Thursday, February 28, 2019




Today(February 28, 2019) the news from the nuclear disarmament talks  between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jung Un of North Korea was a bust.  The parties could not come to an agreement.  Chairman Kim balked at ending his nuclear arms development in exchange for a lifting of the sanctions the US has imposed on that nation.  President Trump is now on his way home as is Chairman Kim Jung Un.

The talks were likely doomed from the start when days ago Nancy Pelosi and the newly installed Chairman of the House Oversignt Committee Elijah Cummings (both of whom seem blinded by their intense hatred for Mr. Trump too far above their elected responsibility to the People of the USA and  their love of country) imade the unprescedented  decision to purposely upstage the President’s attempts in Hanoi to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula and the rest of the world by staging thier circus like and ultimately pathetic hearing at the most critical time of the talks.  The concatenation of the two widely viewed events served only to weaken the USA’s bargaining position and hardened that  of our nuclear armed adversary in North Korea.

 Pelosi and Cumming’s sinister plan to time the House Committee’s circus-like, partisan-designed hearings to coincide with the Hanoi nuclear disarmament talks featuring a disbarred lawyer was the opening shot in the 2020 election cycle.  The Democrats signaled that anything, even undermining  a foreign policy initiative aimed at bring ing peace and prosperity to half the world is OK as long as it gains the Democrats some even minor political advantage.  To that end they put on a display of the pathetic rantings and allegations of a gang of heated Democrat partisans and that of a convicted-of-lying-to-Congress, disbarred former Trump attorney Michale Cohen.   Romberg that Mr. Cohen was squeezed by the Robert Mueller investigators to make embarrassing allegations about the President after the investigators  unearthed  illegal personal business dealings (tax evasion, etc, etc.)  Cohen engaged in which were inunrelated to the President.  Cummings and Pelosi used the Committee hearings to disseminate allegations of impropriety of little import only to embarrass and weaken our President and our nation as our leaders were engaged at a critical time in the negotiations.  Cummings and Pelosi  ignored the wise and long-adhered-to  rule that “partisan politicas and political posturing should end at our nation’s borders”.  Perhaps for two Democrat politicians who espouse the notion of “open borders” that was a concept easy and proper to ignore.

If, after this display of lack of patriotism and a disgusting Democrat policy of “resist, resist at all costs”, mixed with the epidemic on the left of  “Trump derangement syndrome”,   Chariman Kim begins lobbing ICBMs with nuclear armed warheads over Japan again—we can put the blame where it belongs on Nancy and Elijah. .

Monday, February 18, 2019



“You break it you own it!”

The USA has a sad and terrible history in regard to our “interventions” in South America. You would think that our leaders would remember our past and learn our lessons.  The Trump Administration and the Obamaians before him were on track to destabilize socialist Venezuela.  What are we afraid of?  That Venezuela had voted in a populist-socialist government and leader?   It is clear that political decision  must have been what a vast number of  the citizenry wanted.  We often claim that we support  the principle of“self determination”, but we keep making those claims ONLY as long as the leadership of the foreign nation involved toes the USA line.  Step out of line and we start turning the IMF against that nation, we put sanctions in place on the leadership, and even stop selling them toilet paper, replacement parts for thier oil industry,  and even medicines!  That’s how its been with the USA and Venezuela.

But Mr. Trump should be more careful.  If he and his administration are perceived as even partly culpable for the chaos that seems likely to result from Mr. Trump’s  policies of “regime change”—  the collapse and bloodbath which will surely follow will be his to own.  The “china shop rule” applies here: You break it—you own it.”  A broken and chaotic Venezuela wracked with civil war can  only exacerbate  the problems we face on our southern border—the surge of refugees and immigrants which (we call a crisis) or an emergency can only get worse .

What motivates our leaders to try and pull down Maduro?  Can it be that we have some interest in who will take over the vast oil reserves of that nation?


President Trump  has real chutzpah to call for Rep Ilhan Omar to resign because she called AIPAC out for being too pushy and using cash to get its way. Omar tweeted that AIPAC is ready with “Benjamin’s” (C notes) to distribute to Congress and Senators.  It’s not quite true—they do not distribute funds directly.  But they are much too powerful for a nation which honors democratic processes.

The President  has no authority or right to call for her resignation.  The people of her district elected Ms Omar fair and square.  (Just as the citizens of the USA elected Trump. Perhaps Trump didn’t see the parallel with his own candidacy.  Sore looser Hillary supporters have been working feverishly to delegitimize and impeach Trump because they don’t like loosing and his policies and his tough talk irk them.)

