Sunday, August 25, 2019


I read today in the reports from the 2020 campaigners ( Washington Post, August 24, 2019) that Democrat presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and US Navy Reserve service member,  has opened a “Christian offensive”  to attract desperately needed black voters.  Buttigieg  who has had top-tier financial support from the gay community, but continues to  poll in the single digits nationally is now faced with upcoming appearances in the south where he has very little (0% reported ) appeal among black voters.  Any democrat must win a sizable percentage of this critical black vote to win.  Buttigieg has little appeal among this key element of the Democrat constituency.  If he is to remain a viable candidate he must appeal to more than the gay community that has been his key support both financially and in the polls.  

Buttigieg who is open about his homosexuality, and is  “married” to another man, but Buttigieg also claims to be a practicing  “Christian”.  This is an oddity itself in the anti-Christian, anti- religious, anti-life, anti-Hyde amendment status of the modern-day Democrat Party.   But as an avowed proselytizing and practicing homosexual “Christian” Buttigieg  faces an uphill battle in the Bible Belt of the US south and among the typically religiously conservative black voters in those regions who know their Bible verses and take their religion seriously.  Perhaps their natural sense of propriety would prohibit them from openly accosting  Buttigieg at a debate concerning the Christian prohibitions against Buttigieg’s professed lifestyle (found in  the  Old Testament:  Leviticus 12:13 (homosexuality) “is an abomination” “....a detestable act”, or in the New Testament of Paul to the Romans: 1:26-27 where Paul states prohibitions against “men with men committing indecent acts”.  Or where Jesus himself restates in Mathew 119: v 3 the Christian concepts of marriage between a man and a woman.but they will be surely thinking to themselves that this guy is a real hypocrite. 

Buttigieg is smart, well educated, attractive, as well as a superb communicator— and slick politician.  But his Christian credentials, are in tatters. On one hand because  he must adhere to all of the anti-Christian dogma of  a 2020 “politically correct Democrat”,  and on the other, as a charter member of the LBGTQQ community.   The glaring facts about Mayor Buttigieg’s lifestyle—have not prevented the slick politician in Buttigieg’s character to lace his stump speeches with fulsome references to Christian philosophy and teachings in an hypocritical attempt to win over this essential element of the Democrat constituency.    Mayor Pete has even hired a “Christian outreach” person to smooth over his way into the minds and hearts of these honest people who take their religion very seriously and in doses of literal Biblical extractions. 

One wonders how Buttigieg will survive in the South among Christian  blacks who see him as a hypocrite Christian who would claim the mantle of Christianity as he ignores the integral tenants of that faith against abortion, same sex marriage, and acts of homosexuality that undergird these beliefs.  

Buttigieg, even with his Oxford-honed delivery will not be able to have it both ways—he either accepts  the teachings of the Christian faith—or rejects them for some patched up  self-satisfying beliefs of his own.  But why try to call oneself a Christian when you reject its major teachings?  Is it only for the justification of a fringe lifestyle that it brings?  Buttigieg must be seen for what he is—only another slick politician claiming the mantle of Christianity only for the votes of Christians that might lead him  to higher office.

Got the picture?    

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