The new book:”Shattered, Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign” by Johnathan Allen and Amie Parnes (2017) documents the recent history of the Clinton campaign. It should be a required read for all Americans. In analyzing the inner workings of the failed 2016 Clinton campaign it underscores both the weaknesses of our duopolistic American political party system, as well as the strengths of the Constitutional strictures put in place by the Founders. The book exposes the monumental greed, corruption and malfeasance manifested by a wealthy, politically-connected, elite, and powerful dynasty as it attempted to manipulate the election process—-as well the strengths of the underlying American political structures—the Constitutional strictures—which in the end, produced a result which more closely represents the will of the diverse people of this nation. We should be both frightened and elated by the last 2016 election.
The book “Shattered”, gleaned from sources within the Clinton campaign, documents what many voter have known all along. That as a nation, we have, since WWII, spawned a weakened political system fraught with bouts of “gridlock”, and “Washingtonistis” where our representatives arrive in DC to largely ignore the nation and people they represent and focus solely on their own reelection. This weakened center of power in Washington became the venue where a determined, unscrupulous, politically-connected and well-funded candidate could establish a massive, powerful and corrupt political machine, to railroad one-half of the political system into lock-step support. A dangerous situation for the nation.
One telling example revealed in this book:
After the failed 2008 campaign, rebuffed and chastened candidate Hillary Clinton and former President Bill, instituted a system of loyalty scores in preparation for the 2016 campaign. With the help and collusion of hangers on, “aides”, “staff” and officials they kept working for them--using money from the Clinton Foundation slush fund, and/ or later from the the State Department they proceeded to implement “loyalty scores” for members of Congress. The scoring system was enumerated from 1-7 based on how loyal a Snator, or Congressmember was to Hillary. Ratings ranged from one—"most loyal to Hillary", to seven—"least loyal to Hillary".
The “sevens” in Congress were all targeted during the years of the Obama Administration for "removal from office" by the "Clinton Machine". What an nerve, what chutzpah! The powerful, popular ex-President Clinton was instrumental in effecting these removals, This campaign against these Congressmen and women, who may have been exemplary in every way but were possible competitors of Clinton or “disloyal to Hillary”. These politicians faced the possibility of cuts to funding, smear campaigns, and most fearful for a sitting politician support for an opposition candidates to challenge them in Democrat primaries, as well apulling support during elections. This was purportedly to “purify” the Democrat ranks prior to the election in 2016 so as to insure the nomination of Mrs. Clinton. The result was of course a less responsive and weakened Democrat field.
The only person to have the impertinence to oppose this juggernaut Clinton machine candidate was an old back bench Senator from a tiny rural state, who was ignored by the Clinton "seven" team because he was a nobody and was not even a Democrat. That was Bernie Sanders--who ran a shoe string campaign that blossomed into a real threat to Mrs. Clinton. Had he the "testiculos" "cojones" to actually attack Mrs. Clinton, he may have succeeded and be sitting in the Oval Office today. But his candidacy and his campaign was a farce. He didn't want go for the jugular and talk about her "email controversy" and admitted at that point he was not a real candidate...only a straw dog for Mrs. Clinton to slay.
That is how far the Democrats fell during the Clinton ascendency.
The only person to have the impertinence to oppose this juggernaut Clinton machine candidate was an old back bench Senator from a tiny rural state, who was ignored by the Clinton "seven" team because he was a nobody and was not even a Democrat. That was Bernie Sanders--who ran a shoe string campaign that blossomed into a real threat to Mrs. Clinton. Had he the "testiculos" "cojones" to actually attack Mrs. Clinton, he may have succeeded and be sitting in the Oval Office today. But his candidacy and his campaign was a farce. He didn't want go for the jugular and talk about her "email controversy" and admitted at that point he was not a real candidate...only a straw dog for Mrs. Clinton to slay.
That is how far the Democrats fell during the Clinton ascendency.
These corruptive efforts came close to overpowering our representative system in 2016. The Clinton political machine surged forward toward its goal of electing a candidate driven only by personal and pecuniary ambitions who was unable to enunciate even a “reason for running” for president (other than: “it is my turn now!”). In the end, these machinations of the Clintons and their supporters weakened and paralyzed one half of the nation’s duopoly political system and opened it up to being overpowered from the right. We should all be concerned that such circumstances are NOT repeated.
The rise of the Trump phenomenon can be directly related back to the weaknesses of one-half of our two party system. We need both parties fielding viable candidates with clearly established policies which address real issues of American citizenry so as to continue to make this system responsive to all the people of this nation.
Looking back one senses that our system survived. We can be elated on that score. The Founders who where both distrustful of the majority and of the elites---found ways to insure that neither a tyrannical individual or the pitchfork wielding mob would easily hold sway. Our system of "checks and balances" insures that we are often faced with gridlock, but at least we know that some tyrant will take over.
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