Wednesday, January 18, 2017
About fifty democrats are boycotting the 2016 inauguration ceremony of President Trump. They will not be missed--the event will go forward without them, but they do the nation, their constituents, and US democracy a disservice. Their action reveals more about them and their supporters and facilitators than about the man whom they claim is not their "legitimate president". The boycott reveals the democrats as a demoralized and weakened polity that they can not even function de mimimis as a loyal and necessary opposition.
The inauguration is a celebration of the underlying principle of our democracy. The ancient principle that the people have the power to elect their leaders. There is no elite royalty in our nation---we decided on that more than two hundred-twenty-five-years ago when we broke our ties with the British monarchy. The power to lead arises not from a godhead but from the people. John Locke (1532-1704) the British philosopher stated that there was no "Devine right". The governed are the source of power." The people decide The last election was decided fair and square--by the people. The people chose Mr. Trump over Mrs Clinton to be our next President.
A small group of disgruntled and misguided Democrats who pledged to honor the will of the people (who elected them) will self-righteously ignore their sworn duty and boycott the very function which underscores the basis of our democratic Republic. The installation of the President is the day this man or woman is consecrated (by augury and omens) as our leader is the day in which the collective members of our representative government come together to remind the nation and world that the people's choice will be made manifest in peace and comity.
There remains after that day a full four year period to fight and bicker about policies and issues. The nation and the world-looking-on is done a great disservice by these elected officials since they bring into question the basis of our democracy. That is the primacy of the people's will. These misguided individuals sadly question and weaken that concept....perhaps to their own detriment in the future.
President Obama had a chance to speak our about this issue.....he claims to be much concerned about "democracy", but when he had a chance to chastise the boycotters, in his last press conference (today) he chose only to state..."I will be there".
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