This week we experienced two related events in the English speaking world. In the UK, Boris Johnson, the Conservative leader, won an astounding Parliamentary victory, winning more than three hundred seats in the Commons which gave his party an 80 seat advantage. That margin is enough to insure Johnson will have a full term and be able to lead his nation out of the binding coils of the EU since the June 2016 referendum. In that vote 52% of the British population favored leaving. But powerful forces of resistance to change in the hide-bound government bureaucracy held up the implementation of the people’s will for three years. The overwhelming Tory vote this week will finally make that break from bondage come to pass in January.
What caused the delay? After the June 2016 UK referendum, as the votes were tallied, the government-establishment-media powers in London could not believe the vote. They disparaged what they described as the rise of “populism” as if doing what is popular in a democracy is somehow evil. These bureaucrats satisfied and flush with their lot over the last decades in the de-industrialized and globalized world they created—they remained blissfully unaware of the hardship and despair those polices had created outside of their well paid high-tech bubble in London. The progressives, the government bureaucrats, the elites in academia and the press conspired to obstruct, resist and overturn the legitimate vote of the majority to leave the EU. The deep state, the forces of stagnation, those with cozy relations and well-paying jobs conspired to undermine the referendum vote and stymie any exit deal. The powers of the bureaucratic state are many and varied. It took more than three years, two general elections and a great deal of political maneuvering to achieve a government which will satisfy the directive that 52%of the nation favored: exiting the EU.
In that same year, on the other side of the “pond” and only four months later, another manifestation of massive popular discontent and the rise of powerful resistance forces took place in the USA. In November 2016, the people overwhelmingly elected President Trump in a broad sweep of the Electoral College vote:Trump 304 to Clinton’s 227. Mr Trump turned the nation GOP-red by garnering over 2600 counties across the nation to Clinton’s less than 500, or a more than 5 to one ratio. As in the UK, the centers of dense population favored the left and those densely populated districts Clinton won more votes ( about 3 million out of the @129 million cast). For example, in the City of New York alone, Ms Clinton won five of the six urban counties, while Donald Trump won one. In the densely populated City center Clinton took an estimated 2 million more votes than Mr Trump. That vote count was 2/3 of the popular vote plurality she won in the nation. She accomplished a similar feat in parts of Los Angeles, California. So her popular vote majority—often touted by her defenders as a win —was restricted to very small densely populated counties of the nation and areas admittedly unrepresentative of the nation as a whole
As in the UK Brexit referendum, in the USA 2916 election the entrenched powers of government were left in disbelief at the results . The sore losers reacted by claimIng “foul”. The Clinton team had used the phony charge of Russian interference during the campaign and this charge was taken up by the sore losers. The media giants so closely allied with established government took up the cry as well. On the day after the election the Washington Post printed a piece predicting: “The road to impeachment begins”.
The powers that be—just as in the UK Brexit, would not accept the manifest will of “the People”—in this case the election of Mr. Trump. Candidate Trump was the choice of 63 million American voters. But the opposition ignored the dictates of the Constitution, protocols for the smooth passage of pier from one party to another and the sanctity of a valid election. What began—was three years and more of political, and in some instances, treasonous political“resistance”.
Prior to the election the FBI secretly and illegally instituted a domestic spy probe into the Trump campaign. These actions were characterized by the apparent deep bias of the investigators, spying on candidate Trump, then President-elect Trump and even President Trump. The charges of Russian collusion, fed by a scurrilous dirty tricks political document, paid for and initiated by the Clintons during the campaign was taken up by the FBI and and presented as verified intelligence to the FISA court to get a warrant to continue spying in the Trump campaign—then the President elect and then after being sworn in the President himself. The fake charges led to the now debunked Mueller Investigation. Subsequent charges of phony claims of obstruction of justice for firing James Comey the inept, mendacious, biased and bumbling head of the FBI. biased and ineffective director James Comey. Recent revelations (Horowitz) have revealed how valid his dismissal was. After a near two year investigation, when the Mueller investigation finally revealed no evidence of Russian collusion—by “any American”. the resistors turned to other means to unseat a legitimately elected head of state. The latest trumped up (no pun) charges were cooked up by a deep state CIA operative working in collusion with Adam Schiff ( D-Ca) of the Intelligence Committee (a man congenitally unable to overcome the childish mendacity of a ten-year old). The whistleblower and Schiff colluded on the complaint making a claim of “bribery” based on Mr Trump’s telephone call to the newly elected President of the Ukraine. President Trump encouraged the newly elected leader to investigate corruption in that nation which may have involved the 2016 US election.
