Today we see pictures of Paris, France—the beautiful city, closed to tourists and filled with billowing white clouds of tear gas, streaming water cannons, and the scurrying “gilet jaune” colliding with baton wielding Paris policemen. The government of PM Emanuelle Macron is in trouble. He misrepresented himself to the people, he ignored the desperate needs of the working classes.
I listened to day to the interview on UK’s LBC of a young woman—a “yellow vest” Paris protester. When asked why she was protesting, she explained that she earns about 1200 (Euros) or about $1400 a month, and has to travel about and hour each way to her job in the countryside. She is forced by Macon’s new stiff gas taxes to pay now more than about $6.00 a gallon for gasoline. There were elections in France only a year and a half ago...but the needs of these desperate people were ignored.
Let’’s assume she has a small car that will give her 30 miles per gallon—she needs two gallons each way—that is $12 dollars each way or $24 dollars a day or (24 x 25 work days) = @600 a month. That leaves her with abut $800 dollars a month for rent, food, clothing, and everything else. She claimed she could not survive. That was her reason for protesting—survival. I agree. These are the “Les deplorables” of France that were ignored by Macron when he formulated his gas taxes for the poor and working classes and CUT income taxes of the affluent elite, well-educated, who use little gasoline and mostly reside in the big cites of Paris, Lyon, and Bordeaux
That is what we are faced with here in the USA if we continue to undermine the legitimate outcomes of our elections and attempt to ignore the results of what the people vote for when they cast their ballots. The government, the Democrats, the resisters, the deep state, the Media have ignored the outcome of the ‘16 elections and expressed will of the nation’s people and focused—like Macron—on the urbanites and elites.
During the 2016 election the people spoke of their needs though the ballot box. They elected Mr. Trump who won fairly and widely across the nation. But the Democrats, the Media, the Establishment, Deep State, and many Republicans chose to ignore the will of 63 million Americans across thirty state as expressed in that vote. During the ‘16 campaign, and after the election, these deniers and resisters continued (now for two years) to attempt to nullify the desires of the people who assented and posited the campaign pledges of Mr. Tump. The voting public rejected the loser’s—Mrs. Clinton’s— pleas. As part of our system we all agree to accept the will of the majority. But that seems to have been ignored this last time. This is a very dangerous precedent these people are setting. Because it undermines the validity and sanctity—yes sanctity—of the democratic process and the election process.
We should all—Democrats and Republicans alike— be deeply concerned with this trend of ignoring the results of our elctions and the expressed direction the people have assented to when they vote. Can the leadership of the establishment and Washington DC have greater validity, greater import in our Democracy than the expressed will of 63 or 64 million American votes and of the outcomes in 30 out of 50 states? These densizens of Washington have only one vote each—they have no right to overturn an election. But that is their intention.
We should all be very much concerned with the debasement of our Democracy.
Elections have consequences—-
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