other hand, we do know that the Clintons had numerous dealings with the Russians—while Hillary was Secretary of State!. The sale of a Canadian uranium company (Uranium One) to Russian investors during the Obama Administration is a prime example. Russian entrepreneurs plied the Clinton Cash Slush Fund (aka Clinton Global Initiative) with $140 million dollars in cash a year before the sale-decision was made. Then, after Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State, voted in favor of the deal Russian investors paid off Bill. He got a hefty $500,000 for a short speech to a Russian bank which was one of the investors. This is the typical “pay for play” scenario—the Clintons have used since their days in Arkansas when Hillary was paid off with a cattle futures deal...after Governor Bill cleared the way in the State legislature for the cattle investors. These Clinton misdeeds and deals are so common and so obvious, but are studiously ignored by the left. After all, at the time, the Clintons were scheduled by all the pollsters and prognosticators of elections to soon be “Mr First Lad” and “Madam President”—or so they and their supporters thought. As a result of their likely ascendency they got away with “collusion with the Russians”.
It’s hard to believe but there is more.
During the Campaign of 2016, a major supporter of Marco Rubio, billionaire Paul Singer funded anti-Trump research through a Washington firm known as Fusion GPS . When Trump clinched the nomination, Singer closed down the operation. But by that time some other Trump enemies may have become aware of the effort or perhaps Fusion GPS realized at that time they could market the partially completed dossier to the Clinton camp. The DNC and the Clinton campaign were willing and eager—and flush with Clinton Russian pay-off money. Fusion was eager to keep them interested and with ten million dollars available from the DNC to spend on salacious gossip of a political enemy—they didn’t care about the produce being fact or fiction. The gossip authors (if you want to call them that) were eager to supply this new client (the Clintons) with whatever they wanted and crafted a juicy document that would serve the purpose of the Clinton campaign...not the truth.
The huge sums of available money created a situation which favored the collusion of a former British spy, paid Russian informants and co-conspirators in the USA. The result was the “Steele Dossier” a salacious, fact free document of alleged Trump activities in Russia. This was picked up by Trump enemy Senator John McCain. McCain reportedly sent one of his assistants to Britain to access the document. McCain then passed it on, as if it was fact, to the FBI. Inside the FBI, our premiere domestic intelligence officers under the leadership of Mr. Mueller must have realized it was a fake (though they do make many mistakes) yet, for what can only be political motivation they used the document anyway
However, we now know that the FBI used that “Steele Dossier” document as a basis of their (illegal) “investigations” into the Trump transition team and organization after the election and before the inauguration. The phony Dossier gave impetus to several illegal investigations which caused much consternation and fake news before the inauguration. The illegal “outing” of General Flynn, Trump’s National Security advisor was certainly the result of the circulation of the Dossier among the lame duck Obama Administration. The involvement of former FBI director Mueller (now Special Counsel) with this fiasco should rightly result in his disqualification as an unbiased investigator.
No! don’t go away. There is more!
Now most recently (November 2, 2017) the most recent revelations from the Democrats indicate how corruption within the DNC led to something the President often claimed—that the Democrat nomination was rigged. He was blamed for lying about that too.
In excerpts from her new book “Hacks” Donna Brazile the former interim DNC chairwoman has revealed that the Clintons had financial and management control of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) well before Hillary publically announced her candidacy. Brazile the and TV commentator and “journalist” who prior to this) was most infamous as the partisan journalist responsible for sneaking presidential debate questions to the Democrat candidate prior to the Trump-Clinton debate has turned on the Clintons. In her new book Brazile now reveals that the Democrat campaign. As the President oft4n stated the nomination was rigged from the start to favor Clinton. According to Brazile the Clinton campaign organization had a signed and sealed legal arrangement with the DNC as early as 2015. That document gave financial and organizational control of the DNC over to the Clinton campaign. So in effect, prior to any candidate seeking the nomination, any debate, or a single vote being cast—the Clintons controlled how DNC money was spent, what staff was hired, and who was going to be the Democrat nominee. It was always to be Hilary.
Loyal Democrat voters had no actual say in who their standard barer would be in the nomination voting. The whole “so called democratic Democrat nomination” process was a sham. Joe Biden? He hemmed and hawed about putting his hat in the ring, but it is clear now—he never had a chance. Senator Sanders was a straw man independent candidate who knew of the deal and who understood from the very beginning that he was never going to be the Democrat candidate—no matter how many states he won. His candidacy was a personal odyssey for political power and influence. It explains his overly gentlemanly campaign in which he never actually attacking Clinton—on her all too apparent weaknesses. His famous. “I don’t give a damn about your emails” comment at the touted Sanders-Clinton debate was the give away line which revealed his real position. He too was part of the political charade perpetrated on the public and on the nation’s voters.
In the end the Democrats fielded one of the most hated, disliked, weak candidates ever foisted on the public in their name. Their perfidious behavior led to the election of Mr. Trump.
With all these revelations, it is time to end the phony, wasteful “investigations”. We know enough already! Let’s save the taxpayer’s money and get on with tending to the nation’s real concerns.
With the Donna Brazile revelations the power of the ugly, self serving, corrupt Clintons is over. We are well rid of them. History will record their efforts in the White House and in foreign policy as negative on all counts.
In recent days we have learned that the Bush family former presidents did not vote for the Republican candidate and were reported to be bad mouthing President Trump. The end has finally and justly come for them too. Their statements reveal that their family power remains more important to them than the well being of the nation. These two men were failures. Bush 41, a one term failed presidency which led to the disaster of the Clinton ascendency.
Bush 43 a weak minded novice who handed over his presidency to the evil Dick Cheney who then managed to advance the worst foreign policy decisions ever made in Washington. The Iraq war remains a fifteen year three trillion dollar financial, political and foreign policy blunder that continues to hang around our necks like the proverbial millstone. Bush 43 should never show his face or make a pubic statement again after his disaster terms in the Oval Office. He has some real chutzpah! But then again he probably doesn’t even realize it.
The Bush and Clinton “dynasties” are now dead. Let’s shovel some dirt over them and relegate them tp the dumpsites where they belong. We are well rid of them.