Thursday, July 2, 2020


Again today ( July 2) we were reminded of how powerful and damaging are the pernicious  forces of the far left which control the press, media, entertainment, education, and the entangling tentacles of powerful local, state and federal government. And how  determined these forces are to paint our President and our present predicament in uniformly drab, depressing  shades of gray and black.

We are a people battered by multiple threats: from a virulent and deadly invasive disease, isolation, economic disaster, and the rise, harboring and facilitation by local government of gangs of anarchists posing as peaceful protestors.  We need some good news to prop up our spirits and give us hope for the future.  But the left —truly the “nattering nabobs of negativism” (re: VP Agnew)  will not or can not give our nation—all of us—a fair break from their continuous battering of dangerous, harmful negativism.

Today,  the President led the morning news cycle  with the joyful revelation  that the June unemployment numbers  and jobs-creation data were (again)  very positive.  Some described them as “stellar”  This was wonderful news for a nation struggling to return from the effects of disease and economic disaster. The President’s message —even in the face of rising Covid cases— was a sign that perhaps we have learned something about dealing with this virus. And that the 40 million unemployed  who lost their jobs to this novel disease  first detected in China and spread around the world-have been reduced by nearly a third!   That is real progress and a welcome hopeful sign of recovery. . That is something positive to hang our hopes on.  As each of our 50 states go through the inevitable biological population dynamics manifested by rising corona cases as the disease moves through new populations —and then their precipitous fall to  recovery —we as a nation have hope to see a return to some semblance of normality.  We needed those positive  hopeful Presidential words.

But the nattering nabobs of negativity on the left can or will not let any “positivism” break.  Focused as they are on only the defeat of President Trump they will mindlessly tear down our nation to achieve that goal.  These far left-leaning media, entertainment, deep state and political organizations, government institutions are determined to beat us all down.  Their motives are not pure—they connive and conspire not for the betterment of the nation—or for the mental health of our citizenry—but for base partisan political advantage.  These organizations and individuals can find no good news anywhere—ever!    That fact exposes their alteration into organs of propaganda. Since  Nature assures us on the basis of statistics that “good” and”bad” come to us in equal doses. Only by massive information manipulation can all things be always be “bad”.
To reinforce this thought—-our nation was faced on the same day with having to experience the negative reposte to President Trump’s speech with:—the “Biden Response”.  Joe, recently out of his cellar but still looking fragile and with a jailhouse pallor could find no benefit coming out of the facts —thePresident revealed earlier in the day—that our nation is recovering economically, that more people are working, that blacks, Hispanic and others are returning  to work in a record numbers in response to the tentative and fitful reopening of America.   Instead,  “Bad mouthing USA Joe” chose to throw in our faces and focus on the negative  news about Covid cases. He seemed  happy to encourage negativity as if it was “good news” to him!  Candidate Joe’s “bad mouthing” the nation and destroying hope at this very time in our recovery is simply another sign of institutionalized negativism practiced by the left. It  confirms thought that former
regular guy  “Uncle Joe” has been taken over and “retooled” into a fringe lefty by the socialists and  far left  elements of his own party.

Is this all that the left has to offer?   They offer us negativism, chaos and brigandage in our cities, politically “correct” control over our word choice and language, despoiling of our churches and statuary, stomping on our flag, defunding our police, ridiculing our faith, besmirching our patriotism our religions institutions, encouraging spikes in urban crime and violence as they replay economic strategies like socialism which have been applied and tried and  rejected all over the world. They promise  higher taxes, deficit spending on failed political nostrums of the 1930s, pie in the sky “free stuff” for everyone,  open borders, and a return to a time of disappearing jobs, slow growth and a weak economy,

Joe looks weak and fragile and makes clear he is in bed with the tyrants and anarchists in his own party.  He is out of his depth. He is too old and weak.  He is not up to the task physically, mentally or ideologically of leading  a vibrant, powerful nation out of its present circumstances into a better place.

The economy created almost 5 million new jobs in June. That amount was astounding, given that in May the economy had produced a reported 2.5 million jobs or about 8 times what was expected. That number was later recalculated upward to 2.7miion jobs!  Thus in the last two months almost 8 million  jobs were filled.  The numbered reduced the unemployment figure down from nearly 15% to a bit more than 11%!  These numbers are impressive indeed and suggest a steep “v” shaped recovery from the Covid 19 downturn. 

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