Friday, August 23, 2019


The Democrats love to blame the Russians for interfering in our elections. They spent more than two years on that wild goose chase.  But the game the Russians (might have) played in 2016 is chicken feed to what the Chinese are up to in 2020.   They are after regime change rather than having to change their trading ways with the USA. 

The Democrats would like to ignore the gyrating Chinese bull in the antique shop.  They prefer to look past the dumping of underpriced manufactured goods on our markets to kill competition, or the theft of US technology, or the Chinese currency manipulation, or the closing of markets to our products, as well as the outright  transfer of jobs and wealth from the US heartland (there are few Democrats out there! ) to China.   Our President has made a strong case against these trade malpractices that result is the USA workers and small businesses getting the short end of the stick to the tune of about a half a trillion dollars each year.  

When the Trump Administration began a long series of negotiations on these issues to no avail then in frustration put the screws to the Chinese by imposing tariffs on their products,  they did promise to begin a dialogue  to amend their ways and begin playing on a more level playing field with the USA.  But just as they reneged on their long term (since 1997)agreement with the British on Hong Kong’s independence rights the  current Prime Minister Xi Jinping has reneged on his agreement with President Trump.  The Chinese PM must have realized that businessman Trump is deadly serious about his intention for a fair trade. deal for the USA with China.  

In the past, all the Chinese leadership had to do was dangle the fact of China’s hungry 1.3 billion consumers in front of Democrat or Republican presidents for them to blink and give in to any Chinese demands, shenanigans intransigence and cheating.  These past WH occupants were only too happy to satisfy the greed of their deep pocket corporate sponsors and screw the American workers as they ignored the best interests of the USA.  

The President has been very patient, expecting Xi to come around with a fair trade deal.  But instead they have now (August 23, 2019) ignored their promises to forge a compromise fair deal with the USA.  Today they announced that they have imposed their own retaliatory   tariffs on $75 billion dollars in US imports (into China).  But the products they chose to impose these costs on reveal a great deal about their intentions.  They targeted  products that are important in midwestern states that Trump must win to be reelected in 2020.  They are aware of the US system and its politics.   They targeted 5000 products in midwestern swing states such as soybeans (Iowa), auto parts and automobiles (Michigan) oil and aircraft and  machine parts (Ohio).  Thus it is clear.  They do not want to deal.  They will not compromise,  They would  prefer REGIME CHANGE to change of (their) trading ways . 

They are clearly stating that they are going to use their influence to impact our coming election. 

That is not good.           

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