“Time Magazine (April 30, 2019) Trump sues Banks to Block Subpoenas for Financial Records”
Two House committees secretly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank and Capital One for the President’s past financial records in an effort to investigate the President and others “foreign influence on the US political process”. The President and his family and business have sued to prevent this release of personal and private information with a timeline that goes back before the President was a candidate. The President’s lawsuit seeks to block the banks from releasing the information.
The Founding Fathers were wise in their deliberations over the Constitutional distribution of powers. They gave the President executive powers, and the Congress purview over the purse and an ability to oversee the executive. Perceptive that there may likely develop an antagonistic political dynamic between the executive of one political persuasion and another in the Congress and also acutely aware that the executive branch—to function— required freedom to make critical decisions for the betterment (or even the survival) of the Nation, they limited the ability of Congress to “hog tie” the executive or use their powers to further their own political objective to intimidate, annoy, coerce the executive so as to interfere with his or her valid functions of state.
The Founders did give a powerful opportunity for the Congress (the House) to pursue a President who had committed “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Impeachment. However, in light of the the recent revelations of the Mueller Report—we now know—after nearly two years—$35 million dollars spent and over 450 pages of report— that there were no crimes of that sort. If they can not or will not invoke a vote of impeachment the Democrats must “get off the pot” and begin to serve the nation in the manner and for the reason for which they were elected.
The Democrats in Congress in continuing to harass the President by subpoena have now stepped over the bounds of rationality in their pursuit of the President and his family —all for very obvious venal and self serving political purposes. Attempting to investigate the long past financial activities of Mr. Trump and his family serve no valid purpose other than political motivated harassment. This coercion of the executive undermines the nation as a whole and hurts the People who the Democrats have sworn to serve.
The nation’s voters want our members of Congress on both side of the aisle to devote the limited time and energy they spend at their desks and in office (at great cost to the taxpayers) working actively for the People — to the real problems that face the nation—to insuring a robust economy, and full employment for all, to clean up the immigration mess on our borders, to address the problem of our crumbling infrastructure, and environmental issues—such as water and air pollution, and the underlying and pervasive income and wealth inequality.
The Democrats should focus on the needs of the People and not their personal desire for reelection and the power of their political party.
Let our elections decide who governs at the ballot box!
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