Friday, July 31, 2020


Biden is 77 years old and certainly not a vigorous septuagenarian.  He seems fragile and infirm.  He has a prison pallor from all those months in his basement.  I am giving my own age away when I say he reminds me of a character on the old (and hilarious ) radio show Fred Allen Show  (@1945)    Allen created the character Senator Beauregard Claghorn and his side kick Senator Bloat who were played major roles and whom Allen hilariously interviewed on the show.   Claghorn was the epitome of the back-slapping, loose lipped, empty headed professional southern politician—(who has sadly never left us).  Claghorn was cast as a deep south character,  but Biden does him justice in his phony folksy manner, his  touchy freely habits, his hair-sniffing and “handy ness” of prodding and patting lady parts; even though he represented a state just barely south of Mason-Dixon Line.

Biden ran for the Presidency three times.  I remember the first go round. Every one recognized that this bloviating Delaware Senator didn’t have the gravitas needed and thus we were all not too surprised when It was revealed that he plagiarized a Brit for an important speech of his own .    He couldn’t even do that well. He took large obvious segments from this British politician’s  speech, not even aware  that many folks in the US regularly read British politicians too.  That scandal knocked Joe out of the race immediately   I notice old habits don’t  die.  He has been at it again .Many of his recent babblings have been derived from better thought out speeches delivered by  President Trump more than three years ago.

Biden has remained safe in his basement and mostly silent on the  pandemic of violence affecting our major progressive leaning  cities. These urban areas light up in flames and bombings  each night for the last two months as a result of the actions of violent mobs, anarchists, and “Antifa” thugs who go about  looting businesses, burning down buildings, tearing  down statuary all with the tacit approval of weak “progressive” mayors and governors who laughingly claim these are “peaceful” demonstrations.

The overall impact of these “peaceful demonstrations” will probably amount to billions upon billions of dollars that these cities can ill afford and in time have to pay for.  Be sure they will be going hat in hand to Washington where they will hope to find a complicit and malleable Biden there to take your tax dollars and give them away to these undeserving city and state officials.

Biden has promised to eliminate the oil and gas industry—along with the near  10 million jobs they generate. He promises to drastically increase taxes, claiming to  take money from the “wealthy”. But it’s your pocket he’s looking into.  Al of those who in pursuit of their own financial security work hard to create new businesses, generating well paying jobs.  He waste to strangle the goose which lays the golden egg and cook it up for his social far left base of radical supporters.

He promises to open the borders so that Americans who are at present struggling to return to work
will have more competition. Open borders is a bad idea in the era of deadly communicable disease and tight job markets.  We are full up with immigrants at present having the highest percentage of legal (and illegal) newcomers to this nation in our recent history.

He is promising free college degrees, health care and other free goodies (even for illegal immigrants) paying for them by plunging his hands into the pockets hard working American tax payers.

Biden promises, to aid and abet that disaster (open border) by favoring opening up the ballot boxes to mail in voting so anyone  who happens to be in the country and simply wants to vote can do so. .  this is a sure way to create chaos after the election and undermine the legitimacy of our sacred election processs.

He has embraced the idea of reparations for African Americans (blacks or Blacks ???).  But who are they?  How do we know who gets a reparation and who does not?  And who should pay for these reparations?  Southerners? Descendants of former slave owners?  Or all Americans? Most Americans living and paying taxes today had no relationship to the enslavement of these folks and why should they be asked to pay reparations?  This idea will go no where and cause more harm than any good.

Biden has taken on the  ideas of the “ green new deal” —an experiment in economics that will cost trillions upon trillions of dollars to implement—what we do not have now—And just a jump from one system to another —which should be done gradually over decades—would occur at the worst possible time when the nation is struggling to recover from the Covid 19 debacle. This is another idea that will cause more harm than good.

