In an Opinion piece in the WSJ by Kim Strassel entitled: “What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI” (Jan 17, 2019) we are informed (again) of the abject corruption, bias and malfeasance of the FBI’s senior cadre. Also we learn that the criminal actions of the FBI and Justice Department (obscured up to now by FBI stonewalling, slow-walking and obfuscation) , rather than the so called “Russian Connection” are THE real scandal of the 2016 election cycle.
In an Opinion piece in the WSJ by Kim Strassel entitled: “What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI” (Jan 17, 2019) we are informed (again) of the abject corruption, bias and malfeasance of the FBI’s senior cadre. Also we learn that the criminal actions of the FBI and Justice Department (obscured up to now by FBI stonewalling, slow-walking and obfuscation) , rather than the so called “Russian Connection” are THE real scandal of the 2016 election cycle.
Ohrs testimony to Congress (finally leaked out) reveals that Mr. Bruce Ohr brought the phony Steel Dossier to the attention of the FBI in July 2016. At that time Ohr warned McCabe, Page, Strzok, Weissman and Ahmad (and others in the FBI) of its unverified and unsourced nature and its origin as a political disinformation document generated by the Clinton camp. Strassel writes that the FBI and “every one of consequence” in the FBI and Justice Department knew well before the election of the fact that the Steel Dossier was political disinformation generated and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, yet they used this unverified material to mislead the FISA court judges so as to permit domestic spying on the Trump campaign. This revelation makes abundantly clear that the FBI leadership was involved in politically motivated domestic spying when it used this information to initiate its investigation of the Trump team using phone taps and other means of spying on low level Trump team member Carter Page. We also know that two of these political instigators (Zain Ahmad and Andrew Weissman) were both deeply involved in the 2016 politically motivated “Hurricane Crossfire” FBI counter insurgency investigation. Yet these same two men wound up on special counsel Muller’s team. While other top leadership of the FBI and Justice involved in “Hurricane Crossfire” have been fired or forced to retire, these two remain actively involved in investigating a President whom they conspired to undermine and then unseat.
The long-term presence of these two men in S. C Robert Mueller’s team, as well as their past actions as prime instigators who in mid 2016 knowingly used unsourced political disinformation documents to mislead the FISA court (in an attempt to undermine the Trump campaign and later the Trump Presidency) is a major revelation. More importantly, their roles and involvement in the on-going Mueller probe fatally compromises the integrity and credibility of Mueller’s investigation.
“The conflict of interest” (related to Weinstein and Ahmad remaining in the Mueller investigation) boggles the mind” according to Kim Strassel in this WSJ piece. Any fair minded person would agree wholeheartedly.
It’s time for Mueller to present his case. His slowwalking weakens the nation and harms us all—-all Americans.
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