Thursday, July 4, 2019


On this Fourth of July we remember the courage of our Founders who placed their lives, fortunes and families in jeopardy for the ideal of freedom from oppression.  We especially recall the threats our forefather’s faced from abroad in 1776 as a weak new-born nation.  They—our ancestors—  faced a fearful war with the most powerful nation of its time.  Today we have taken up that position, as a powerhouse  both economically and militarily.  Foreign enemies continue to plague us but are not an existential threat.  Today the greatest  challenges to our survival come from within.

Sadly, the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy—the Democrats—in response to a disastrous loss of power in during the Obama Administration and in the aftermath of the 2016 election –have forgotten what the name of their party: “Democrat” actually means.  It derives from  two Greek words: “demos” — people,  and “kratis”—“rule”.  That is: a party which claims to abide by a system in which the people are the source of power to govern.  That is all the people.  Not just those the Democrats have cut out of the herd and pandered to for support in elections.

It is now evident that in the 2016 election,  the Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration as well as powerful elements of government conspired and colluded to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.   These Democrat conspirators secretly joined forces prior to the election to undermine the candidacy of the opposing (GOP) party, by turning powerful weapons of the foreign and domestic intelligence state against political opponents (Yes they spied upon the GOP!).  These acts were designed to insure an election outcome preferred by few individuals in high places.  These “democrats”  did not respect the “will of the people” who went to the polls to vote. They undermined the sanctity of our election process.  Then, after the people had spoken in November 2016, making their preferences clear—these same individuals in government and their supporters and facilitators in the media attempted a coup d’etat from within, to unseat a legitimately elected president .  They conspired to overturn the will of the people.  

Then to hide their perfidy they developed and persued —with the malicious help of the MSM —a totally false—red herring— story of “Trump collusion with Russia”.    

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