Biden is soft on our most serious, existential and emergent threat—China.  China has been finally revealed as not a simple competitor but a sinister scheming theat to our nation’s wealth, military, global interests and personal safety. (They had the knowledge, the means and the opportunity to avoid passing the Covid virus on to the USA, but they chose to let it happen—obviously intent on weakening their major competitor in the world.) During his career Biden as a undistinguished Senator for tiny Delaware Biden used his position to leverage “deals” for his sons and for his brother.  His Chinese deals are legendary. His family has made millions upon millions as a result of insider deals he leveraged as Obama’s point man on China.

Finally, for those who are religious-God fearing folk —Biden is as corrupt and hypocritical in this area as in every other.  Once a Catholic in name only—but now he openly supports the anti religious elements in his party and those who castigate anyone who espouses to be  religious—Protestant Catholic or Jew.   Biden openly supports  the most extreme fringe elements of the abortion rights groups —permitting abortions of viable innocent  babies into the last stages of pregnancy.

Once a supporter of the Hyde Amendment which prohibited the use of federal funds το pay for abortions.  In effect Government spending forced  those who abhor abortion as the taking of innocent life to pay for what they see as unconscionable. Biden—the “Catholic” has now reversed his position on the Hyde amendment and has proposed abandoning it.

For eight years Biden played  “Senator Claghorn” the folksy, unthreatening,  back-slapping and ice breaker, the Sancho Panza or Jay Silverheels’ Tonto— to the real leader an  alpha male—the too serious, too  intellectual, too detached Obama as the  President. Biden is stuck in that role

VP Joe was in every way a second banana , kept around to make Obama seem human.  When President Obama had to choose who was to be the person to run for president in 2016 and continue to support and sustain his “legacy”—he kicked Joe under the bus, as unworthy of support//and gave his full support to Hillary Clinton.  Obama is the person who knows Joe best and he rejected him for the job.  Joe went off to his basement and quietly took the humiliation and punishment.  He had no fight in him. He just let Obama push him around.  Such behavior does not generate confidence that Biden could stand up to international bullies and threats to support you—the American citizen.

 Joe was never a leader always a Second banana and follower.  At this point the nation does not need two Vice Presidents....Joe and his lady VP.  The nation needs one strong and determined leader to fight for us and to get us out of this economic and Covid pandemic  mess.

President Trump has proved he can lead.   In the face of massive illegal intervention and intrigue by his predecessors before the election and treasonous schemes to unseat him after the election he succeeded,  overcoming monumental opposition, even from those in his own party.  He succeeded in keeping the peace, generating millions of  new jobs, and creating a thriving economy the envy of the world.   He has proved his worth.

Joe is only a second banana.  He is physically, mentally and emotionally unfit for the presidency.  He is a doppelgänger of Fred Allen’s laughable Senator Claghorn who we should -/like Claghorn—had a few laughs with him and then retired him  permanently.

Think again.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


The left would like for us to pound our chests with “mea culpa” as we bend our knees and  self flagellate to the god of racial guilt.  But most Americans are unblemished by this sin.

The left love to misrepresent history—such as that slavery was the impetus for the Revolutionary War...or that the USA is a nation burdened with “systemic racism”. The poorly or unschooled whippersnappers that somehow were pushed ahead each year into the next successive grade and never learned the basics —like their sixth grade Times Table (Go on ask them to do a multiplication and watch as they stall and  stumble looking for the calculator on their iphones ) or how to keep a bank book or which end of the hammer to hold are now in position is of authority.  They think they know what they are doing—-they graduated from college!. But they know no history or geography.  Maths that is way beyond them.  So trust them not.

But you can believe this:  the USA is NOT A RACIST NATION.  Far from it.

