Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 April 28, 2024


Washington Post, April 25, 2024. Macron speaking in Taiwan stands by his divisive remarks repeating that being a US ally did not mean “being a vassal” state. 

What is a vassal state?  Is it a puppet state? Client state? Protectorate? Subservient entity?

A vassal state is a nation or group of nations which follow the lead of another more powerful nation and do its political, military, economic  bidding. Vassals  keep silent and hew to the political stance of its overlord, and support its every move, even when those policies weaken, or impoverish the “vassal” state. 

As a European-American (my central Europe ancestors arrived here before the American Civil War) I am often embarrassed by  European  leadership.  I always hoped the best for the EU.  But in this century it has become nothing but a minor, but sometimes politically useful, US appendage, often used to give “cover” for USA foreign adventurism.  The USA often drags the EU—like helpless pawns— into unwise foreign conflicts to support our stupidity and greed.  Particularly easy pickings for the US overlords are those more recent additions to the 27 in the less sophisticated “eastern end” of the block. I need not identify them by name.  You western EU nations were not so wise in bringing these folks in. 

France and the others are vassal states!  Subservient as they are to the often  less intelligent, less advanced, less sophisticated political leaders here in the USA. What a disappointment you are!  You should be leading the west not following.  

But then as a vassal state you have become soft and weak, even avoiding responsibility for your own defense. Oh, yes, let the Yanks do it.  But such a retreat from responsibility may soon find  you dealing with Russian missiles, nukes and long term radiation. It is the vassal state that pays the price.  

What advantage was it for France Germany, Italy or any other of the “27” to be dragged into the Ukraine War by President Biden?  For “age-challenged” Joe Biden, he was only serving his own US domestic political needS (or perhaps his handlers were making these decisions).  Then too, some claim he may well be heavily compromised in that corrupt state by his, or his son’s lucrative business dealings.  The EU and US agendas are not coincident, your weakness, dependence, freedom from investment in defense all color your thoughts.. 

Does a “non vassal”  state feel more secure with a ferocious war on its eastern border?  How about 6-10%  inflation, and Biden caused recession? Do you like paying double the price for petrol?  What about natural gas—so useful during those cold winters.  What about the real threat of nuclear war?  Do you all expect to keep getting cheap oil and gas from America, even if we need it more than you do?  

Yes, President Macron,  you and the EU  are a vassal state.  Wise up!  

Postscript. 2/18/25

This blog above was written in April 2024. Since then, President Trump was elected to end the war in Ukraine. This radical change in policy is unsettling to vassal states. War monger Joe is gone…now vassal states must change their positions on Ukraine —or reveal openly their “vassalhood”  Trump has made it plain about how he envisions the vassal state of France, Germany and the rest of the EU. 

They now find themselves in a parlous situation…fearful that Trump will make a peace deal with Russia and expose them for what they are: militarily weak, fearful of Russia, overrun with immigrants, no longer able to access cheap Russian gas (so essential for a robust economy), way out over their skis on government spending on climate, safety net and social issues, and faced with a rising tide of native europeans who are unhappy with these “progressive” governments.

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