Tuesday, July 3, 2018


If you thought that the FBI was the only “deep state” player that was involved in the disgraceful scheme to undermine a political opponent during the 2016 election campaign and then to persist in an attempt to reverse an election after the people made thier choice on November 8, 2016  working  from within the powerful halls of government——you were wrong.   They were not acting alone!!!

Thankfully Congressman Devin Nunes, like mythical Hercules is attempting to clean up a smelly mess in Washington-all that animal waste is clogging up the DC “Augean stables”.  The job  can get the investigator dirty and smelly too—and some of that odor has  descended  unfairly upon  Mr. Nunes.  The Democrats  would like to keep the old stinky stables in thier parlous state of corruption and ignore the abuses of those who compromised ethics and law in an attempted to slime a political opponent using the existing government’s vast resources,  and then —in an act we can only describe as treason—to attempt to unseat the legitimately elected President.

As a result of Mr. Nunes’ Herculean tasks we now  know that infamous Mueller Investigation was and remains the product of the machinations and malfeasance of a whole host of actors in the Obama Administartion (and very likely Mr. Obama himself).

In an attempt to clean the musty stable air in DC and expose the acts of these individuals to the American people Congressman Nunes Chair of the House Intelligence Committee has sent an entreaty-letter— he wrote to fellow GOP chairmen  (Gowdy and Goddlatte etcetera) and the other members of the Congressional Joint Task Force (CJTF) to alert them to the need to interview ten people who he has decided may fall undet the purview of the CJTF and who served in the White House or State Department during the Obama Administartion and who may have been involved in surveillance abuse during the 2016 election.

The letter is a who’s who of the anti-Trump cabal in the Obama Administration who were intent on undermining the candidacy of Trump and then after the election smearing the People’s Choice for the White House.

The people have a right to know.  And if crimes were committed —Justice should be served.

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