Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, in the “Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, (1939, Frank Baum) pulled back the green curtain in the Emerald City to expose— not a wizard — but a cranky old man working a series of metal levers and buttons with flashing lights. When exposed, as a fraud, the wizard attempts another ploy.. calling out to them: ”Pay no attention to that man behind the green curtain”. Good advice for us all.
For us, the terrible economic, ecological, and public health disaster of East Palestine, Ohio has “pulled back the green curtain” for us all. It has clearly revealed, not a wizard of democracy and fairness in our own “Emerald City” ,but a cranky old man ineffectively working a series of levers, and flashing lights to create an illusion of being in charge, and working to serve our nation’s needs.
The East Palestine disaster has revealed in all clarity the deceit and corruption of the present administration, which claims economic and legislative wizardry, but our very eyes and pocketbooks tell a different story, for as we watched it turned world peace into a world at war, a world threatened with nuclear exchanges, it changed our flourishing economy into recession, soaring prices for food and fuel, surging crime waves, and open our borders to uncontrolled mobs who threaten our health and welfare…..Everything it touches turns into excrement. The old man “Oz” of Emerald City claims he supports the well-being of all Americans, the poor, the working classes, and all those who face adversity. But in reality these denizens of Emerald City are self-serving liars and frauds.
Behind the curtain, our Oz— Joe Biden— pulls levers as he hoarsely whispers into a megaphone. His amplified voice blares loudly from behind the curtain :, “ This is the real deal—our southern border is closed”———“there is no inflation”—-“ those Black-Lives-Matter-riots were only peaceful demonstrations”— —“East Palestine water is safe to drink”— “that train derailment was caused by Trump—and it is not a disaster”.
The East Palestine disaster exposed the truth—that the Biden Administration is unconcerned about the wellfare of all Americans, abandoning “democracy”, fairness, or even the basic security needs of the nation as a whole. The Democrats over the last few years have morphed from a once truly national party..into one dominated by a tiny radical-left fringe.
Democrats have cobbled together a constituency of fringe minorities, incorporating socialist elements of the far left, radical feminists, pro-abortion fanatics, climate-disaster zealots, social malcontents, undocumented immigrants, and radical racial, ethnic and dysfunctional sexual and gender groups. To remain in power, they have turned from advocating for the needs of the nation as a whole, to focus on empowering and fulfilling the agenda of a coalition of several tiny diverse and radical minority groups. Thus, by attempting to govern by satisfying the perceived needs of a mere scant minority of the population, they fail miserably as a national political party.
Why have they so horribly mismanaged the nations affairs? Because they are making no attempt to manage the wellfare of the entire nation…they exist to advance the welfare and interests of only a tiny minority of our wide and broad nation.
Seen this way, the chaos and disaster of millions of illegal immigrants surging across both our southern and Canadian borders is explicable, as is the 40 year high inflation spiral, soaring fuel prices, the wide-spread incompetence of an administration which prefers and selects for “diversity” over competence, or the epidemic of crime, violence, and racial animosity which has so exemplified these two years of the Biden Administration.
This most recent denouement came on February 3, 2023 as the result of an awful tragedy. As they passed through the small town of East Palestine, Ohio, 38 tank cars of the Norfolk Southern Railway company carrying toxic chemicals derailed and spilled a mix of volatile, flammable chemicals in the town’s center. The gooey liquid spill posed a disposal problem and limited the rail traffic along the tracks. The company, faced with a costly and lengthy cleanup, which would have entailed scraping up of contaminated soil and disposing it responsibly, instead decided on a quick and dirty solution. They dug a hole in the ground into which the dangerous material drained (which likely seeped into the subsoil) and when full, they burned the toxic chemicals . Thus converting the smaller volume of liquid waste into a toxic, towering, black cloud that rose into the atmosphere and spread over the town, county and state dispersing the noxious chemical combustion products and dangerous particulates far and wide. Subsequent clean-up in the burn area of the resulting dry ash and combustion products from the earlier “controlled burn” wafted even more toxic materials in the form of fine air borne particulates into the surrounding air from which it probably settled causing more contamination.
This “solution” is very reminiscent of the now infamous military burn pits of Iraq. That sad experience has revealed the terrible long term health consequences of these military disposal efforts by burning wastes. The US Veteran Administration is still paying Iraq veterans for their exposure to burn toxins and to diseases resulting from exposure .
The Biden Administration, completely ignored the East Palestine disaster for weeks, only eventually going there after former President Trump arrived with sympathy, and pallets of bottled drinking water .
These folks are white, working class Americans. They do not belong to Biden’s radical fringe constituency. For that reason they have been abandoned, and left on their own to suffer the consequences of living in the land of Biden.
But for the folks of East Palestine and the rest of the nation—the great majority of Americans — the green curtain has been drawn back to expose the inner working of “Emerald City” where if you are white, working class, tax paying citizens, you get no help, no attention, no funds, and no respect from the Democrats in DC.
To underscore the depth of the radical-fringe left’s disdain for decent working class Americans, the parted green curtain also exposed a hate-filled Joy Behar. Behar a political commentator on TVs “View”revealed on national TV what leftists really think. For Behar, the suffering Ohio residents who can no longer sell their homes, or safely live there, breath the air, or drink the local water, “got what they deserved” because they “probably voted for Trump”.
We should all remember well this Wizard of Oz “green curtain” event in Ohio, when next we all have the opportunity to pull back a voting machine lever once again. It can not come too soon.
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