Wednesday, April 5, 2017




The recent horrendous attack (Tuesday April 4, 2017) in Idlib Province, Syria where dozens of people were gassed has been quickly and without due course of evaluation been attributed to the Assad Regime and/or the Russians. Both the Assad Regime and the Russians flatly deny they had anything to do with the gas attack. This author beleives that there are many questions outstanding and we should be cautious about claiming who the perpetrator(s) are.


In US criminal law means, motive and opportunity are aspects of a crime which are carefully probed an assessed before accusations of guilt or criminality can be determined. The terms make reference to the ability or capacity (MEANS) of the group or individual to commit the offense or crime, the reason or purpose (MOTIVE) a group or individual would have for committing the crime,, and the chance or circumstances (OPPORTUNITY) to commit the crime. Though both the Assad Regime and the rebels of Idlib province had the means and opportunity of committing this horrible gas attack on vulnerable citizens including is only the rebel forces whic had the motive.

One must ask, what purpose would such an attack on civilians serve the Assad Regime at this juncture in the war? They are winning. They have driven the rebel forces and ISIS out of Aleppo, the nation's largest city. They are engaged in an offensive operation which appears to be on the verge of success in removing these same forces from Idlib another large city and its province. The. Recent USA elections have brought a new US policy to Syria. The Americans have have just yesterday made clear their intention to back away from the Obama policy of "regime change" as a strategy in Syria, to one in which the "Syrian people will decide" their leadership. In addition, there are plans for peace talks in Brussels within days. Why would the Assad forces throw a monkey wrench into the works right now? They had no motive.

Though the type of gas used has not been determined as yet, it seems clear from the number of casualties (too few for a Sarin gas attack from an aircraft) and other facts gleaned from photos that use of that gas was unlikely. Furthermore, the description of the physiological effects on the victims does not Suggest a Sarin gas attack. It appears to be some toxic agent (perhaps Chlorine a commonly available chemical used by the insurgency). Additionally, the casual way the aid workers and physicians who were aiding and treating victims were depicted, no gloves or protective gear, raises questions about the toxicity of the agent. It seems unlikely to be sarin..which is absorbed through the skin. These aid workers and health professionals were not wearing protective garb necessary when dealing with Sarin gas and its condensate on the victim's clothes and skin.

The Russians have flatly denied that they had any planes in the region. They also claim that the Assad forces are not culpable either. The Syrian government forces were bombing targets in the region which housed an insurgent "munitions-making operation". The Russians claim that these munitions may have been detonated during the attack and this led to the release of gases and the civilian casualties. They further claim that the munitions carried by the Sukoi 22 jet bomber-fighters have no capacity to carry "gas canisters" which would have rquiried helicopters for delivery. The planes in the area at the time were the Sukoi 22s.

There seems to be much uncertainty in the accounts coming out of Syria so far. But it is clear to many that it was only the rebel forces in Idlib Province who would HAVE THE MOTIVE for the gas attack and who would PROFIT politically from the understandable outrage from the civilized world. THE INTENTION of the REBEL FORCES WOULD BE TO CHANGE MR TRUMP'S RECENT USA POLICY AND TO UNDERMINE THE PLANNED PEACE NEGOTIATIONS OR TO WEAKEN THE BARGAINING POSITION OF THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT IN THESE NEGOTIATIONS. Of course the forces which favor the expansion of the war in Syria in the USA, and the continued death toll of civilians, and the foolhardy policy of overthrowing of the Assad Regime TO CREATE ANOTHER FAILED STATE LIKE IREAQ are all willing to ignore the facts and rush to judgement. We should resist such temptations.

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