Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Reverse Discrimination Is Discrimination 

Last year Sept 7, 2020, the NY Times ran an opinion piece entitled: The Tax Cut for the Rich That Democrats Love,  by Richard V Reeves and Christopher Pullman.  the authors argued why the SALT tax recall was a mistake.  They underscored the fact that then candidate, Joe Biden claimed that he was “working for the workers....not the privileged few at the top”.  But yet he promised to repeal a SALT cap of $10,0000.  The authors  go on to explain why the repeal of the cap on those paying state and local taxes was a giveaway to the very rich.  Down in the middle of the article they claim that one of the “failures” of this proposed recall is that:  Almost 60% of the benefits will go to only 1 percent of households (of which 90% are white).”  

Where I come from, that statement  is an example of  blatant racism.  Pullman and  Reeves are arguing that one of the underlying reasons Congress should not repeal the SALT cap on income is that it will unfairly benefit a group of people—and their reason that this is “unfair”—in their biased thinking— Is based on that the benefits will accrue to a group defined only by race!!!   Thankfully our supreme Court and our Constitution as well as the laws  of this nation protect us all—black white and brown—against such forms of blatant  discrimination and from such arguments. But the First Amendment permits  the press to foster racist statements.  

Suppose we were to turn that ugly argument of Reeves and Pullman  around and state.that the white majority should  not support the laws which established “affirmative action”—because such legislation benefits only black people?  Or that we should not pay certain State  taxes such as “benefits to dependent children” because that law benefits mostly black kids!  

Does the New York Times really want us to go in that ugly direction of racial divide, reverse discrimination, social dysfunction and chaos? 

No one would even think of such an argument when I worked (briefly) in the N Y Times in the 1960s.  What has happened to the air and water in Times Square?  Has some insidious miasma of stupidity, racism and malice seeped into the bowels of the edifice of the once great Gray Lady?  

Where was the editor on this piece?  Does he or she really agree that one of the reasons we should NOT support the repeal of SALT (or any other policy) is the color of the skin of the recipient? Or is this kind of “yellow journalism” the result of Critical Race Theory?  (An “ahistorical” and  radical concept that claims that “racism” was the paradigm which guided our forefathers in giving birth to this nation—and not the passion for freedom from oppression and for economic and personal liberty.)   

The weak Democrat Party of today has embraced this decades old radical, reviled and rejected agenda called “Critical Race Theory” which the Party  and their propaganda arm in the media have all taken up.  But it fosters  a dangerous policy of racial division which tramples on the American ideal of fair play and justice and the goal of treating all people equally,  regardless of race or gender—and it actually embraces and fosters ugly discrimination.  

The Democrats,  a party which long ago abandoned the working classes, farmers and and the middle road, have been driven by political weakness  to cobble together a coalition of radicals, minorities and far left fringe elements, to enable  them to cling to political power, but by a very very slim thread.  One of their fears is that Black Americans who are a critical component of. their coalition must and vote in very high percentages for Democrats to succeed in any national election.  Too many voted otherwise in 2020.  Their fear is that this trend of a weak Black vote will dash future hopes of political success.  Thus they have opted for a dangerous strategy to anneal  these voters to their banner by fostering  the idea of America as a nation of “systematic racism” and to promote Critical Race Theory.  These policies  patronize, weakens and encourages the victimization of the Blacks of this nation, and unearths a reverse form of discrimination which makes victims of whites and asians, males and Christians. Such racist polices to garner political power on the left  can never succeed in the USA. 

The weak , fractious fringe-coalition of socialist extremists of the Democrat Party are  “led” by a frail, figurehead President who is easily controlled.  Biden,  a bumbling old man whose infamous physical inability to even climb the stairs of  Air Force One without stumbling  is a metaphor of his weakness and failure to meet the exigencies and requirements of the Oval Office.  This President,  controlled and  programmed by his racist handlers who whisper “Iago like” into Biden’s “hearing aid”and control. his utterances like  a Manchurian candidate — is a  puppet who  repeats the lie that this country is “systematically racist”.  

Those who smear our nation as “systematically racist” and embrace the rejected concepts of Critical Race theory or phony revisionist history such as the debunked “1619 Project” of the New York Times are the only and actual   “systemic racists” we have in this nation.    

The  American people have always embraced the gold standard of race relations-the colorblind rule and the policy of treating everyone equality. The rebirth of ugly racism on the left to patch up a weak political coalition by the Democrats is dangerous, counterproductive and as un-American as the use of the infamous “N” word itself. 

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