Tuesday, November 28, 2017



The President called out Senator Warren as a “Pocahontas” during a ceremony to honor the Navaho “Code Talkers” on November 27, 2017 at the White House.   The major news outlets went ballistic.....calling the President’s remarks “ a racial slur” and claiming he disprespects Native Americans.  

The Navaho Code talkers were Native Americans who heroically served in WWII in front line units to send and receive messages that were impossible for highly trained and elite German code breakers to decode.  The Navaho simply spoke to each other using their own native language which was unknown to US enemies.  Their service was invaluable in winning the war and they were rightly honored.   

But the news media all ignored the facts and missed the President’s point when he included a dig against Senator Elizabeth Warren in his remarks honoring the Navaho.  

That is that Senator Elizabeth Warren is KNOWN TO HAVE LIED when she falsely claimed to have Native American heritage to take advantage of the the government’s affirmative action program. It is well documented that when she applied for entrance to Harvard Law School she falsely identified  herself as a “ Native American”.  

In effect, her false statement denied a real Native American from access to the position she occupied at highly selective Harvard Law.  When we examine the facts of who disrespected Native Americans rights and privileges and who should be called out for hypocrisy...it is not the President.   

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