Furthermore she is right!  AIPAC is unquestionably the one of the most powerful lobbies in all of DC.  Keep in mind that lobbyists (NRA, AMA, ADA etc., etc.) use money, gifts, and political influence to control legislation—and more perniciously some very powerful ones (like AIPAC)  have enough political clout to even influence candidate selection as well as the outcomes of local elections.  In a more perfect world we would ban lobbying (bribing)  legislators altogether. .  Why should these folks—with some particular axe to grind—- have more access, be able to offer emoluments, cash as well as use threats of primary challenges to control legislation?  These are political actions that the average citizen is denied.  Perhaps in that more perfect world our representatives would be more responsive  to the people’s wishes—were a wiser Congress able to impose more reasonable strictures on how lobbyists operate. .


Fox News has recently and irrationally tried to defend the indefensible.  Fox News keeps trying to protect US Army Major Goldstyne from being sentenced for cold blooded murder, disobeying orders, and bragging on TV in front of millions of viewers about murdering a “bad guy” in Afghanistan!   They should be ashamed of themselves.

Major Goldstyne, is a member of one of our elite fighting units. While deployed in Afghanistan his group suffered the deaths of  fellow soldiers as the result of a booby-trapped building. Anger and revenge was in the air.   In the investigation associated with that event, Goldstyne arrested an alleged “bomb maker”.  On the circumstantial evidence recovered in the man’s home.   (Keep in mind this officer is not a trained detective, attorney or a trained police officer . )  Concluding that this man  “did it” he disobeyed standing orders on how to deal with an unarmed prisoner. Acting on his own—as judge , jury and executioner—like the head of lynch mob—Captain Goldstyne (at that time)  took the man out into the field, shot him and buried his remains.  Later, perhaps thinking better of his actions and that the body would have clear evidence of the US military weapons, he enlisted others under his command to dig up the body and burn the remains in a US military-camp trash pit.  

The event went unreported for years until Major Goldstyne revealed the facts during a polygraph test for a military interview.  The results of that test were ignored.  Then more years  later now Major Goldstyne  bragged about the incident during an on-air interview with Fox News interviewer Brett Baer.  

The USA has the most professional and the best military in the world.  We are a nation governed by laws which extend to the actions and behavior of our military men who represent us abroad.  Other nations may send out gangs of thugs to rape, kill indiscriminately and  commit premeditated murder.  We do not.  

Major Goldstyne made several grievous mistakes. Not the least of which was disobeying orders!  Sadly he must be punished for his misdeeds. We can not ignore his actions.   There is no alternative.  Were we—like Fox News — to defend his actions as “bad stuff that happens in war” and slip this outlaw and aberrant behavior under the rug—we as a nation would be as guilty as he is.  

Fox News should do better. They obviously have not thought this one through. Too bad!. 

Friday, February 15, 2019



Andrew McCate (fired former Acting Director of the FBI) admits on a TV interview that he conspired with others in a 2016-17 attempted silent unconstitutional Coup D’etat—to unseat President Trump. 

In the last 50 years there were almost 500 coups attempts world-wide (half were successful) and they occurred most commonly in unstable places like Africa, South America and the ME.  The USA has never had one until the advent of the FBI’s now infamous Andy McCabe and his co conspirators (See: wiki).  

It is the height of irony that the Democrats and the far left, while they were under the mentally debilitating  influences of the “Trump derangement syndrome” which drove them to  hysterically  press for ever more and deeper investigations into the now famous  “Russia collusion” investigation all in desperate hope of unseating a duly elected President—but what these “witch hunt” probes actually revealed after years of investigations was: their target: Mr. Trump (and later President Trump) was the  victim (not the perpetrator) of election conspiracy and collusion.  What has been reveled directly  from the testimony  of one of the chief conspirators is that the collusion and unconstitutional acts  were actually engaged in by a a cabal of Clinton, FBI-Justice Department, CIA, elements.  These elements of the Obama Administration and the Deep state used all the investigative, intelligence and spying powers of the US government to hamstring a US candidate for the Presidency, then later after the unexpected election of that candidate, attempted to illegally abrogate a legitimate election, defraud the American people and toss the US Constitution onto the dung heap in an attempt to remove from office a candidate (and late a President) they did not like.  

All Americans of every political persuasion should be shocked and enraged  by the revelations of the Andrew McCabe interview on the TV program “60 minutes” yesterday.  McCabe, the fired former acting head of the FBI—openly exposed himself to treason as he revealed in that he and others in the FBI and Justice Department conspired in an attempted  deep state coup d’etat to unseat a legitimately elected President by attempting to mis-use the 25th Amendment. 

