Monday, May 31, 2021



The New York Times, May 30, 2021.  Opinion, Charles M. Blow, “Is America’s Democracy Slipping Away?” 

In his opinion piece on how American democracy is weakened by alleged white racism Mr Blow uses the term “whites or white  people” nine times, always in a derogatory way. All the ills of the nation are settled on just one race.  Blow, painting with a very broad brush incriminates all “whites”  as the root cause of the ills of our Black citizenry.  One just has to substitute “Jewish” for “white” in Mr. Blow’s article  to take us back to `1933 in the waning days of the Weimar Republic of Germany to get the sense of how insidious and corrupting this kind of “racial blaming” is.    

Perhaps Mr. Blow should direct his superior skills as a journalist and writer to remembrance—not of past injuries—but of the common, heart felt, passionate and often self-sacrificing efforts of millions upon millions of Mr low’s  “co-humans” who inhabit this nation, but happen to have a pale complexion —‘the whites” who, on the behalf of those of his complexion—sacrificed their lives to end slavery in the Civil War.  And more recently for those “whites” who ignored  their well-being  and positions to pursue unpopular efforts  in uncountable  social, and political ways to make this nation a more equitable place for all to live.   He ignores those millions of white voters who elected our first Black President, He forgets the many laws passed by whites to advance and protect our Black citizens.  He pointedly overlooks affirmative action and all the set-aside seats at elite universities, and opportunities opened for Blacks  `in government, industry, academia and journalism—and yes even for an illustrious  column-space on the the Great Gray Lady of Times Square where one can pontificate writing on presumed racial injustice. 

And in answer to the title question: Yes,  Mr. Blow. dmocracy can slip away, too easily, and writing hate-filled opinion pieces to stir racial animosity and discord can only increase that awful likelihood.

Sunday, May 23, 2021


The questioning mind has carried us so very far from the invention of the  wheel to the iPhone.   

But change is always resisted and there has always been those who resist any threat to authority and to the status quo. 

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) the “father of observational astronomy”.built and improved the first practical telescope,  and then used it to observe the Sun and its sunspots, the phases of the planet Venus, the satellites of Jupiter, and Saturn’s rings. His observations of the Sun and  planets led him to champion the idea that the Sun, not the Earth, was at the center of the solar system. In 1615 Galileo’s  writings were examined by the Roman Inquisition and found to be “foolish, absurd and heretical” since it contradicted holy scripture and orthodoxy of the establishment.  In 1632 to  defend his ideas,  Galileo  published a treatise entitled:  “Dialog Concerning The Two Chief World Systems” which presented his astronomical observations and conclusions based on the scientific method.  This document supported the idea that the Earth is only one of the smaller planets which revolve around the much larger Sun.  For this he was tried by the Inquisition and found to be an heretic and condemned  to imprisonment, (later commuted to isolation, and house arrest) where he spent the rest of his life incommunicado and isolation. 

Does this historic reprise sound familiar? Do you get a  sense of “deja vu”?   Because in our most recent times the USA seems to have regressed back into the days of the Roman Inquisition when any individual  with a questioning mind may be pilloried and castigated for simply questioning orthodoxy. The madding crowd only wants to listen in to its own echo chamber. The phenomenon is so commonplace today we seem to have forgotten how sinister and evil it is.  We have so many “no. no, you can’t say or even think that” interventions  today  it seems (sadly) almost acceptable. 

Today, to question the idea that China may have precipitated the Covid pandemic (with USA complicity) as a result of an horrific accident in the Wuhan Virology Institute, where the escape of a genetically modified virus led to the deaths of millions the world over.  It is a query that can not be asked,  and if asked precipitates a Roman-style inquisition.

Or if one has the temerity to question how fragile our election system is, and how slim a majority President Biden’s Electoral College win vote was;  or  to suggest that it is possible that our 2020 election may have been  fraught with shady practices and illegalities,  one is tagged as a moron, racist, or “flat Earther, or worse.

Those who question orthodoxy in our times are immediately targeted as “absurd, foolish, heretical” or worse.  Where and why have we abandoned  the value of inquiry and the concept that to question authority and the establishment is our God given right as Americans?  And what about the scientists among you? Where are you in these dangerous times? 

Are you “scientists” intellectually allied with Galileo or with the Roman Inquisition? 

