We now know that it was not the Russians (they helped) but our own deeply embedded elite government officials who attempted to alter the outcome of the 2016 election and then when that failed they attempted to disrupt the operations of and unseat a legitimately elected President. That is a scandal of existential proportions.
Government officials, are to be held to high standards of ethics and behavior—they are to remain as politically neutral as is possible— and under no circumstances should they use the awesome power the people have vested in them to undermine the very will of the people they serve.
Mueller’s investigation into Russian-Trump collusion is by all measures—over. Today, after the recent revelations regarding the corruption in the highest ranks of the FBI, the FISA court, the Justice Department and elsewhere in Washington DC we must conclude that Mueller’s investigation is hopelessly compromised. In fact, Mueller’s inquiry is lost on a side trail and not focused on the actual perpetrators. Mueller’s cadre of high-powered attorneys, his empaneled Washington DC jury and his massively expensive inquiry is now just a national distraction and a waste of time and TAXPAYER’S money.
What does remain of Mueller’s investigation is not of his doing— but thanks to the hard work of Congressional Committees—we now know that the Russians did have an impact on our election and the post-election period. If the intention of Mr. Putin was to show the weaknesses and corruption of the US political system and as some have stated to “disrupt”our democratic processes, we can conclude —to some superficial extent he was very successful. But the very fact that the people’s will was made manifest in the 2016 election and an outsider like Mr. Trump was elected..loudly proclaims that we in the USA are a free people who can and do control who lead us. Not so the Russians or others who claim the democratic mantle.
But our democracy has been threatened FROM WITHIN. We now know the Russians fed false, scurrilous and malicious information to a former FBI operative, Christopher Steele, who then passed this “information” on to a government establishment eager for “dirt” on a candidate they abhorred. The establishment, the FBI, the Justice Department and former President Obama and his officials were eager and primed to put their thumbs on the election scales and “turn the election” in the direction that these “deep state” establishment types preferred. These officials—with names you already know—former President Obama, Susan Rice, John Brennan, Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc.etc., are all guilty of crimes against democracy. They forgot that—no matter how smart and important they considered themselves—our Constitution makes it clear—- it is THE PEOPLE WHO DECIDE— not the past president, his henchmen and women, or the leadership cadre in the FBI and the Justice Department or and in the government establishment.
These individuals in the “deep state” knowingly and unknowingly colluded with the Russians in an attempt, to at first, alter the outcome of the election, then, after the people had clearly expressed their will at the ballot box, these same men and women treasonously attempt to undermine and disrupt the administration of a legitimately elected President. They were doing the work of the Russians whether they were aware of it or not.
This embarrassing and existentially threatening scandal —still being exposed—is the most egregious ever perpetrated against our democracy. Some claim the Watergate Scandal as the most threatening —but in that instance one man went off the rails (President Nixon attempted to gather damaging information about his political enemies, illegitimately using the power of the Presidency—then lied about it). The Watergate scandal is the equivalent of a toothache to the body politic, versus the potential impact of the Deep State Coup Attempt of 2016—which is the equivalent of a deadly cancerous brain tumor. The Nixon “toothache” was painful and temporary...the 2016 Deep State Coup Attempt, and effort to alter the outcome of an election—then undermine and disrupt the administration of a legitimately elected President , could have extinguished our Democracy.
Those who were involved must be exposed and punished.
Mr. McCabe former Deputy Director and for a brief time Director of the FBI is only the first of many who will face the music. He was rightly fired and should lose his pension.
The punishment of McCabe is NOT VENGENCE. McCabe’s punishment is appropriate, coming as it does from his own department and its arbiters of professional behavior. Punishment is not simply to “get back” at an existential threat and an evil doer...but is rightly designed to warn others (in the FBI and elsewhere) that unprofessional, illegal acts will result in grievous, painful repercussions. Government officials, are to be held to high standards of ethics and behavior—to remain as politically neutral as is possible— and under no circumstances should they use the power the people have vested in them to undermine the will of the people they serve.
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