Andrew McCate (fired former Acting Director of the FBI) admits on a TV interview that he conspired with others in a 2016-17 attempted silent unconstitutional Coup D’etat—to unseat President Trump.
In the last 50 years there were almost 500 coups attempts world-wide (half were successful) and they occurred most commonly in unstable places like Africa, South America and the ME. The USA has never had one until the advent of the FBI’s now infamous Andy McCabe and his co conspirators (See: wiki).
It is the height of irony that the Democrats and the far left, while they were under the mentally debilitating influences of the “Trump derangement syndrome” which drove them to hysterically press for ever more and deeper investigations into the now famous “Russia collusion” investigation all in desperate hope of unseating a duly elected President—but what these “witch hunt” probes actually revealed after years of investigations was: their target: Mr. Trump (and later President Trump) was the victim (not the perpetrator) of election conspiracy and collusion. What has been reveled directly from the testimony of one of the chief conspirators is that the collusion and unconstitutional acts were actually engaged in by a a cabal of Clinton, FBI-Justice Department, CIA, elements. These elements of the Obama Administration and the Deep state used all the investigative, intelligence and spying powers of the US government to hamstring a US candidate for the Presidency, then later after the unexpected election of that candidate, attempted to illegally abrogate a legitimate election, defraud the American people and toss the US Constitution onto the dung heap in an attempt to remove from office a candidate (and late a President) they did not like.
All Americans of every political persuasion should be shocked and enraged by the revelations of the Andrew McCabe interview on the TV program “60 minutes” yesterday. McCabe, the fired former acting head of the FBI—openly exposed himself to treason as he revealed in that he and others in the FBI and Justice Department conspired in an attempted deep state coup d’etat to unseat a legitimately elected President by attempting to mis-use the 25th Amendment.
McCabe has also confessed to plotting with others in the FBI and the JusticeDepartment to further the goals of his conspiracy by scheming with others to initiate the Mueller Investigations so as to insure that his act of treason would continue were he to be fired from his position. McCabe’s perfidy has been a costly effort for the nation, which has weakened our government, taken up untold resources and political energies to our national detriment. We can thank Mr McCabe and his co-conspirators in part for this period of.political drift and stablemate. . .
The McCabe revelation brings further questions regarding the validity of the Mueller Investigation since it was based in good part on McCabe’s direction and false information. The Mueller investigation focused its energies (so far uncucessfully) on its unstated goal of unseating a President, as fraudulently intitiated and of quessstionable validity. In face of McCabe;s revelations Muller’s probe is exposed as comparable to a physician treating a patient’s ingrown toenails as he bleeds to death from a blood-spurting chest wound.
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