Saturday, May 15, 2021


 The SARS Covid 2 pandemic has been and continues as the most serious threat to this nation since WWII.  The virus pandemic has killed 500,000 of our US citizens, created a social and cultural nightmare of fear and isolation, upended our economy, had disturbing effects on our 2020 elections and killed almost three million others ( and counting)  around the world. Yet there seems little appetite in the US politicized press and media to address the cause of this political, cultural, economic and social catastrophe. One wonders why?

The recent dust up in the US Senate between Dr. Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul, MD regarding the origins of the virus revealed the existence of  documents which EXPOSE a financial  connection between the Wuhan Virology Lab in Wuhan China and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease  ( NIAID) which is headed by  Dr Fauci

There are two theories for the origin of the virus. The government (and Dr Fauci) have supported the hypothesis that the source of the virus was the Wuhan “wet market” where caged animals are kept for slaughter and sale as food.  This theory attempts to posit a complex route of transit over great distances and through several animal species from bats in caves in distant south China’s Yunnan Province ( over @900 miles distant )  to Wuhan where the outbreak first occurred.

We now know that Wuhan Virology Lab has been collecting bat viruses from bat-dung in far away Yunnan for years. And these collected samples remain stored in the Wuhan lab ( just where the outbreak occurred) and where “gain of function research” (GOF) has been carried on from at least 2014.  These GOF experiments actually attempt to genetically modify viruses to make them more infectious to humans.  It is clear that if these “super viruses” ever escaped,they would  cause a  world embracing pandemic, (just as we have experienced in 2019). It is apparent to many scientists and others that the potential threats of such GOF research clearly outweighs the vague possible benefits.   

And if the 2019 pandemic occured as a result of a lab accident we must change such practices and limit GOF experiments. 

But what we did not know is that Dr Fauci and his NIAID organization supported the dangerous —irresponsible —research in Wuhan prior to 2014. But even more egregious, after  the Obama Administration withdrew funding based on the potential dangers of such research and the poor reputation of this lab for safety, Dr Fauci continued his support and relationship with the director of that lab.  Documents from the lab and from the NIAID now clearly indicate that in 2019 it was Dr Fauci —who restored financial aid to this lab—though indirectly— and with no assurances that the WIV would not continue on its dangerous “gain of function”research. 

Can we trust this eminent doctor who refuses to explain why he continued funding Chinese research?   Can Dr Fauci compromised as he is by his support of dangerous foreign research, be trusted to give sound advise concerning the critical question of  the origins of the virus and  how the “spill over” from a bat virus to a human virus occurred?  

We deserve to know why US tax payers are funding virus research in China ? .. 

We must insist that Fauci come clean and answer honestly. “Why did you fund the research at the Wuhan lab?

Sunday, May 9, 2021


 The NJ Star Ledger’s far left editorial board simply ignores our nation’s Constitution and lies to its readership in its attempt to control their minds—not inform them. Its a sad day for journalism.   In an editorial entitled: “The Republican strategy: Cling to another Trump lie”  the supposedly erudite editors of the NJSL claim that the Republican’s “litmus test for loyalty” is that party officials must agree that Donald Trump was the real winner of the 2020 election.“Which he lost by 7 million votes.”  

It is not Trump but the NJSL that practices intentional deception.  For Donald Trump or any other US President was NOT elected by popular vote. That tabulation means absolutely nothing.  

Could it be that the Editors of the NJ SL are perhaps unaware that Mr. Biden won by the slimmest of Electoral College votes. That is where and how we elect Presidents in this nation.  Biden won about 40,000 more votes in four different tightly contested states. Not 7,000,000 votes! 

It is easy for any unbiased observer to imagine how a few dead people, a few illegal aliens, a few Trump  mail in ballots gone astray and a glitch or two in a few precincts in these states  could make the difference between winning and losing a very tight contest.. 

But the Editors of th NJSL would like their readership to think President Biden’s win was a substantial one.  It was not!  He has no mandate to govern, winning as he did by about 40 thousand votes out of well over 140 million votes cast ( or 0.00003%)

As I recall, Democrat candidate Gore lost to Republican Bush under very similar circumstances and the Democrats had no compunction about questioning that election. 

So the NJSL is the big liar here....not the Republican Party!     

The greatest threat to this nation today is the sad fact that our once robust and relatively fair-minded media and cadre of journalists have cast off their journalist’s cloak to become fervent  propagandists for only one Party..They have forgotten the elements of Journalism 101, “question everything!”  Instead of humility and an open mind they bring to their work absolute certainty of their correctness.  They question nothing—and posit everything that  fits into the establishment narrative that they are driven by near religious fervor to present.  