All these events were directed at the President with the intention of somehow delegitimizing, or exposing him to charges upon which he might be released from office or impeached. Eventually, the powers of the Deep State, allied with the nation’s intelligence agencies and the complicit and biased media were partially successful.
The powers that be—just as in the UK Brexit, would not accept the manifest will of “the People”—in this case the election of Mr. Trump. Candidate Trump was the choice of 63 million American voters. But the opposition ignored the dictates of the Constitution, protocols for the smooth passage of pier from one party to another and the sanctity of a valid election. What began—was three years and more of political, and in some instances, treasonous political“resistance”.
Prior to the election the FBI secretly and illegally instituted a domestic spy probe into the Trump campaign. These actions were characterized by the apparent deep bias of the investigators, spying on candidate Trump, then President-elect Trump and even President Trump. The charges of Russian collusion, fed by a scurrilous dirty tricks political document, paid for and initiated by the Clintons during the campaign was taken up by the FBI and and presented as verified intelligence to the FISA court to get a warrant to continue spying in the Trump campaign—then the President elect and then after being sworn in the President himself. The fake charges led to the now debunked Mueller Investigation. Subsequent charges of phony claims of obstruction of justice for firing James Comey the inept, mendacious, biased and bumbling head of the FBI. biased and ineffective director James Comey. Recent revelations (Horowitz) have revealed how valid his dismissal was. After a near two year investigation, when the Mueller investigation finally revealed no evidence of Russian collusion—by “any American”. the resistors turned to other means to unseat a legitimately elected head of state. The latest trumped up (no pun) charges were cooked up by a deep state CIA operative working in collusion with Adam Schiff ( D-Ca) of the Intelligence Committee (a man congenitally unable to overcome the childish mendacity of a ten-year old). The whistleblower and Schiff colluded on the complaint making a claim of “bribery” based on Mr Trump’s telephone call to the newly elected President of the Ukraine. President Trump encouraged the newly elected leader to investigate corruption in that nation which may have involved the 2016 US election.
All these events were directed at the President with the intention of somehow delegitimizing, or exposing him to charges upon which he might be released from office or impeached. Eventually, the powers of the Deep State, allied with the nation’s intelligence agencies and the complicit and biased media were partially successful.
Today (Dec 13,2019) the House of Representatives’ Judicial Committee voted to bring two articles of impeachment against President Trump —(a form of inditement) which will be voted on by the full House, probably next week. President Trump, who completed another major trade deal this week ( NAFTA had been completed and awaits House approval and his new trade deal with China) and has headed a the economy booming and unemployment at in lowest levels in decades as well as kept a reasonably peaceful world order will be only the third American President facing impeachment. This last one is very obviously frivolous and based—not on high crimes and misdemeanors—the Founders included in the Constitution but base political opportunism—and an attempt to alter the outcome of the 2020 election. Just the charges they are leveling at the President.
In democratic nations where “people power” actually exists voters will eventually prevail. And as in the UK, when the people had a second chance, —theY had enough of the stalling and denial of voter rights-when they voted in the UK on December 12, in a decisive win for the Brexiteers they voted out those on the left who would have denied the validity of the Brexit vote and committed the nation to continued unhappy existence as a EU member.
The people in the USA will also have a chance again in 2020 when they enter the ballot box and cast a secret vote They can either reward those on the left who have attempted all along to delegitimize, to undermine and to impeach (disenfranchise the voters) their choice for President. One who has brought a booming economy, the lowest of low-unemployment, and a sense that he is attempting to address the needs of all those middle class workers with traditional values who have been ignored for the last decades by the Democrats. The Democrat Party has accomplished nothing for the average working class citizen. Their maniacal, frenzied, hate-driven, ill-conceived and manically persistent attempts to overturn a legitimate election only to assuage the discontent of the malcontent fringe-left of the coastal urban ghettoes has been a fool’s effort. These misguided, dangerous precedents of politicizing the impeachment process for base partisan advantage must be punished at the ballot box.
Or as in the UK, they could vote the impeach-frenzied Democrats out of power in the House and restore some level of sanity and decorum to the peoples’ House of Representatives again.
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