Let’s not forget this is the nation where religious whites, such as the Quakers,  as well as Baptist Abolitionists with John Brown as one of their leaders risked and lost their lives to protect and harbor blacks fleeing from southern states. This is the nation which established the famed  Underground Rail Road to free a blacks from a life from slavery.   This is the nation where  Abraham Lincoln, a Republican was handily elected to the Presidency on an anti-slavery platform.  In this nation we fought a horrible  Civil War with massive casualties to settle the question of slavery and succession to maintain a slave state.  Near the end of the war the Emancipation Proclamation was promulgated.  It was in this Nation That white legislatures around the nation passed the 13th and 14th  Amendments (13 to abolish slavery and 14 to insure “equal protection” of all citizens).   In this nation white folks across the nation voted to  pass the 15th Amendment (guaranteeing all people of every color the right to vote).   In the all white Supreme Court voted for the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education decision (abandons separate but equal education facilities).  In this nation,   Rosa Parks began the Montgomery Bus boycott (1955) . In this nation Republican  President Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce integration of the Little Rock High School.  In this nation both blacks and whites  in the 1963 March on Washington to support Civil rights1963.    In this nation the Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  In this nation in 1962  southern educators moved to integrate “Ole Miss” U and permit James Meridith entry.  In this nation  Dr. King gave his  “I have a Dream” speech to massive crowds (1963).  In this nation an all white Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  In this nation Thurgood Marshall, the first black jurist was elevated to the Supreme Court in 1967.  We passed the fair Housing act of 1968 in this nation.  We supported the  first black woman, Shirley Chisholm to run for president in 1972.  We passed the  Affirmative Action Laws in 1978 (which gave blacks set aside positions and preferences in schools, universities, and competitive tests incrasing their presence greatly in our  most elite and selective universities. In 1984 civil rights worker and black activist  Jesse Jackson ran for president.  This is a nation in which Oprah Winfrey launched her popular talk show—to become the richest, most influential black woman in world.  This is the nation where a poor black kid Colin Powell from the Bronx NY rose to be  4 Star General of the Army , and the  Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was appointed Secretary of State in 2001.  This is the nation where in 2005 Condolezza Rice was to become first black woman Secretary of State.  And most recently in 2008 this is the nation that elected a black community worker from Hawaii to be the 44th US President:  Barack Obama.  President Obama was telvered and honored and served two full terms.  Millions upon millions of American whites elected him twice to be their President.

 All of these achievements were made manifest with the full cooperation,  financial support, votes and empathetic succor of millions of white Americans of all political persuasions. Sixty or seventy million American enthusiastically voted for President Obama two times in a row!

Are there racists in the USA?  Sadly yes.  Sorry to say they occur in both the white and black communities of our nation in perhaps equal numbers.  Racism is endemic around the world in all nations and ethnic and racial groups.  Unlike the USA some nations do have formal racist policies— real systemic racism.  These include China, Japan, India,  and several well-known ally nations in the Middle East of more than one religious persuasion are formally racist states.

But are we a nation of systemic institutionalized racism? No!

Absolutely not. Our long history of revulsion of the practice is apparent and is supported by the many efforts to eliminate and ameliorate its effects.  To claim otherwise is a baldfacdd lie!  

No Systemic racism in America—

Friday, July 24, 2020


Fresh Meat, Fish and Poultry Which Has Been Refrigerated Has the Potential For Contamination

In Germany in late June a new outbreak of Covid 19 was detected which unsettled the German epidemiologists (Les premiers reconfinements en Allemagne 25 June 2020, Eurojournaliste). These German abattoirs and packing plants —among them one of the largest in Europe—were hit by 1500 COVID 19 cases.  Some pointed to the use of low wage immigrant labor, poor working conditions and poor hygiene.  Revisiting a “shutdown”  of certain  affected “cantons” counties (?) imposed by the German authorities.

But more recently (July 23, 2020, Bloomberg: “Virus can travel 26 feet at cold meat plants with stale air“) a follow up German study in these same meat packing plants revealed that in cold stale (stagnant air) virus particles can remain viable and infect others as far away as 8 meters (eight Chinnok Salmon or about 26 feet).  The study helped explain to the investigators how 1500 workers could be infected and how several of these places have become  local “epicenters” of the disease. But a corollary conclusion was the unthinkable—that the virus could remain viable over those long distances and for long periods of time.