McCabe has also confessed to  plotting with others in the FBI and the JusticeDepartment to further the goals of his conspiracy by scheming with others to  initiate the Mueller Investigations so as to insure that his act of treason would continue were he to be fired from his position. McCabe’s perfidy has been a costly effort for the nation, which has weakened our government, taken up untold resources and political energies to our national detriment.  We can thank Mr McCabe and his co-conspirators in part for this period of.political drift and stablemate.    .  .  

The McCabe revelation brings further questions regarding the validity of the Mueller Investigation since it was based in good part on McCabe’s direction and false information.  The Mueller investigation  focused its energies (so far uncucessfully) on its unstated goal of unseating a President, as fraudulently intitiated and of quessstionable validity.  In face of McCabe;s revelations Muller’s probe is exposed as comparable  to a physician  treating  a patient’s ingrown toenails as he bleeds to death from a blood-spurting chest wound. 

McCabe and his co-conspirators (Page, Strzok, Comey, Brennan, etc. ) must be investigated.  Our nation can not ignore the existential threats of an attempt to overturn our government and to our Constitution and the sanctity of our elections—even at a time when te Democrats are infected with  Trump derangement syndrome which emcoirages the left and the mainstream media either to ignore (or even encourage) such traitorus behavior. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Today the NYT  published on line a piece under “FACT CHECK” entitled “Trump Repeats Unfounded Arguments in New Appeal for a Border Wall”, (originally appearing Jan 25, 2019) by Linda Qiu and Michael Tackett.

The piece repeatedly hammer the President for exaggeration and false claims regarding his push for a border wall (barrier, fence, etc etc. etc. )  “Even as he agreed to reopen the government the president used recycled inaccurate claims to press his case for a wall”, claim the authors.  They take great pains to pick out and exaggerate all HIS exaggerations.  The piece was not what I would call “balanced”.  No not from the NYTimes.  But after all the fact checking of the President.’s speeeech by these authors .I was struck by one fact the fact checkers published.  After berating the president and repeating the claim that illegal entry across the border is generally lower than it has been in many years , they slipped in an unvarnish fact.

NYT Fact: The monthly average of individuals attempting  illegal entry across the southern bored is 33,000 per month!   (Note: A more recent (March 4, 2019 estimate is double that number or over 60,000 illegals per month)

They ignored these facts: 

That figure (33,000 per month) indicates that almost four hundred thousand individuals per year are caught attempting illegal entry.   That is: every 2.5 years (during a low spell in activity according to the NYT) a million undocumented illegal aliens attempt to cross our southern border and get caught.  One must wonder how many illegals make it across successfully to settle in some distant  sanctuary city?  But even more troubling is that current law forces our border security services to take the names of these border violators, and after extracting from them a promise to return for their hearing give each one a court date, then release them into the nation where they promptly disappear!  What a joke.  As you might expect almost none of these individuals ever make it back.   Furthermore, probably very many more successfully evade arrest and wind up (with those who were caught ang given a court date) in some urban environment or sanctuary city to swell the ranks of the undocumented.  .  Think of what effect this situation has on low wage salaries, jobs, health-care services, education and other services.  The 400,000  attempted illegal entry per year (above)  is nearly is almost half (4/10s) of the  1,000,000 legal immigrants we process each year

At present, our known legal immigrant population is at a very high level comprising about 40,000,000 in a population of @ 333 million or about 12%.  There is a  tipping point where it becomes increasingly difficult to absorb and effectively assimilate such high numbers of foreigners.  Particularly vexing is the fact that we have no exact numbers on illegal immigrants.  The fact that we have had a porous border on our south though which people simply pour across leaves us with no actual counts on their numbers.    

Perhaps that estimate of 11,000,000 illegals presently  residing in our nation is a low estimate given all the years the Democrats (and Republicans) looked the other way and let this disaster occur. 

Thus if we do not pars  President Trump’s speeches as if they  were a legal brief presented before the Suprem Court— we can get the actual picture.  What is he saying?  That we have a severe security problem on our southern border. A miiilon new unvetted  immigrants every 2.5 years, crossing our border, is a major threat to our nation’s security, health and safety,  

That is what the President has said.  Do the facts require a “nit picking”  fact check?  NO

Is the gist of his argument valid?  YES

Monday, February 11, 2019




That is alwys impossible and inaccurate.  In any abortion decision there is always THREE INDIVIDUALS involved.  They are the woman, her doctor and the innocent unborn infant.  The  adult individuals involved, the physician and his or her pregnant patient- both have personal agenda’s of their own.  They are too often unable to make a just decision which involves the life or death decision of another individual.  We do not permit this to happen for adults who can defend themselves—why should we permit it for innocent infants.   When only these two individuals make a decision for death—-they are too often prone to ignore or misrepresent the needs and peotential of that THIRD party—the victim— the unborn infant (or in the State of. New York today, even a recently delivered live birth child.) The unborn third party can not speak for themselves so THE. STATE MUST BE THE ADVOCATE FOR THE INFANT.

