Wednesday, November 10, 2021


The Biden Justice Department, attempted to justify the potential $450,000.00 dollar-per person-settlement proposed to be offered to illegal immigrants— by equating  it with the internment of Japanese citizens during WW II. 

The now infamous  “450K separation settlement”  is a cash hand-out proposed for illegal immigrants,  who crossed our southern  border with children in tow, and were separated when the adults of these presumed family groups were incarcerated and the innocent children were placed in foster care or with relatives in the US.  President  Biden when first queried on this matter called the $450K settlement “garbage” that the press invented.  Later, his staff walked that back, and he had to admit that indeed his Justice Department is “negotiating” with attorneys for these border crossers for just such a fee. 

The exposure of these secret negotiations forced the Justice Department to portray this outlandish, nay ridiculous, policy as perfectly normal, claiming as justification and a “precedent” for such a plan the payments made to Japanese Americans who were placed in internment camps during WWII. 

The Biden team has scored another ugly faux pas on a growing list which reenforces the current suspicion that there is no one at the helm in the Oval Office.  It demonstrates again  just how out of touch with history and reality are those feeding pablum to Joe and making policy decisions for the nation.  

There is no way that the ugly 1944 war-hysteria-driven US policy of incarcerating over 100,000 Japanese Americans can conceivably be compared to recent border jumpers who broke our laws.  

The attempt by the Biden team to use the WW II internment of the Japanese demeans and diminishes the plight and impact on the lives of the innocent Japanese Americans, all of whom were here legally, were law abiding members of their communities, and the vast majority of whom were actual US citizens of this nation with Constitutionally guaranteed rights. How can anyone equate the plight of Japanese American citizens with that of illegal immigrant “families” who after breaking our laws were actually treated humanely and with respect and dignity.  

How could these undocumented  migrants, accompanied by children who may or may not be related to them, and who intentionally and knowingly ignored international protocols for refugee status, who ignored our borders, ignored our laws and the “wait your turn” protocols of legal immigration be considered as in any way similar to those of Japanese Americans citizens wrongfully incarcerated as a result war hysteria. 

Sadly,  the restitution offered to the Japanese American victims,  only many decades later, was a tiny fraction of this ridiculous proposal.

 The now infamous “450K hand out” will only exacerbate the crisis at the border by incentivizing more coyotes to abduct children and partner them with their “clients” as they run the border crossing.  


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