A little vignette by the German Prime Minister, Angela Merkel,  keeps coming mind.  Merkel  often recalls that when a young student in Communist East Berlin, the only “news” available was in the strictly controlled Communist Party newspapers. So as a curious and intelligent youngster  she realized  that to get to the truth she had to learn to read “between the lines”.  The Communist propaganda rags that were published in that part of divided Germany only published  propaganda designed to control the mind of its readership—only what fit into their narrative

Sadly this is what New Jersey readers are facing today—propagandists attempting to control the minds  of its readership—these ‘journos’ do not belong in a Democracy. .  

History will treat these propagandists all very unkindly. .I’m waiting.  

Saturday, May 8, 2021



All those suburban moms who voted for President Biden, must now be wondering: Did I make a mistake? 

If they are truly concerned about their families’health and welfare , they should be concerned about President Biden’s latest faux pas.  ( He has already made a mess of the the southern border, by inhumanely encouraging an unprecedented surge of young immigrants to make a dangerous,  harrowing and costly dessert passage to illegally enter our nation and become unsuspecting, poorly-cared for wards of the State. He has stupidly created a human crisis there.)  

Now he is about creating a new crisis that will impact the health of every one of us.  His inane plan is to remove the patent protection for producers of the Covid vaccines.  In his simplistic reasoning his motives are to help the rest of the world access vaccines.  First of all this is a “very bad solution” to a problem that does not exist.  There is no shortage of vaccines.  We have many good ones.  The problem is related to the production and distribution of vaccines. 

Better, smarter and younger minds around the world do not agree with Biden on this issue.  I read in the German,  ‘Der Spiegel’ (on line news magazine) , that German Chancellor Merkel does not agree with Biden and considers such a plan “too risky” and “warns of quality defects if such a plan were instituted”. (Der Spiegel. down loaded. May 6, 2021)

First of all, we would not even have .these vaccines if it were not for the incentives of a profit motive and fair pay back for the enormous investment in money and time that the patent laws provide.  One of the elements the our new “Socialist” Democrats too often ignore is that progress and medical advances require  an enormous amount of commitment, energy, financial investment, time and expertise to produce such marvels of medicine.  The only reason our health care is the very best and the envy of the world is that we protect the rights of those with new ideas and those who create new products.  With no incentive for profit we would not have the marvels of medicine we have today.  

Removing those incentives, would not only impact the stability and well being of the companies that have produced these recent marvels of medicine —vaccines.  Yes these companies would suffer financially and have already an impact (even as a result of Biden’s recent announcement) with a steep drop in their stock prices. 

But we must not look at this as if the profits go only to a few. We all benefit from the discoveries of these medical organizations.  In regard to the next immediate threat to our nation’s health—the manifest rise of more life threatening variants of this virus in Brazil and India; What incentives would these pharmaceutical companies  have for any further investment in new and modified vaccines or booster shots? The companies have just been ravaged by Biden by being denied their fair claim to a profit. What incentive would they have for continued production of the vaccine or for further research to produce new vaccines to control the rise  of variants?  None.  

There is no free lunch.  We do not have a perfect system.  But our lives are far better than they would be in a Communist or Socialist system.   Yes some corporate owners will make a profit...but as they do—we all profit too, from better health and millions of us actually survive the disease.  

Some would say that—when we eliminate private investors— government must step up and pay for the process of creating and producing these needed medicines.  But it is painfully clear that government can not replace the private sector.  

China and the USSR are and were perfect examples of failed states.  China has only reached the pinnacle of economic and military status as a result of purloining every idea from the west and forcing our companies to divulge their proprietary rights to China in return for access to their 1.4 billion person market.  Sinovac the Chinese vaccine which was produced by government intervention is a ne ar total failure....Tested by the west and reported by the ‘Lancet’ it has a reported  efficacy of less than 50%  against Covid.  The vaccines of the west almost off of which were effective to the 70-80% level , while the American Pfizer was effective to well over 90%. 

But the sensible patent protections, protect the rights of creators and provide the incentive for them to continue to create.  They guarantee that new vaccines, will be developed to meet the threat of the new variants   These virus variants are now evolving in places like India and Brazil and will soon be infecting you! The pharma patents protect you too. 

Go with Biden and risk your and your families health and safety.