Don Lemon host of the Lemon Show and his TV buddy Cuomo, were on the air last night ( September 21, 2020) bemoaning the recent revelation that President Trump was rapidly moving ahead to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat (his Constitutional duty) as a result of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg*
Lemon, initiated a wild bloviating rant during the segment with buddy Cuomo stating a plan to “blow up the system” and also “pass a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College”. Why? Because according to Lemon’s weak understanding of our government and its processes “Democrats just can’t seem “get a fair shake” to control the Senate or nominate Supremes, or even successfully elect a President ( he doesn’t have that good of a memory). To him it was all the result of the bad Republicans stymieing the “good” Democrats.
But besides being uninformed Lemon is simply all wrong on the reasons why the Democrats feel so powerless and have been unable to share these certain and powerful levers of government power.
The Democrat Party of today is not the one that my Dad —a working man—voted for so devotedly in the 40s 50s and 60s. They have abandoned the American worker, the middle class, farmers, the small business man to become the advocate for an increasingly smaller and smaller more and more restricted and tightly localized constituency.
The New Democrats do not have a broad constituency of all Americans—their power is large in number, but localized in tightly encapsulated and enclosed areas on the nation’s borders. They are no longer either in their constituency or in their geography a national political party.
Their constituency does not encompass a broad swath of American voters. They abhor anyone who is a Christian, or those who support traditional family life, (Catholics and Evangelicals are a particular virulent target of their ire). If you support the life of the unborn you are an enemy, If you support the police you are not acceptable as a Democrat. You will be attacked as an outsider if you do not agree that the USA is based on systematic racism. If you honor the glorious history of this free nation and its founders you can’t be a Democrat. Don’t bother to even show up at the entrance tent flap if you happen to own a gun—that puts you out of their political pup tent altogether.
Those folks that the Democrats abandoned make up the majority and a widely disseminated broad swath of this nation. The modern, “new” Democrats have such a restricted constituency that achieving a majority in the Senate and mastering the requirements of the Electoral College (which wisely requires any national leader to have both a popular and widely spread power base) has become increasingly difficult for them to achieve.
So it is not true that “they can’t get a fair shake”. The real reason is that they have abandoned the National stage to become a party to a small number of selected minorities which they can not stitch together into a broad coalition. I
Think of how a large diverse nation like the USA would be governed if all a party needed was to win the popular vote (or a plurality)—as suggested by Don Lemon. The teeming cites of illegal migrants, recent under-educated and un-assimilated immigrants in the west and east coasts can be easily manipulated and would dominate the popular vote. The radicals in those cites-could easily control such groups and would then with a simple popular vote majority—“own” the entire nation.
One need not imagine what it might be like. All that is necessary is to watch your TV screen where images of life in the cities such as Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, New York City are shown almost every day where riots continue for over three months. it’s clear these places being governed (or misgoverned) by these same Democrats. see the results there of defunded police forces, violent demonstrations, rampant crime, limited or absent services, no garbage pick ups, In these places the drivers of utility services, fire trucks and delivery vehicles are fearful for their lives so they do not enter large arenas of those cities. These are cites governed by progressives who would like to extend their political machinations and malfeasance to the nation as a whole. No thanks Don Lemon.
*Justice Ginsberg is claimed to have made a death-bed request, that her seat not be filled by the present President and not until after the election” The fact is that Justice Ginsberg was made that very choice during the Obama Administration in late 2016. She was encourage at that time to retire and permit President Obama to replace her with his choice no doubt a left leaning progressive, activist jurist just in the mould of Ginsberg. .
Justice Ginsberg was at that time in her ninth decade, ill with more than one form of cancer. Had she had the welfare of the Democrat base and the real wish to keep her seat in (so to speak) the “hands” of a progressive jurist like herself she could have accepted that offer. But she did not. She made the decision for her own reasons to remain on the court. Events might have been different had she acquiesced to the Obama offer.
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