Monday, February 5, 2018



Rep (R) Devin Nunez has released a summary memo regarding recent  findings of the Congressional Intelligence Oversight Committee.  The memo reveals evidence that a foreign agent, Christopher Steele (UK), the Clinton Campaign, (and shockingly the vaunted) FBI and the Department of Justice colluded to mislead the FISA court with a document purported to be “intelligence” but was in fact a document prepared as political opposition research (“dirt”) for the Clinton team to use against a Trump campaign agent and the Trump candidacy.  The implied motives of this collusion was to undermine one political candidate in favor of another, and ultimately to affect the 2016 election.  This conspiratorial relationship persisted after the election, during the transition. It subsequently morphed into an attempt to destabilize and unseat a sitting President.   

Though the Nunez document makes no mention of the Trump-Russian inquiry—the irony of the revelations  must be noted here.  That is  -so far—after more than 18 months of intensive and unrestricted investigation—and hysterical and misleading statements from the Democrats regarding Trump and Russia—there is no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia to interfere with the election.  The only “collusion” that the nation knows of at this time with certainty is that of rogue elements within our own FBI and Justice Department which acted conspiratorially to defeat candidate Trump and help candidate Clinton.  

In all forms of government, the most critical process is the eventual necessary transfer of power from one administration to another.  In ancient Persia and again during the Roman Empire  the power to govern was believed  to reside in certain “royal” families. When a ruler died the right to govern was simply passed on to his/her eldest heir.  The concept of “people power” or democracy evolved first in Greece in the 6th and 5th Century BC where  Solon introduced reforms which admitted most citizens into the decision making process.  Later the great leader  Pericles helped to establish a true demokratia.    (Our word “democracy” is from the Greek: demokratia  formed from two Greek words “deme + kratos”  or literally “people + power” ).  In a democracy the power to govern resides (not in a king or royal )  in the “demos” or the people.  In our  modern democracy—as in the tradition of the Greeks—only the people have the power to choose their leaders—- through the ballot and election process.  That power of governing was legitimately passed on by the American voters  on the eve of November 8 from President Obama to President Trump— as a result of the  election of 2016.   The FBI, NSA, CIA, our former presidents, the media, etc. etc.all have no special rights (other than their own vote) to decide who governs.  That right resides only with the consent of the people!    Attempting to control, weaken or undermine  the legitimate democratic process of transfer of power —- as some on the left (and elements within the FBI and government ) seem to have done and continue doing—are illegitimate and misguided efforts that  are a prescription for political chaos and national disaster.    If we permit these acts and efforts to go unpunished or persist we are no better than the ancient Persians or the corrupt Roman Empire—or a modern tin pot dictatorship—like Egypt,  Communist China, or North Korea—all which have powerful and uncontrolled  secret police forces...which control the people and make the choice of candidates. 

What does the Memo reveal?  

Nunez and the Intelligence Oversight Committee have stated that rogue elements within the FBI upper echelons misused their power of investigation to spy on an American citizen who was a volunteer member of the Trump election organization with the apparent intention of undermining the candidacy and later the presidency of Mr. Trump.  Our nation, justifiably concerned about security for its citizenry from foreign threats has allowed its intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA) the ability to perform and use (for existential purposes) intrusive domestic investigation of its citizenry.   And rightly fearful of this power to spy on its citizens  it has strictly regulated these functions to protect the constitutional rights of our citizenry.  These laws require the FBI to provide strong evidence that spying a US citizen IS WARRANTED and REQUIRED for national  security purposes only.  In those cases where domestic spying is deemed necessary for national security...the intelligence agency must provide substantial intelligence evidence to a special secret court: the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA).    This FISA court then may issue a special warrant to permit the investigation (spying) on an American citizen.  The FISA court warrant, in effect makes a temporary “secret police” out of our FBI and other agencies.   This is a serious decision and must be permitted only for the nation’s national security since  it fully abrogates that citizen’s constitutional rights.  This power given to our intelligence agencies to temporarily act as a “secret domestic police force ”  ( like the SS or the Stasi) is strictly controlled (or should have been).  It is certainly forbidden, (as well as illegal, unconstitutional) for this FISA warrant  to be used for domestic political purposes as it seems to have been employed in this case. 

Primarily the Nunez Memo establishes the fact  that the powerful investigative institutions of our nation, such as the FBI, CIA, NSA, and others of the deep state clearly require a great deal more of meaningful oversight to keep them honest in a Washington awash with foreign money, campaign cash, slush funds like the Clinton Global Initiative, the sale of influence, nepotism, husband and wife power couples, cushy well-paying government jobs, and all infected with intense political division.  So far with the exception of the Nunez committee...oversight has been too much “rubber stamping” in character.  

Congressman Devin Nunez should be honored for having uncommon (in Congress) honesty, courage and persistence to persevere  despite massive obstructionism from powerful forces  in the government, the establishment, the Democrat and Republican parties, and the politicized media. In face of these obstacles he and his Committee brought forth an existential warning to the nation’s citizens that meaningful and intrusive oversight of our powerful and intrusive institutions is necessary to maintain our democratic ideals.  

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