Monday, May 18, 2020



Many of you are too young to remember Watergate—the  infamous political scandal of 1973 during the Nixon Administration. The scandal revolved around the acts of the President and his conspirators who were conducting a spying operation on his Democrat opponent Sen George McGovern.  Nixon’s “plumbers” spied on the Democrat National Committee—taping phone conversations and stealing documents from offices in the Watergate Hotel. The operatives were discovered, the President was exposed, and then rather than face impeachment Nixon resigned in 1974.  

Obamagate—which the main-stream, left-leaning media like to term “an unfounded conspiracy theory” is in fact appropriately termed.  It is as much of an egregious misuse of executive power as was Nixon’s Watergate scandal.   Obamagate is the claim  that members of President Obama’s team in the White House, the FBI, the CIA, the NIA and other all conspired to spy on Mr. Trump’s campaign prior to the 2016 election.  Unlike Nixon they did not use  hireling “plumbers” but simply weaponized  the massive executive powers of government intelligence gathering to investigate their political opponents in the Trump campaign.  They tapped the phones and read the emails of Carter Paige—who was at the time a low level member of the Trump election campaign.  By listening to all of Paige’s conversations—personal, private and politcal—gave them access to the Trump campaign and its associates. They had an entree into information regarding the Trump team’s election strategy and its plans for the future. How is this any different than Watergate?  Or is it worse— more of an offense— because by prostituting the functions of government agencies, turning them into politicized agents willing to ignore long established protocols and the nation’s laws—these institutions are weakened and rightly lose the respect and legitimacy that they need to function properly in a democracy.    

But what motivated these conspirators?  After the shocking election of 2016 Democrats recognized their political plight.  In the 2016 election the Republican candidate, a businessman, former TV personality, novice politician, with weak communication skills and no political experience, handily beat the Democrat. Trump  spent less than half of what his well-funded opponent yet won an overwhelm victory  in the Electoral College.  (The only contest) that counts).  Mrs. Clinton the Democrat, had an extraordinary resume’ She was a well trained slick attorney, a former law clerk, served two terms as First Lady, spent six years as US Senator from New York and after her defeat by Obama in 2007, she served two terms as his Secretary of State. Furthermore, she was co-head of perhaps the most well-funded and  formidable political machine in US history—the Clinton Global Initiative!  She had the backing of powerful women’s movement, as well as that of popular President Obama as well as every Democrat politician and a good many Republicans.  She  was  supported by every media outlet, every poll taker, all of hollywood, and government officials in both parties.  Yet this powerful candidate flus with money lost to Donald Trump whom the anti-Trump conspirators considered a bufoon and unworthy candidate.  

One can almost feel sorry for the Democrats. At this juncture they must have realized how transitory President Obama’s Administation was, how hollow his oratory, how unable he was to pass on his near-cult status popularity to a successor and that he left a deeply polarized nation and they —-were left high and dry.  They were also faced with the harsh reality  of the Electoral College.   The Democrats under Obama  had maneuvered  themselves into a minority party position. They became owners of a coalition of minorities.  The political advocates of small disparate elements of our society—blacks, urbanites, illegal immigrants, feminists, urbanites, anti religious zealots  and other minorities—most of whom were confined to only several densely populated states on the nation’s coasts.  The Democrat strategy of knitting these together into a coalition—left  the vast majority of the heartland—where regular working folks, (and former Democrats) the “irredeemables”, who rallied around the “Bible, the flag and their guns” were ridiculed demeaned and abandoned by the left.  This is where Mr. Trump won the election—the vast heartland of the nation. 

Desperation drives politicians to desperate acts. In 2017–the Democrat future and the possibility of ever taking  the Senate back or winning  the Presidency looked bleak indeed.  The Democrats looking over the 2016 results realized that they were going to be relegated to a toothless, “seat-warmer” minority party with little or no chance of retaking the reins of power.   unless they began to play dirty and  use other means— other than legitimate elections— to gain that power.  The result of their schemes was the conspiracy President Trump has now baptized as “Obamagate”

The most egregious act of criminality government officials can commit in our democratic system of representative government is  the misuse the power we as voters have devolved upon our leaders.  The act of purposely undermining the  manifest will of the people and the misuse of  the awful investigative and legal powers of government  for base  partisan and political advantage is in effect, an  abrogation of the oaths every legislator and executive  take to uphold the Constitution—and the sacred compact they have with the citizenry they are sworn to represent.  

The power  to govern in our democratic system comes,  not from the Devine, or the head of some self appointed commission, or a communist commissariat, or a hereditary king.  It is the People who decide who will govern.  This concept of “people rule” is the very core of our system and of our Constitution.  Recall?  “We the People...” .  Our elections are sacrosanct since they are the vehicle by which we either  renew an existing compact with one administration or regime,  or throw that one out and give power to a new regime.  One administration leaves office and another take over.  This peaceful and willing passage of the baton of power from one administrative team to another  is what makes our Democratic Republic so exceptional.  We have actually been remarkably successful with this system over the more than. 340 years of our existence.  Over that period our quadrennial elections have successfully and peacefully handed power over from one administration to another. 

That is until 2016-2017 when the Obama Administration aware that their political position was weak — schemed to undermine the incoming Trump administration in an attempt to upend the results of the 2016 election, and the will of the People who had made their choice clear in their support of President Trump and his policies.

But instead of honoring the legitimate and manifest will of the People, the Obama team thought they could abrogate the votes of 63 million heartland Americans who voted for Mr. Trump all across this broad nation.  Instead this group the “crossfire hurricane” and crossfire “razor” campaigns and the  “insurance policy” to take down a duly elected President.  

A few days before the end of the transition and before Mr. Trump was to be sworn in (new documents reveal) that these hold-over elements of the Obama team  hatched a plan to undermine the incoming Trump transition team, spy on the new administrators, fire or undermine National Intelligence Chief General Flynn, cripple the new President so as to weaken his administration in an attempt to abrogate the election results and either  impeach the new president  or to so weakened him as to insure that he would be unsuccessful in his first term and to insure that he would serve out only one unexceptional term. 

This act was of course tantamount to treason..and all Americans—whether Republicans or Democrat should be aghast at such acts that undermine the very core of our beliefs.  The Democrats subsumed the welfare and benefit of the RO political party to the overall welfare of the nation as a whole.  Sadly the Democrats and their media co-conspirators would like to ignore these unpleasant facts. 

Sadly, The Obamagate team was successful in weakening the President, in dividing the nation in  misdirections our energies into wasteful costly investigations which were designed to politically kneecap the President and undermine his ability to successfully govern and to lessen his chances for reelection.  

Much of these efforts of the part of the Obamagate conspirators  came to naught,  The Trump Administration , though saddled with constant investigations and an impeachment inquiry still managed to keep the peace internationally, to make us self sufficient in energy, and to bring us unparalleled employment and and a burgeoning powerful economy. 

Now during the crisis of this Coronavirus Pandemic the Obamagate conspirators continue —and their media supporters—even when the nation is threatened with disaster of monumental proportions they continue with their political schemes designed to weaken their political opposition so as to strengthen their own party. They  use every means at their disposal to weaken our nation—both politically and economically—so as to advance their political opportunities in the coming elections. 

Obamagate is the real threat we face as a nation—not the corona virus.  We will overcome that biological  threat—but the  acts of these conspirators to attack the very core of our system, and the sanctity of our elections —have been almost completely ignored (Fox News and Glenn Greenwald excepted)) by those essential watchdogs  of our nation— the journalists— who sadly in this case —who practice a form of “resistance journalism” and studiously ignore the Obamagate conspirators.  


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