Apparently, as this author has noted earlier (arguing that transmission is primarily air borne),  the spittle droplets which enter the air as workers talk, cough or sneeze can remain lofted in the air under varying atmospheric conditions.  In confined, cold, stagnant air, infected droplets apparently can remain viable over much longer periods of time and if circumstances permit them to remain lofted they could infect others as far away as 26 feet. That discovery suggests that those droplets which settle onto to cold moist surfaces may as well remain viable for longer times than expected.  This seems to give support to the contention of Chinese investigators who claimed that refrigerated Norwegian salmon may have been contaminated in a Norway packing plant and the covid virus remained capable of infecting Chinese workers in a Beijing fish market.

Recall the case of the Norwegian salmon which in early June 2020 was implicated in an outbreak of Covid 19 in Beijing’s Xinfadi market. .  Chinese authorities banned Norwegian salmon for a period of time and began testing for viral contamination.  Norway demurred as did some Chinese experts.   But China did establish that the strain of the virus that they isolated in the Beijing fish market was not a local strain—but one that had come from Europe.  One possible explanation is that the fish was contaminated in Norway Or in transport and under the conditions of high moisture and low temperatures the virus remained viable as a surface contaminant during its period of refrigerated passage.

After this most recent meat German plant outbreak and investigation, the Chinese are now testing meats arriving in China from German (and others) packing plants where covid 19 outbreaks had occurred.

For costumes here it seems prudent to exercise care when preparing and cooking meat and fish as well as poultry which has been refrigerated and arrives fresh in your kitchen.  (There is no evidence about long frozen foods as yet.)  Although our CDC and other “experts” have claimed all along that the surfaces of foodstuffs as well as meat and fish were very unlikely sources of contamination —-recall they were wrong on several occasions already —“no masks necessary in March—but masks  in June“.

Therefore, in light of these recent studies I would view fresh fish, meat and poultry as: although unlikely to be contaminated— the possibility of viable virus on the meat surface does exist.  Thorough cooking of course would denature or kill any microbes or viruses on the surface, but  handling of the raw product could contaminate your hands, cutlery and cutting boards . So prudent hygienic practices should be employed after handling and preparing these products.

Fresh vegetables which are harvested and packaged  by people who could be sick and are comestibles often implicated in transmissible disease-/but these are less likely to be contaminated by viruses which probably could not survive on surfaces exposed to open air-drying, to solar UV light and the heat of the sun.  But how they are handled once they are harvested is an open question.

But hey, canned foods are totally safe!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Open Season on Fraud—Mail In Ballots—Making a Joke of Voting

Buying votes was always part of US elections. JFK famously won the ‘62 election using his daddy’s cash to purchase voters  far and wide across West Virginia.  We now control much of that form of corruption. But the idea to send out ballots to every “registered voter”—live or dead or no longer in this state/-then  count them  and decide which are valid and which are not is really dumb.  Seems  we would be just asking for fraud which  will perhaps result in inviting  the Supreme Court in for a decision as to who wins.

In the last “by elections” in NYC and elsewhere a whopping 28% of these ballots were rejected due to no signature, unreadable signature etc etc etc. imagine that problem nation wide.

Then once the ballots have been signed and sent off in an open mail truck—we have abandoned any semblance of  ballot security.  How can they be protected from tampering or prevent someone from simply  dumping them somewhere?

I can just imagine the political shenanigans that might take place in a crowded  urban apartment building.  A good percentage of former resident voters have moved, died, or are away from home.  These ballots are open for fraudsters to use.  They could  be “harvested”by any resident political activists or by unscrupulous building staff.  Then they could be signed and mailed in.

Nursing homes are routinely hit by “granny harvesters” who collect ballots and “help” fragile seniors vote.

Mail  in ballots are not secret ballots.. In some homes one person may collect the ballots and pressure others, a dependent spouse or fragile older relative to vote one way or another.

If the Democrats want to make a joke out of our most cherished and democratic right—the right  to a secret secure voting place and secure ballot, please stop them from expanding  mail in ballots.  If you want your vote to count vote in person.  Remember more than 20% of these mail in ballots are likely to be tossed away as invalid. Let your vote count! Vote in person.

Looking for post election chaos  in the Fall?  Then send out those blank mail in ballots to everyone. Let’s fight it out AFTER the election and perhaps give up our right to choose our representatives away to the Supreme Court to do it for us.

