Monday, March 26, 2018


One thing is clear. In the 2016 election an unconventional but popular non-politician outsider candidate—Mr. Trump won against massive odds.  Trump  was massively outspent in the campaign by his opponent.  He was  lampooned, upbradieded, castigated and actively and vigorously opposed by every political power block including : the Democrats, the powerful and corrupt Clinton machine, Sanders Democrats, the Republicans, Tea Party GOP, the main-stream-media, late night TV hosts, Hollywood, the powerful lame-duck Obama President and the leadership of the powerful  elites of the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department.—-yet Trump  was able to win 30 out of 50 states, and an electoral vote landslide.  The voting public was al that Mr. Trump had.  He won handily with only the support of his wide national voter base..who went to the polls to vote for him.  This kind of a political upheaval of the establishment—a  watershed election —-could not have occurred in any other “democratic” western nation, all of whom tout the breath and legitimacy of their democracies.  It happened here in the USA...where thanks to our Constitution and the Founders—the freedom and access of the ballot box actually counts.

But after that great event came the whining and dissatisfaction and attempts at delegitimization of the people’s choice by the establishment in both parties and the Clinton cadre of losers...who simply do not want to accept the legitimacy of the people’s will.  They reject the decision of the ballot box! .  That historic 2016 election event has, rather than being touted as an massive accomplishment and reaffirmation of our democracy, has been sadly overshadowed and maligned by the powerful establishment losers.  They—the rejectionists—are after all—rejecting the legitimate actions of our cherished democracy—the voice of the people made manifest in the ballot box.

So this is what has become of our nation.  It’s difficult for a patriotic American to turn on what used to be a “news” program these days when all one sees and hears is hysterical Trump hatred.  Walter Cronkite and objective news reporting is long gone and forgotten.  The cable networks we are now saddled with are, it seems, mostly organs of propaganda.  The Stasi would be proud of them.

The 99% negative news emanating from the main-stream-media cable news centers about our nation and its leaders in Washington is so blatantly partisan the programs have become unwatchable for an objective, intelligent—older American.  We oldsters can remember what objective news reporting was like.   One is aware that FOX news can on ocassion tip too far toward the right.  But there is actual honest factual reporting there too.   After watching a segment one can still say, “well that had a bit of a rightward slant, but was not overly biased.”  However,  after watching  CNN or MSNBC one feels contaminated with an obvious  and unmodulated hatred, almost proud expression of blatant bias,  unsubstantiated accusations, uncorrorborated “facts” as well as implied connections between the “dots”...when it is so clear to any independent observer that the “dots do not have even a likely and a  certainly unproven connection”.  The bile and hatred seems to drip like molassses out of the TV screen.  One feels the need for a good bath after watching a few segments.  

The constant focus on the negative is disconcerting and downright embarrassing.  I wonder what my British friends and relatives think—seeing this news.  A nation with large elements that delight in tearing down the homeland’s legitimately elected leader, reporting and exaggerating only the negative, the peccadillos (imagined, false, and perhaps some true)  can not long last.  Yes, divided as we are today a nation can not long Lincoln said in a better way.

Those rejectionists who continue to work so assiduously and unwisely to undermine the government and it leaders are tearing at the very fabric of our nation, of our democracy.  Do they reject our legitimate national elections?  Those who suggest that are skating on very thin ice.  Mr. Trump was legitimately elected.  Trying to destroy him by undermining popular confidence in our electoral system , by stealth legal investigations into phony “Russian collusion”, by illegitimate means to weaken and politically damage him, only undermines our nation as a whole.

 The “rejectionists” should focus on a political candidate to support—-write their Senators and Congressmaen and women—rally around a viable candidate for President in the next election.

Keep our citizenry confident in the strength and legitimacy of our democratic processes.

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