JANUARY 31, 2017
"But if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." Timothy 5-8, King James, 1611
Middle Americans appear to be yawning and shrugging their shoulders over the perfectly legitimate Trump immigration ban on seven selected Middle Eastern countries. The torpor and seeming passivity of more than half of the voting public regarding this issue unnerves the chattering mouthpieces for the elites in Washington (As on Morning Joe and CNN), How is it, they ask, that this issue which gets the Hollywood crowd so aroused, Chuck Schumer to weep, our ex-president to shake off his golf-vacation stupor, and the media types to rise to states of violent hysteria, but not a whimper arises from average Joe and Jane of middle America. These folks, according to recent polls, support the President's efforts. That makes the elites, talking heads, and their facilitators on the left uneasy.
What is the answer? Middle-class Americans see the elites in Washington and the coastal fringes as out of touch with real America. The coastal urbanites with their cushy jobs, kids safely enrolled in special schools, secure in their affluent lives behind gated communities, networking with the rich and powerful, have free time, and copious cash on hand to spare. They are more concerned with most-recent haut couture, running shoe styles, home decor, and Starbuck's newest latte-creation than the plight of their own countrymen and women. These "progressive" pour their cash and excess energies into international altruism--mostly for self gratification. While the majority of middle Americans are struggling just to survive. They rightly wonder why the outcry for the Syrians, Afghanistanis, Yemenis and others while the needs and problems right here at home, in the vast "fly over" lands of Middle America are ignored. The "deplorables" can not arouse the sympathy of the establishment and the elites who rally with them. These hard-working, small town folk wonder why the biblical entreaty that charity begins at home (See Timothy 5-8 above) gets such little attention. Yes Chuck Schumer can openly weep for the Syrians but besides mouth service, he gives not a whit for the needs of the Christian, gun toting, hard working"deplorables" who populate great swaths of this nation.
Middle Americans have to worry each day about their lack of decent healthcare, their uncertain or non-existent jobs, the future of their kids in America's faltering educational system and what economic or existential problem the next day will bring. They are concerned with surviving in an America which has cast them on the dung heap. They are happy to have for once, a President who was elected to apply himself FIRST to America's pressing domestic needs and who is actually---and shockingly---doing what he promised to do while campaigning for the job.
America's first priority should be to provide for its "own house"....
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