I can’t imagine US citizens being so dumb as to let this happen.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Today post George Floyd—we hear so many anecdotes of how Blacks are singled out for scrutiny —police officers stop their cars, store owners walk them down the aisle. Innocent and blameless yet they are singled out by suspicious cops and store owners,  And yes they may face bias and unfair treatment.  But is this the result of a racist society?  Or as some characterize it falsely “institutionalized racism”.   Or is the singling our of Afro-Americans citizens because of their past history? I think it is none of these.

The problem arises with how our brains work.  The human brain evolved to better adapt the organism to its dangerous environment.  Our brains are wired to make observations and then process that information into useable form which would serve to increase the survival of that individual.  A million years ago our ancestors,  hearing the roar of a lion from a thicket ahead of them,  from past experience recalled:that sound is associated with danger! So they turned around and slinked back—the way they came.

  Today,  we might call that form or reasoning inductive reasoning.  The most common inaccurate sort, but useful for survival.  In inductive reasoning we make observations from our experience or nature and construct more general conclusions regarding them.  Some term this as “reasoning from the particular to the general”.  The ancient Greeks, Aristotle and even modern day scientists use(d) inductive reasoning.   Sir Francis Bacon in the 1620s formalized the name and the usage.  In his attempt to develop a more structured —“scientific” thinking process which if used, he opined his method would reveal the order he imagined must occur in nature.  His efforts were later improved and modified into what we call the “Scientific Method”.  That process uses both inductive and deductive reasoning as well as experiment, formal review and repetition to arrive at greater certainty regarding how valid our conclusions are.

For example.  The 2016 FBI Crime Rates (“Crime in the USA” Table 21) tabulates a long list of crimes as well as the perpetrators and the race of those committing the offenses.   Perusing this list we find that under “Murder” Whites perpetrated (in 2016)  45% of those crimes, while Black (Af/Am) perpetrated 53%.  The category “Rape” indicates that  Whites perpetrated   68%,  while Blacks were responsible for  29%. For  Robbery: Whites were 43%, Blacks were 55%.  There are many categories of crimes listed in the Chart.  In total numbers,  Whites commit the vast majority of the crimes.  They  represent the majority of the population or about 72% while Blacks represent about a bit more than13%.  So one would expect that if crimes were equally distributed over the population Whites would generate more crime—there is more of them.   But the FBI Table 21 (2016) clearly indicates that crime rates for American Blacks (in 2016) were not at the level one would expect from a small minority—but in almost every category their data are well above the percentage they represent in the population.  (In most cases Blacks committed crimes at least twice as frequently as would be expected ).  There were few exceptions —one: for “driving under the influence” a category in which was represented by almost exactly their representation in the population.  There are many social, economic, cultural and societal as well as historic reasons for these facts. This piece can not address those issues, but only to say that they exist and should be addressed.

But what the FBI Chart does establish is that American Blacks are more prone to violent crime and other crimes, well above the level that would be expected from their percentage of the population. So here is where the inductive reasoning of both Blacks and Whites comes into play.  We are all hardwired to make observations in our world and draw conclusions about them.  When Walking down a dark city street and we are faced with a decision as to wether proceed in this direction —past a group of Black men lollygaggin on the street ahead of us...our inductive reasoning suggest to us that Danger lurks ahead and turning thecorner or going another way would be wiser.

Humans have survived over a million years because they make observations about their environment and use that information to alter their activities.  We know it is dangerous to drive a vehicle  on the double yellow line going around a curve on the highway, or to pick up a hot pot with a bare hand.

The FBI figures are not available to all of us,  but as a result of our own observation and experiences we all have a mental summary of their conclusions in our consciousness —things we have learned.    The FBI Chart 21 only formalizes the information.

It is true that inductive reasoning does not permit us to arrive at full assurance that our conclusions are valid.  In the over used example of black and white swans:  Because we only see white swans in our travels across a lake, we might conclude by inductive reasoning that “all swans are white”. But that is not a valid conclusion.  There may be —out there someplace—gray and black swans too. We would need more evidence, and both inductive and deductive reasoning to draw a valid conclusion.

