Saturday, December 2, 2017



As in Shakespeare’s play in which deceptions are used for malevolent ends—we see the same form of misuse but in the DC legal system of modern times...where deceptions of the state are used to advance evil political ends. 

Mueller and the FBI entrap Flynn and concoct a “crime” from a legal act.  

Real crime committed by those in Obama government who spied on their political enemies using foreign espionage powers. 

Here is how corrupt, weird and baffling the DC swamp is.  We have just witnessed the assassination of a man’s reputation and probable jail time for an individual who honorably served this nation in uniform, on the battlefield and in Washington for decades.  He rose to the rank of Lt. General of the US Army.  He served in the cabinet of the Obama administration and briefly in the Trump Administration.  In that latter capacity, in the pursuit of the goals of the new administration, he legally communicated with an ambassador of a foreign power.  Whatever conversations he had they were legal government business.  He  committed no crime. His actions were perfectly and clearly pertinent to his position as National Security Advisor to the President.  This communication occurred  after the election and when he was an official of the new Trump government. There Was No Crime.  

The irony is that the real crime was committed by the Obama Administration in its illegal tapping into American citizen’s private conversations.  In league with the Clinton election campaign the Obama Administration turned the government’s powers of foreign espionage against its domestic political opponents.  That is illegal.  It used  phone taps to listen in on foreign officials when they contacted American citizens.  They illegally spied on the protected conversations of. Americans—like General Flynn.  Then they exposed the names of those they spied on and the  content of those conversations widely to government agencies—and to the press.  They illegally targeted their political enemies during the run up to the election and afterward.  

Using this illegally gathered information the FBI ready knew the detailed content of the conversations between Flynn and Russian Ambassdor Kyslyack before they interviewed him.  In his FBI interrogation Flynn had only to misstate a minor fact, mid remember a date, for them to charge him with lying.  Lying to the FBI is a crime...its a phony crime in this case.  One that he had to admit to.  

This episode is a very sad commentary on the state of government in Washington.  

It brings to mind the state of affairs in the corrupt late Roman Republic...when Julius Caesar had to decide whether to leave his legions behind and cross the Rubicon alone after his stint in Gaul. He would have had to enter Roman territory where his political enemies were waiting for him to charge him with phony crimes.  Sound familiar?  Sound corrupt? We know what happened to the Roman Republic...are we heading there? 

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