Monday, August 28, 2023


 It’s not  ‘morning in America’, .we are in an internal cold, cultural civil war!  Vivek Ramaswamy,  GOP Debate, August 23, 2023. 

In the 1940-50s we feared and were threatened by the post-WWII Communists, who made attempts to infiltrate and take over our government of that time.  We faced  a growing foreign threat.  Communists were in power in the East. The  Communist Soviets (USSR) was the“other” nuclear armed and dangerous “great power”. It held political and military sway over large swaths of  Eastern Europe.  Communists governed East Germany, China, and in parts of the Far East. The west was  threatened by an alien economic system from both east and west. The Cold War and a potential nuclear threat loomed over all. 

But Communism and radical socialism of that day were fearful only as a pernicious foreign  economic system which differed from our own. Today’s threat is more sinister, more radical and of domestic origin.  This political “philosophy” penetrates  the shadowy hallways and basements of our DC government, it seeps up like a miasma from the putrid  mud of the Potomac to pollute the halls of Congress and the White House.

As Mr Vivek Ramaswamy stated on August 23, we find ourselves in a “dark moment” in our nation’s history.  Former Vice President Pence, Niki Haley and others — also candidates for higher office— are well meaning, but their heads are deeply buried in 1980s sand. They do not see (or they consciously ignore) this sinister threat— a veritable “sword of Damocles” above their heads.  These candidates attempt to curry favor with the electorate with standard political lines of the distant past— for self aggrandizement or for personal gain but, at their peril (and ours) they ignore the real threat facing us. 

Our leaders (or wannabes —like Pence, Haley and Christie)  have failed us.  In fact, their ignorance, set the stage for the metastasis of this political cancerous growth—the result of ignorantly  prescribed and administered, liberal-progressive “nostrums” —which only encouraged radicalism.  

This insidious political movement of the left has stealthily infiltrated and infected our schools, universities, government organizations, and media.   These elements support only radical change. They are not the loyal opposition of yore, or simply looking to “modify our economic system”, but are infiltrators, quislings, sappers and far-out fringe elements intent on undermining the very foundations of our entire system.

Unlike the foreign and domestic Communists of 80 years ago, who were intent on politically altering our economy, today’s nihilistic social and political engineers find nothing of value in our social or political order, will stop at nothing, and are intent on completely tearing down our heritage, our history, our culture, and society. They besmear our religions, demean our historic figures, besmirch our Constitution, prostitute our laws. decry our sexual mores, belittle our family structure, undermine parenthood, undermine merit advancement, shun scholarship, defund our police, radicalize our school systems, deny respect for our views, and ridicule our everyday free and peaceful way of life.  

Vivek Ramaswamy was correct…we face a dark moment in our history.  If we fail now— we will never recognize “America” again.  It’s a desperate culture war now..where do you stand? 

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