Monday, November 12, 2018


French Prime Minister Macron Defines “Nationalism” as the Anthitheses of “Patriotism”.

Macron has some nerve!!!

At a ceremony on Paris to celebrate the end of the “Great War” (WWI) Prime Minister Macron took the opportunity in his opening speech in Paris to define nationalism as an evil demon to be repressed with with President Trump, PM Merkel, PM Putin and others in the audience.

What irony!  Macron’s speech had as its author the head of of one of the most blatantly nationalistic nations on earth: France a nation which has benefitted from the good will of the leadership and sacrifice people of the USA in both world wars.  Macron —suffering abysmal confidence ratings at home (21%) would like to change the subject of his competence to lead and perhaps set himself above the leadership of the attending nations.  But his blather concerning nationalism come off as so much nonsense.

Who among the leadership of the nations attending  would be ready to ignore the needs of their own nationals when presented with a choice regarding its well being or its economy? .  All those present have always used their political, geographic, and economic power to advance the circumstances of their own nations,  The only nation that might claim to have acted altruistically at a few times in the past is the USA.  Yes (for France and Europe) we sacrificed the lives of more than one-hundred thousand young men at the service of the European nations between 1916 and 1918.  Let’s not even discuss WWII,

AS for Germany, PM Merkel has used the EU as an erzats German “common market”, to dump their manufactured wares and use the cheap labor of other EU nations all at the expense of less affluent Spain, Italy and Greece— to name only a few.  France, Germany and almost all the EU members have all acted for their self interest (as closet nationalists) limiting their financial support for NATO  as they live the good life—by foisting the costs of their  defense onto the shoulders of the American tax payer.   They live under the military umbrella of the USA and its tax burdened working citizens.  Macron also proposed forming a “European Army”!  What an empty threat that is.  France has put off meeting its NATO commitments of 2% of its GDP until 2025!  The fact that they live under USA protections allows them to out spend us on domestic well fare, healthcare, infrastructure and all manner of goodies that workers here in the USA can only gasp at in jealousy.

Mr. Trump is the only person prenst who is honstely telling it like it is/. The fact is that all nations makes decisions that benefit themselves.  That is what ‘nationalism is.  Only in America have we been saddled so long with a phony sense of “do goodism” that is not reciprocated elsewhere.  Furthermore these global policies framed as international cooperation —only seem to open the doors for giant global industries—but ignore the welfare of the small businessman and the average hard working American man and woman.

Talk is cheap—and meaningless coming from Macron.

Each one of those attending nations is a self serving—nationalist state.  They all are beneficiaries  of the largess of the USA and its overburdened tax payers.

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