But when we are forced to make a quick decisions regarding our own best interest, wellfare or survival we are likely to depend on conclusions we derived from simple observations or data gathered. In those cases we don’t need absolute validity—simple “more likely”” will do just fine.

When we employ a policeman to go out into the street to enforce societal rules and laws we need not require a PhD in Epistemology or Logic as a prerequisite. We expect a reasoning person, but one likely bound as most of us are to use inductive reasoning and get it right most of the time

The Black community has only the criminal elements of their own community to blame for the unfortunate or sometimes dangerous situations which occur when the larger community misapplies the reasoning process and mistakenly arrests a black college professor for “breaking and entering” when he was simply locked out of his own house.  Or a Black US Senator is followed down the aisle of a convenience store by the store clerk during a late at night visit.

Please let’s not accuse each other of  “racism”. First look to your own.  These reactions are not racist just simple misapplication of human brain hardwiring and dependence  on inductive reasoning.

The same argument could be applied to our Black citizens who generalize about the nature of our police force. They too are trapped by inductive reasoning. Both groups could “look to their own”.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


The big lie about President Trump “lying” about
coronavirus mortality rates.

I read recently,  “Trump Keeps Bragging About Covid 19 Death rate “ ....The Intercept,  July 17, 2020  by Robert Makey.  The article claims that the President “lied” regarding how well USA is doing in regard to the number of deaths of coronavirus.

. The article insists that the president lied.

But it’s not true. The fact of the matter is United States does have one of the lowest Covid 19 death rates per hundred thousand population when compared to other modern, wealthy western states. As of  mid July the USA has recorded about 42 deaths per hundred thousands. That is much lower than many of the hard hit Western European states.

In the data chart published to support Mr Makey’s contention we clearly see that Belgium (86 deaths attributed to Covid 19/ 100K population) UK: 68/100K; Spain 61; Italy 58;
Sweden 55; France 45, USA 42, Peru 39, Chile 39, Brazil 37, Germany 11.

Looking at these data one can NOT say that the USA is the one of the highest. It along with France is in the lower group of advanced western nations.  It is not nearly as low as that of Germany which had a death toll of 9000 per 83 million population or @11 deaths per 100,000.  That rate is almost 1/4th of  the USA rate.  But Germany has much more of a homogeneous population.  It has Europe’s top rated medical system,  Its population is known to follow government dictates slavishly—some might say to a fault—And it is not not a world center of tourism, business or banking or an entertainment hub. Nor is it a hub of commercial air travel to compare with the USA.   All these are factors which may put it in a class by itself.  But among nations of similar stature the USA was relatively lower on the list.

Should the President get bagging rights?  Perhaps not —-but is it fair to claim that the President “lied”.  Now that is different.  Does anyone know what a “lie” is?  It is to purposely tell a mistruth or untruth for some element of personal gain.  Is this mild boasting of the President a lie?

No. His statement is valid and is not even open to an other interpretation.  Yes in terms of similar nations, the USA has a low rate of mortality per 100,000 population.

It is Mr.Robert Makey who is purposely manipulating the data to LIE about the issue.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

On Climate And Why Covid 19 Cases Spike In South

The pundits and the propaganda mills of the left (called by some “the media”) would like you to think that the spikes in coronavirus we are experiencing now in our southern states such as Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, and Southern California are the result of “bad” decisions by red state governors.  Or are only the result of just when and how these states closed down their economies, or that they opened up too quickly.  They attempt  to politicize these unfortunate events so as to give advantage to one political camp or another.

The fact of the matter is that the climate of these places is more likely the controlling or primary factor generating cases of infections,  rather than just when or how the state was opened and just how many tests were conducted.  These factors (particularly the wide and effective use of masks) are indeed very important in controlling disease transmission,  but more important are just how climate e controls how millions of state residents respond to seasonal changes in temperature.   In particular,  the factors of indoor  confinement and air humidity  are critical.