It is only the State which has the right and the responsibility to protect the life of those who can not advocate for themselves. The State must  be there to protect the rights of the unborn with humane and appropriate laws which protect those rights—-as well as the right of the woman. But we can not leave this decion just to the woman and her doctor.

A pregnant woman is always two individuals.

Sorry gals you ARE special.


“Spending talks collapse over the Dems demand to curb ICE detentions”. Feb 10, 2019 Washington Examiner,


Democrats and Republican egotiators have only a few days left to avoid a second embarrassing episode of “closed government” with no funds to continue operations.  This latested ploy by the Democrats in these negotiations exposes the underlying motive behind thier bargaining position.

What are they after?  The idea that they are stalling for would limit the number of beds that ICE could use for detainees.  With fewer beds more detainees would have to be released.  It would result in an increase in the “catch and release” problem.  Illegal immigrants who make it across the incompletely caintrolled and barred international boundary with Mexico and reach US soil—can claim asylum.  And for ICE officers having no place to house them are officials would be forced to release them into the general population with a “promise” from them to return for their  asylum desision court date.

 It is well known that only about 3% of those that are so released into the US population ever turn up for their court date.  So the several hundred thousand illegals who enter the country illegally (many of whom have previous crimes on their record) simply find refuge  among their compatriots and the other 10 or 11 million illegals residing in sanctuary cities and states around the nation.

The Democrats with their proposal to “limit ICE beds” have exposed thier real motives.  Their game as always is to increase the number of Democrat voters.   How?   In the urban environments and sanctuary cities  and states where these illegal aliens wind up—they vote...and they vote Democrat.

Follow the votes,  If these illegals didnt vote—the Dems wouldn’t care a whit for them!

It seems very likely that  Sen. Hillary Clinton’s 3 million popular vote plurality in the 2016 election came from sanctuary states and cities where illegal immigrants vote.  It is not unlikely that those three million votes came form the estimated 11 million ellegals now resident here in the USA urban areas. They vote with the with the “wink wink” acknowledgment and encouragement of local politicians who support them and are repaid with their (illegal) votes

Sadly the Democrats are apparently working to undermine the legal American voter. .  For every vote cast by an illegal it likely voids the vote of a legal American resident.  That is something that must stop.



I read today (February 10, 2019) in the Guardian (on line) of another fearful report about how our chemically based agricultural system is destroying the planet.  “Plummeting insect numbers threaten collapse of nature.”, The Guardian,  February 10, 2019.    The report documents studies in Germany, Europe, and Austrailia s well as the USA which conclude that 40% of insect species are declining in numbers and a third are endangered .  The rate of extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles.”  They note that the total mass of insects is falling at a precipitous rate of 2.5% per annum.  At that rate insects could vanish within less than a century—(40 x 2.5 = 100!) in the next four decades or by 2060! 

We all hate bugs, they sting, they bite, they make the outdoors unbearable as well as gnaw away at our corn, soybeans, vegetables and other food crops—so why should we be concerned? 

Because they are the underlying basis of the food chain which undergirds the entire terrestrial ecosystem. Over hundreds of millions of years bugs and plants have evolved together. The demise of insects mean: no plants, no amphibians, no reptiles, no birds, no mammals  and along with that— no humans!  

Why are insect populations collapsing?  Humans dominate the ecosystem now.  And we are a species foolishly determined to make over the natural world to our own liking—but Mother Nature can not and will not cooperate with us.  She has other ideas on how her system works and we persist in ignoring her dictates, determined to generate an unstable parallel man-made world   To raise this unnatural world and control it we have dumped greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, polluted its soil and oceans with radioactive wastes, soiled it with by-products of petroleum, created oceans of plastic debris and chemical poisons designed to control plants and animals we term“pests”. But our unnatural parallel world is crumbling about our ears— and the frightening decline in insects is the canary lying feet upward in the floor of the miner’s cage.   For Earth to survive we must stop poisoning our beautiful and singular planet with lethal  products —there is no alternative.  

When the agro-chemists at Monsanto, Bayer and Dupont get finished with our only home, our planet, there will be no bugs to pester us but no food, to eat, no safe water to drink, and no clean air to breathe . This is real and and imminent threat. We must stop drowning the planet in tons and tons of neonicitinoids and glyphosate (Roundup) if we are to survive as a species into the next century. 

