Joe Biden, the “top of his law class”, “the Big Guy”, a stentorian, “touchy-feely”Senator, and Obama’s VP, has always been a politician plagued with scandals, like plagiarism, “pay for play” deals, loose-lip-gaffs, nepotism, and just having a penchant for screwing up anything he touches. Then too he has been a “divider” President— his domestic policies divided his own nation into opposing camps, and his foreign polices divided the world by reactivating the Cold War, dividing East and West.
As proof of that ability to screw things up. Biden’s first term, so far, has been an unprecedented series of disasters, both domestic and foreign.It began with the chaotic, deadly, yes scandalous, retreat from Afghanistan. That was followed with Biden’s response to the Ukraine War (a corrupt nation in which he and his family have entangling financial interests). The Ukraine strategy has failed horribly. When war threatened in Ukraine, he ignored the signs of disaster. Abandoning any semblance of senior diplomat and world leader Biden made no attempt at peace by diplomacy. He handed over that powerful position for diplomacy to well-intentioned, but weak “bit players” like President Macron of France.
His apparent weakness in Afghanistan, his abandonment of diplomacy, his verbal gaffes and failure to act, helped spur the Russian invasion. His post invasion polices only expanded, intensified and prolonged the worst European military confrontation since WWII. Biden’s Ukraine war brought the world closest to the first real threat of nuclear war in 50 years. The WHO is now recommending that nations stockpile anti radiation drugs.
Biden’s collusion with the corrupt Zelenskyy administration feeds the greed of the Kyiv elites who are profiting ($100 billion US dollars so far) from the war. Continued US cash largess only discourages interest of these corrupt officials in diplomatic solutions. Biden’s unwise, divisive foreign strategy is using Ukraine as the bloody point of a military spear in a misguided plan to weaken Russia. Such an outcome would destabilize all of Europe. Then in regard to a humanitarian issue, his foolhardy policy has led the poorly led Ukrainian people into a bloody, un-winable war of attrition, uncounted lost lives, financial disaster and massive destruction of their nation’s infrastructure. Then too building Ukraine into a highly militarized state may lead to a dangerous virtual “military monster” in Central Europe. An entity which may become a potential threat to the weakly militarized EU nations.
Biden’s unwise thoughtless use of sanctions (mostly against Russia, Iran and North Korea) has cut off oil and gas supplies to Europe, jacked up world gas and oil prices, increased fuel scarcity, and caused inflation in those European nations dependent on cheap Russian fuels. Inflation has spiked to 20% in the EU and threatened a world recession.
At home his unwise “green policy” impetuously cut production of fossil fuels which led to a 100% spike in oil and gasoline prices, which initiated our first monetary inflationary spiral in 40 years. His so called “more humane” but heartless and immoral “open border policy” has encouraged a chaotic flood, a virtual invasion of millions of illegal immigrants, and an unprecedented increase in human and drug smuggling in which Biden is, in effect, acting as co-conspirator with the Mexican drug and human smuggler cartels.
His domesticl “woke” policies have spurred criminal violence not experienced in our cites in decades and encouraged racism, and spurred the social division of the nation.
But just recently, President Biden has finally been outed as not only a divisive, incompetent leader, but a hypocrite as well. After several months of posturing as the “responsible“ President, we’d learn he has his own classified document scandal.
We now know that the FBI raid on Mar A Lago, purportedly to recover classified documents (claimed as “personal ‘declassified’ documents” by Trump and kept there under lock and key) was a politicized raid in a Biden effort to use the Justice Department as a cudgel against his political nemesis. While the ugly Florida raid was taking place, and former President Trump was being pilloried mercilessly by Biden as “irresponsible” and a “security threat”, few knew —other than Biden and his top attorney- that Biden himself, had a score of his own classified documents carelessly laying around his many offices and homes, where the nation’s secrets were exposed to Biden family, casual visitors, foreign business partners, a drug addict, and many others. This revelation was hidden from the public prior to the November 2 elections. Perhaps that effort to hide evidence of wrong-doing by the President, just before and election and continued silence for 68 days, had its desired pro-Democrat effect on voters during the 2022 election cycle.
While Biden was pointing the finger of shame at his predecessor, his six year old classified docs, holding the nation’s secrets were carelessly exposed in unguarded cardboard boxes in the garage of his summer home, and in an unlocked adjoining “storage” room. More were found in similar disarray and lack of oversight in his long abandoned private office at equally unsecured Pennsylvania State University. These facts as longs as they were hidden from the public did not discourage President Biden from making lugubrious, hypocritical public comments regarding the terrible “irresponsibility” and lack of “seriousness” of his predecessor in regard to “national security”.
Rather than the armed FBI agents pawing through the underwear drawers of the former First Lady and the bedroom of young Baron Trump, Garland’s FBI agents permitted Biden to assign his own attorneys to collect his carelessly secured classified docs. No FBI agents “hoovered” up, Biden’s personal papers then purposely strewed them across a private office floor to be photographed and leaked to the press, in a crude attempt to suggest that this was the “irresponsible”manner in which they were found—-as the FBI did at Mar A Lago.
Instead of the heavy handed overreach of the Garland Justice Department at Mar A Lago, Biden’s six year old, more egregious, more likely compromised classified document scandal, hidden for nine weeks from the public, was treated very differently. Early in November, just before the elections, the Biden team decided to trash Biden’s lip service to “transparency” hoping the scandal would be “deep sixed” and forgotten, like all the other of Biden’s scandals and transgressions have been by the biased news media.
One wonders where were the government archivists? Did they know these documents were not secured for six years? Does that suggest that they may have been removed without authority? Stolen? Also why, and what right, and for what purpose did Biden remove them from their rightful location? Then move them again several times, each time compounding the illegality. Furthermore, they were found outside of their “classified” envelopes, suggesting their contents had been compromised, and the nation’s secrets exposed to potential malefactors. That is likely, since Joe’s “secret documents” were kept in an unsecured garage, abandoned university office, which was regularly accessed by unknown and uncounted visitors, including the President’s son Hunter Biden, who is presently under investigation, among other charges as an unregistered foreign agent.
This document scandal is the last straw for Biden. His attempt to hide his incompetence, divisiveness, his perfidy, his hypocrisy, his lies and his attempts at weaponizing the government, and the Justice Department against a political opponent will stick to Joe. He will not run again. It’s over for Joe.
The classified document scandal is Joe’s last.
Now how do we clean up the mess he made?
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