In dry air the larger droplets of spittle produced by coughing (or even speaking ) “spreaders” can evaporate quickly into very tiny aerosols—consisting mostly of virus particles —which are so small they can stay lofted in stagnant interior air for very long periods of time.  These aerosol particles are the primary means of transmission. ( See my earlier blog 4-26-20 “On bats, bat caves....” as source of virus ).  In the cold months of the Northern Hemisphere people in these states— the northern  tier -/are forced by climate and weather into indoor spaces where contagion is more likely.  But in the modern day air conditioned south —our summer— is the season of indoor confinement for southerners .  Air cooled by refrigeration lowers relative humidity and encourages dehydration of spittle particles and their reduction into very small lofted particulates.   In Arizona where temperatures outside hit the high nineties F regularly, people stay indoors all summer long. In those dry air confined spaces they are more likely to be exposed to coronavirus contaminated air.

Thus expect the surge if cases in the south to moderate as fall approaches, and spikes to reoccur in our northern states where confinement indoors returns.

If everyone would wear a mask it would cut down on aerosol generation and we could effectively reduce  transmission all over the nation north and south regardless of the season. .

Monday, July 6, 2020


Mr Charles Blow —the “Opinion Page” columnist  for the NY Times (but all of its “news” is opinion these days) did not like the President’s  Independence Day speech at Mount Rushmore.  In “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil” (NYT  July 5, 2020) Blow shames himself by smearing and attempting to demean the truly great men of our history.:Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.  All these men had a hand in making America what it is today.  Yes each was a man of his times, and should be understood as an historical figure..not brought forward to the modern day and judged by our present standards.

Mr. Blow castigates George Washington as a “slave owner”—who only freed his slaves at the end of his life.  But if George Washington had not ever graced this land with his commanding presence, with his military determination, courage and simple doggedness on and off the battlefields, up and down our east coast against the most experienced, powerful military and navy in the world our nation would not exist. Without this man the military aspect of the Revolution may have never started and if it had it was likely to have resulted in failure and with the British, brutally subduing pacifying the colonies—as they did in Ireland and Scotland.  Those slaves that Washington freed would have remained as chattel —property—of the British overlords and there would be today be no America for Blow to be so unhappy with.

It was Thomas Jefferson who gave us the Declaration of Independence and  those great ideals to which we continue to aspire to and to work toward.  Jefferson enshrined one of the greatest political statements and documents of all time.  Those ideals and ideas would never have been written were it not for his fertile mind.  Western America might be still part of a French global empire (Louisiana Purchase) and Rogers and Clark would not have made their great passage of discover across out continent.

Need I explain what the our world would be like had not Abraham Lincoln served as President?  Lincoln  never owned a slave but nevee the less offends Mr. Blow—because he once expressed a view of race and race relations of THAT TIME which is painful for some to hear today.   But it was Lincoln who heroically, intelligently and doggedly  managed to win the Civil War, maintain the fragile union and free all of America’s slaves.  That was not enough for Mr. Blow.

President Teddy Roosevelt seems to offend Mr. Blow’s sensibilities because he was white and an “imperialist” and at least according to Blow a racist.  But it was Roosevelt who gave us the Panama Canal and began the practice of saving great swaths of our beautiful land preserving them for us all as our magnificent National Parks for which he is rightly honored today.

This and all those great deeds and wondrous achievement  would not exist where it not for these —yes white men—yes like all of us somewhat flawed.  But even with their inability to rise above the perceptions, value systems, economic constraints and ideas of their time—they accomplished great and wondrous—nay heroic- deeds and are worthy and more so of their elevation at Mount Rushmore.

Now as to Mr. Blow —and most all of us Americans —if he had never made it through his elite university and then on to the ivory halls of the NYT—all made possible by the early efforts of these great men —Blow has chosen so ungraciously to smear— no one would notice his absence..

Thursday, July 2, 2020


Again today ( July 2) we were reminded of how powerful and damaging are the pernicious  forces of the far left which control the press, media, entertainment, education, and the entangling tentacles of powerful local, state and federal government. And how  determined these forces are to paint our President and our present predicament in uniformly drab, depressing  shades of gray and black.