At present the chemical industry produces  (as per 2010 data)  about 20,000 tonnes (or 20 million kg or 44 million pounds of the most common neonicotinoid insecticide (imidacloprid) annually ( a persistent systemic poison which cripples insect  nervous systems and leads to death).  It is in use world wide. Imidacloprid (and many other brands like it) have become the most used and ubiquitous insecticide worldwide.  It is found everywhere, polluting almost every farm field soil and the water which drains from these fields .  It is carried by the streams and rivers into bays and near-shore marine environments too.  The collapse of bee populations world wide is well documented as well as the demise of marine crustaceans in these waters such as the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus)   Read about its terrible extensive use of this pesticide and it misuse worldwide as well as its  carcinogenic nature. Look up neonics!  With so much of this poison in our soils and waterways what does one expect but widespread insect decline! 

Rachel Carson predicted a “silent spring” more than 50 years ago in her 1962 classic of that name!  Sadly we still have not learned the underlying  lesson of her book and her life’s work.  The anti nature chemists and charletans only changed the evil poisons they are creating and selling  to destroy our planet.  These modern chemicals  are even more pernicious and stealthy.   

Either end the chemical poisoning of our world or face the prospect of extinction not just for bugs but for life as we know it.  

Friday, February 1, 2019


The Washington Post: “ Testimony by intelligence chiefs on global threats highlight differences with president.” January 29, 2019. This WP story suggests that the big differences of the so-called “intelligence chiefs” with the President are according to that journal  just   another example of how the president is “out of touch” or “thick headed” or “incompetent”.  The general media took off with this story (as usual) and projected a whole series of negative news lambasting Mr Trump for his differences with his vaunted intelligence agencies.  TV and print media and news broadcasts were rife with the story.  The gist of these many stories were how the assumed valid incontrovertible “intelligence” spouted by the  heads of these organizations was being ignored by the President at his and the nation’s peril.  What a lot of gobblydegook!

I was happy to hear that the President was making up his own mind on these foreign policy issues.

As a businessman my self—I soon learned that good policy and good (profitable) business decisions were not formulated by just using the information from the so called “experts”.  
An entrepreneur who made decisions on the basis of what his attorney or —God forbid! -his accountant—advised—would not be in business or profitable very long.  These executive decisions have  to be made —with the expert information in mind —but not slavishly following their advice.  I think Trump knows that well.   

Intellectually challenged former President George Bush (junior) was constantly heard to be saying  he was  “leaving his major policy decisions” up to the “experts” such as his generals and his intelligence chiefs.  Look what that got him—(and us).  Recall that when “young Georgie” was in charge the “intelligence” agencies were all wrong about the threat of Al Qaida prior to 9-11, their assessment of WMD in Iraq, and later under Obama the intervention in Libya etc. etc. etc,  They don’t have a great track record.  But George listened to them and made the most grievous foreign policy decisions in the nation’s history. 

As Mollie Hemingway reminds us in her excellent piece “Latest Intel Assessment Shows How Trump-Russia Hoax Has Hurt American Interests” (February 1, 2019)  one good reason that the President is not mouthing the same shibboleths as the chiefs  is that, Mr. Trump thankfully thinks for himself, and is rightly well aware of the shortcomings of his cadre of intelligence chiefs and as well their recent duplicity pre and post election 2016,  But more importantly he is correct in viewing their role as being there to provide information—not to set policy.  Mr Trump was elected to set policy.   

That is why we have elections.  So that the electorate can have a timely say in what direction the nation should be going by picking the person who will set policy.  (We can hire a dummy to simply  repeat the mumbling of the intelligence chiefs—and in the past we have.  The people’s choice should attempt to put the policies he/she was elected on into practice.  That’s what our nation’s  chief executive is supposed to do.  He/she evaluates all the information and makes his (or her) decisions on the basis of the electorate’s wishes and the overall strategy and policy as determined by the executive branch.  Thus one expects that there should be or may be differences between what policies the executive is pursuing and what information the intelligence chiefs are providing.

And lets not forget the elephant in the room—that these same “intelligence agencies” not too long ago were involved in what Mollie Hemingway terms “duplicitous efforts to unseat our legitimately elected President”.  I would have said “traitorous actions to undermine a candidate then later to deny the electorate their legitimate choice of candidate by attempting a internal coup d’etat”.  

So the credibility, honesty, and trustworthiness of the intelligence chiefs have been grievously eroded in the minds of much of the electorate.  In the future these agencies  should,  as Ms Hemingway suggests,  ‘focus on getting the facts right” and leave “foreign policy to those who were elected by the American people to conduct it.”