Our NY State Governor Cuomo is responsible for thousands of nursing home deaths . He has now gone off the rails with a new deadly dictate: to hold back distribution of any new covid vaccine.
Governors, mayors and police chiefs may seem adequate to the task. during placid times or in fine weather when there is no difficult decisions or crises which test the leadership and the system. But it is when tragedy strikes that weaknesses are exposed and we get to know their real mettle. Pandemics, 9-11 attacks, hurricanes, hundred-year floods and powerful winter storms expose weaknesses in our political leaders and our system.
Our Governor Cuomo is a fine example of the weak rusty link in the iron chain, snapping when the strain is applied.
Cuomo’s weak link first snapped while responding to the Covid 19 pandemic earlier in the year . It was the Governor’s missteps and malfeasance during the early months of the Coronavirus pandemic which resulted in the deaths of between six and eleven thousand elderly nursing home patients.
Governor Cuomo was the official who signed off on a plan to return infectious recovering corona virus patients to NY State nursing homes. At the time, the State’s hospitals were close to capacity, these recovering patients were occupying hospital beds needed for others in earlier stages of the disease. The hospital bed crisis underscore the view that the State under Gov Cuomo’s administration was unprepared. The governor did have the option of transferring these patients to Federal prefab hospitals and the hospital ship sent to New York by President Trump. (These facilities remained almost unused throughout the crisis). However, that option, giving credit to President Trump’s effort, was not a desirable political option either. Our Democrat Governor opted for the least politically costly and embarrassing decision.
So Cuomo sent thousands of sneezing, coughing infectious corona patients to the State’s nursing homes where there was no possibility of safe or proper care. He sent thousands to their deaths.
Now he is at it again. He has made an irresponsible and dangerous proposal regarding the Corona19 virus vaccine. Cuomo states that were the vaccine to be APPROVED ( It has a complex route of approvals First by the pharmaceutical company then, the CDC, the WHO, then to the FDA Safety Monitoring Board, and then finally to meet the approval of the eminent physician and scientist: FDA commissioner Dr Stephen Hahn.
Even with Dr Hahn’s final approval, Cuomo would not accept the vaccine as safe for New Yorkers. His reason: his unsupported claim that President Trump is putting his “thumb on the scale” to get the vaccine approved as early as possible and his efforts for early approval will affect the vaccine efficacy.
Thus, according to this recent dictate from Governor Cuomo, before the approved vaccine could be administered to the residents of the State of New York it will have to pass the scrutiny of Andre Cuomo. Just who does he think he is?
Let’s remember this man is not a Dr Fauci. He is a professional politician. He holds a BA from Fordham (no science or biology required for that degree), and has a law degree...from Albany. That is just adequate training for a NY state local politician (especially for one who is the privileged son of popular former Gov—Mario Cuomo). His resume does not even make him qualified to count out aspirin tablets In a corner pharmacy. And certainly not one to decide who and when the citizens of the State of NY get access to a critical life-saving vaccine which is needed as soon as is humanly possible. Delay can only cost lives. So on the basis of whose authority will our Governor base his decision, if not the FDA,.and the Established professionals ? His New Democrat radicals?
But these objections (above) are only the stench arising from the mound of malfeasance accumulating around the Governor’s desk in Albany. The most egregious of his acts is politicizing the pandemic to pander to his radical New Democrat base. His dictates on the vaccine will UNDERMINE THE ACCEPTANCE AND ULTIMATE EFFICACY of a critical preventative treatment that can have the potential to finally control and eventually eliminate the threat Covid virus poses to our health, our social,lives, and our economy.
For a vaccine to be effective, between 70 to 80 percent of the population (and more the better) must be inoculated. What “off the rails Andrew” has just done in his dangerous pronouncement is make that objective even more difficult to achieve. His “I will not accept thee vaccine” dictate has undermined the efficacy of this vaccine even before it is formally approved.
So if he actually does what he has stated he will retard the delivery of life saving treatment to millions of people in the State and be responsible for even more thousands deaths in New York.
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