We are a people battered by multiple threats: from a virulent and deadly invasive disease, isolation, economic disaster, and the rise, harboring and facilitation by local government of gangs of anarchists posing as peaceful protestors.  We need some good news to prop up our spirits and give us hope for the future.  But the left —truly the “nattering nabobs of negativism” (re: VP Agnew)  will not or can not give our nation—all of us—a fair break from their continuous battering of dangerous, harmful negativism.

Today,  the President led the morning news cycle  with the joyful revelation  that the June unemployment numbers  and jobs-creation data were (again)  very positive.  Some described them as “stellar”  This was wonderful news for a nation struggling to return from the effects of disease and economic disaster. The President’s message —even in the face of rising Covid cases— was a sign that perhaps we have learned something about dealing with this virus. And that the 40 million unemployed  who lost their jobs to this novel disease  first detected in China and spread around the world-have been reduced by nearly a third!   That is real progress and a welcome hopeful sign of recovery. . That is something positive to hang our hopes on.  As each of our 50 states go through the inevitable biological population dynamics manifested by rising corona cases as the disease moves through new populations —and then their precipitous fall to  recovery —we as a nation have hope to see a return to some semblance of normality.  We needed those positive  hopeful Presidential words.

But the nattering nabobs of negativity on the left can or will not let any “positivism” break.  Focused as they are on only the defeat of President Trump they will mindlessly tear down our nation to achieve that goal.  These far left-leaning media, entertainment, deep state and political organizations, government institutions are determined to beat us all down.  Their motives are not pure—they connive and conspire not for the betterment of the nation—or for the mental health of our citizenry—but for base partisan political advantage.  These organizations and individuals can find no good news anywhere—ever!    That fact exposes their alteration into organs of propaganda. Since  Nature assures us on the basis of statistics that “good” and”bad” come to us in equal doses. Only by massive information manipulation can all things be always be “bad”.
To reinforce this thought—-our nation was faced on the same day with having to experience the negative reposte to President Trump’s speech with:—the “Biden Response”.  Joe, recently out of his cellar but still looking fragile and with a jailhouse pallor could find no benefit coming out of the facts —thePresident revealed earlier in the day—that our nation is recovering economically, that more people are working, that blacks, Hispanic and others are returning  to work in a record numbers in response to the tentative and fitful reopening of America.   Instead,  “Bad mouthing USA Joe” chose to throw in our faces and focus on the negative  news about Covid cases. He seemed  happy to encourage negativity as if it was “good news” to him!  Candidate Joe’s “bad mouthing” the nation and destroying hope at this very time in our recovery is simply another sign of institutionalized negativism practiced by the left. It  confirms thought that former
regular guy  “Uncle Joe” has been taken over and “retooled” into a fringe lefty by the socialists and  far left  elements of his own party.

Is this all that the left has to offer?   They offer us negativism, chaos and brigandage in our cities, politically “correct” control over our word choice and language, despoiling of our churches and statuary, stomping on our flag, defunding our police, ridiculing our faith, besmirching our patriotism our religions institutions, encouraging spikes in urban crime and violence as they replay economic strategies like socialism which have been applied and tried and  rejected all over the world. They promise  higher taxes, deficit spending on failed political nostrums of the 1930s, pie in the sky “free stuff” for everyone,  open borders, and a return to a time of disappearing jobs, slow growth and a weak economy,

Joe looks weak and fragile and makes clear he is in bed with the tyrants and anarchists in his own party.  He is out of his depth. He is too old and weak.  He is not up to the task physically, mentally or ideologically of leading  a vibrant, powerful nation out of its present circumstances into a better place.

The economy created almost 5 million new jobs in June. That amount was astounding, given that in May the economy had produced a reported 2.5 million jobs or about 8 times what was expected. That number was later recalculated upward to 2.7miion jobs!  Thus in the last two months almost 8 million  jobs were filled.  The numbered reduced the unemployment figure down from nearly 15% to a bit more than 11%!  These numbers are impressive indeed and suggest a steep “v” shaped recovery from the Covid 19 downturn.