Sunday, January 21, 2018


Both Bill and Hillary failed the honorable patriotism test.  History will treat them harshly.

Thinking back to the Clinton scandals and then to the present time, when our nation is being rocked by the fall-out from the Democrat scandals of the 2016 election.  An impartial observer reflecting on two of the main characters in this national tragedy must be shocked and saddened to realize the awful damage and disgrace that a politically active couple—smart, ambitions, money hungry, well-educated, but unscrupulous—-could impose on a nation.  It would be clear to this political observer that the Clinton pair are cut from the same  soiled and tattered cloth.

Bill’s response to the revelation that he was diddling a young, confused, innocent intern under his desk in the Oval Office was to lie.  His recorded bald face lies to the nation are often replayed.  He refused to take responsibility for his actions.  Unlike President Nixon who when his cupidity was exposed at least he had the honor and patriotism to save the Nation from embarrassment.  Bill chose to lie and force the House to impeach him and after the chaotic and awful process he ultimately remained in office—a disgraced President at the head of a weakened and chastened nation.   He could have bowed out and passed the office on to Al Gore who would have served honorably.  But Bill chose the self-serving, dishonorable course.  His spouse in 2016 faced with a similar decision of honor and decency  failed miserably too.

When Hillary was faced with a choice of conscience she, also lacking a moral compass, took the self-serving, selfish route too.  The patriotic, dutiful and appropriate response to Mrs. Clinton loss on election eve of 2016 should have been.  “We lost!”  “We fought a tough fight but the people have made their choice.”    But she chose otherwise. She chose to delegitimize the election, to undermine the new President and cast doubts in the election process as well.  Her actions weakened and hurt the nation.  History will treat he badly too.

The USA would might have been a much better place..had the Clinton duo never entered politics or perhaps even better had they been citizens of Venezuela or Belarus rather than the USA.

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