In a speech given in Oakland California, on August 12, 2022, VP Kamala Harris enunciated the Biden Administration’s slavish support of the far-left, non-scientific, sociological gibberish called “equity” and its corollary: equity of outcomes. Biden and Harris, are dead wrong in abandoning competition and equality of opportunity for “equity of outcomes”. They are abandoning science for far-left sociological propaganda posing as science.
“Equity as a concept, says: that we recognize that every one has the same capacity, but in order to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, we must pay attention to this issue of equity if we are going to expect and allow people to compete on an equal footing.” …..I am proud to stand with..President Joe Biden ….as we make equity one of the cornerstones of our vision for our administration.”
Kamala Harris, August 12, 2022 “Remarks by VP Harris at Oakland , California Generation Fund Event.” (Downloaded: August 16, 2022, Speeches and Remarks White House. gov).
Humans do not have the same “capacity”. To say so flies in the face of all the laws of biology, and evolution. We are all very different in “capacity” as well as physical appearance. Those differences, ‘genetic variations” expressed physically are what permitted the evolution of life from simple forms into cogniscient modern human beings. The fossil origins of Homo sapiens—can be traced back 65 million years ago to a species of a tiny tree shrew ( Purgatorius) which evolved into early primates and then 2.4 million years ago into our own species —the “naked ape”.
That evolutionary journey was the result of the fact that organisms are not equal, none have the same “capacity”. Were living things “straight jacketed” into the form of the tiny tree living Purgatorius, all having the same “capacity”, humans would have never evolved. Evolution requires, no, it demands, variations in organic life. It demands that organisms have variations which then can be selected by natural forces. All organisms, from the single celled, to worms, to the great Blue Whale all exhibit genetic/physical variations. Humans are not exempt. In fact, variation was so integral to evolution, sexual reproduction evolved as early as about 2 billion years ago, simply as a means to increase variation (alterations of capacity) —and thus increased the rate of evolution needed on a planet with its constantly changing physical environment.
Equitable outcomes? How can one ever achieve that? Human beings, as a living part of the biosphere, are all inherently unequal. Nature made us that way. The minor variations in each individual are what drives evolution to create the wealth of species on this earth. Without these variations (“difference in capacity”) evolution could not occur! Life as we know it would not exist. All species exhibit diversity. None have the same identical capacity!
There is a good reason for all that diversity. Organic life arose on our slowly cooling and complexly changing planet, more than 3 billion years ago with evolution of simple one-celled organic life. Then about 550 million years ago multicellular life forms flourished in the oceans. About 400 million years ago complex forms transitioned to life on land, and then about 2.4 million years ago our own species arose. To survive on the earth, a constantly altering platform in space, these life forms, had to continue to change and adapt to the physical challenges of a constantly altering earthly environment—or die off. On our changing planet
living things create variations, the physical environment selects which variations can survive. Species variations are the key! Without them there is no evolution
Early life forms three billion years ago naturally produced genetic variations reflected in their physical form as they reproduced. Only some of these physical variations were useful for survival or “adaptable” and these—the variations that improved survival— persisted while others died out.
Life had to evolve— to remain adapted on a changing earthly environment in which temperature, solar radiation, atmospheric chemistry, drifting continents, the rise and fall of mountain ranges, and the ebb and flow of oceans were in constant flux. Organisms which failed to adapt, died off and are known now only as “fossils”.
The key to evolutionary change is biological variation. Living things must have genetic variations, expressed as differences in their physical, physiological, neurological and other forms for the natural physical world to select these variations . The key is that living things create variability, the physical environment selects as to which variables can survive.
Prior to 2 billion years ago most organisms reproduced asexually…such as by simple cell division ( or “budding”) to produce near clones of their parent cells. Sex actually evolved as a process which provided an advantage to sexually reproducing organisms, since this latter group produced variations more frequently and regularly and thus could evolve more rapidly and adapt more effectively to changing environments . Sex became the standard mode of reproduction. Asexual life forms simply did not generate enough variation for organisms to evolve at a successful rate on a planet with such on going and rapid environmental and climatic changes. Organisms need variation, differences in capacity—being a “clone” is a sure route to extinction.
Thus about 2 billion years ago the first “sexual revolution” occurred when primitive bacteria (forms with genetic material scattered through the cytoplasm—called: procaryotes) began to exchange genes by conjugation. This simple process did improve variation, but not enough. Eventually, single celled forms evolved with their genetic material confined in a nucleus. These “eukaryotes” enclosed their genetic material in a separate membrane to form a central “nut-shaped” organelle. In these forms, at certain times and in certain cells the cell and nucleus divides to generate specialized “sex cells” carrying only half the genes of the parent cell. In the sexual division process variations in the distribution of genetic material in the sex cells occurs . When at “fertilization” the “male” and “female” sex cells reunite, the resulting new cell is formed with a full complement of genes. This more complex process was more likely to produce many more genetic variations than in the asexually reproducing forms. These “sexy” forms were eventually to inherit almost the entire biosphere as the most successful plant and animal organisms. Variations in “capacity” are necessary and are the key to healthy, vigorous species and rapid evolution.
We are not clones!!!! We are all shot through with wonderful variations. Accept the science!
Even with our elaborate technology we are still dependent on and controlled by biology. We can not control the laws of biology so as to generate equitable outcomes. We must expect variation and respect the fact that we humans are all different…and “outcomes” will be different too.
We must instead work for equality of opportunity—-and ignore the false hope of “equity of outcome” which is only another form of evil discrimination conceived by poorly trained sociologists with little understanding of biology.
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