Wednesday, December 20, 2017



Nicki Haley our UN ambassador has been rattling sabers at Iran.  Her accusations, that Iran is providing missiles for the Yemen Houthi rebels is laughable ——if it were not so dangerous. 

Mr Trump was elected on the basis of his promise of ‘America First’...No dumb foreign wars of choice.  Send no troops to die on foreign shires unless our own security is threatened!   Haley did not get that message—apparently so engaged in her own self-aggrandizement and roiling political ambitions to win her spurs as a war hawk. 

Haley seems to be attempting to replay the George Bush pre-Iraq war script of lies.  Her “missile” display at the UN being reminiscent of the phony vial of “anthrax” powder Colin Powell displayed at the UN so many years ago.  That was a  blatant lie.  Iraq had no anthrax or chemical weapons.  Niki Haley is following in Powell’s unfortunate and career-crushing footsteps. 

First.  There is no credible evidence that the twisted wreckage Haley hawked before the public had its origin in Iran.  Trump is eager to dump the Iranian Nuclear Deal-Obama did it. So it must be bad!  But the Iran Deal was one of the best things Obama did.  It averted war and kept Iran in the non-nuclear column.  Today, there is no credible  evidence that Iran is directing or responsible for these Houthi attacks. Iran is only one of the many nations which rightly support the rights of the Houthi minority to defend themselves.  

Second.  The Houthi rebels are the victims of a cruel and inhuman Saudi Arabian embargo which has denied food, medicines, and fuel from reaching the embattled civilian population in Yemen —one of the poorest nations in the world.   The brutal and relentless Saudi air attacks, categorized as war crimes, have destroyed  hospitals, schools, mosques and population centers.  Saudi Arabia has been censured by the world press and at the UN for the brutality of its air war in Yemen which has killed thousands of Yemeni civilians...including women and children.  The Yemenis have a right as all nations do to defend themselves from aggression.

Third.  Finally anyone who is knowledgeable about this conflict is fully aware that the US Air Force is aiding the Saudi regime in its inhuman, illegal, and brutal efforts to subdue this justified  insurgency. US intelligence agencies have and continue to provide air intelligence on targeting Yemeni cities.  The US continues its misguided efforts on the part of the Saudi air campaign.  US planes refuel Saudi bombers in the air over Yemen so they can return again and again to muderous attacks on ground targets.  These efforts make us here in the USA partly responsible for the more than 10,000 Houthi civilian deaths!  

The world outside of the Fox News Channel reception area are fully aware of all of these facts.  They all look askance at the hypocrisy of a UN Ambassador who lies like Colin Powell and anation which is culpable in the deaths of so many—-claiming with little to support their assertions—-that the Iranians did it! 

The Houthis could probably provide not a few missile parts —like Niki Haley—but mountains of  exploded armament debris with USA markings which have rained down on Yemeni civilians and villages.  

Niki lies like Colin Powelll.  Realizing that, let us not make the same mistakes over and over again

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