All those suburban moms who voted for President Biden, must now be wondering: Did I make a mistake?
If they are truly concerned about their families’health and welfare , they should be concerned about President Biden’s latest faux pas. ( He has already made a mess of the the southern border, by inhumanely encouraging an unprecedented surge of young immigrants to make a dangerous, harrowing and costly dessert passage to illegally enter our nation and become unsuspecting, poorly-cared for wards of the State. He has stupidly created a human crisis there.)
Now he is about creating a new crisis that will impact the health of every one of us. His inane plan is to remove the patent protection for producers of the Covid vaccines. In his simplistic reasoning his motives are to help the rest of the world access vaccines. First of all this is a “very bad solution” to a problem that does not exist. There is no shortage of vaccines. We have many good ones. The problem is related to the production and distribution of vaccines.
Better, smarter and younger minds around the world do not agree with Biden on this issue. I read in the German, ‘Der Spiegel’ (on line news magazine) , that German Chancellor Merkel does not agree with Biden and considers such a plan “too risky” and “warns of quality defects if such a plan were instituted”. (Der Spiegel. down loaded. May 6, 2021)
First of all, we would not even have .these vaccines if it were not for the incentives of a profit motive and fair pay back for the enormous investment in money and time that the patent laws provide. One of the elements the our new “Socialist” Democrats too often ignore is that progress and medical advances require an enormous amount of commitment, energy, financial investment, time and expertise to produce such marvels of medicine. The only reason our health care is the very best and the envy of the world is that we protect the rights of those with new ideas and those who create new products. With no incentive for profit we would not have the marvels of medicine we have today.
Removing those incentives, would not only impact the stability and well being of the companies that have produced these recent marvels of medicine —vaccines. Yes these companies would suffer financially and have already an impact (even as a result of Biden’s recent announcement) with a steep drop in their stock prices.
But we must not look at this as if the profits go only to a few. We all benefit from the discoveries of these medical organizations. In regard to the next immediate threat to our nation’s health—the manifest rise of more life threatening variants of this virus in Brazil and India; What incentives would these pharmaceutical companies have for any further investment in new and modified vaccines or booster shots? The companies have just been ravaged by Biden by being denied their fair claim to a profit. What incentive would they have for continued production of the vaccine or for further research to produce new vaccines to control the rise of variants? None.
There is no free lunch. We do not have a perfect system. But our lives are far better than they would be in a Communist or Socialist system. Yes some corporate owners will make a profit...but as they do—we all profit too, from better health and millions of us actually survive the disease.
Some would say that—when we eliminate private investors— government must step up and pay for the process of creating and producing these needed medicines. But it is painfully clear that government can not replace the private sector.
China and the USSR are and were perfect examples of failed states. China has only reached the pinnacle of economic and military status as a result of purloining every idea from the west and forcing our companies to divulge their proprietary rights to China in return for access to their 1.4 billion person market. Sinovac the Chinese vaccine which was produced by government intervention is a ne ar total failure....Tested by the west and reported by the ‘Lancet’ it has a reported efficacy of less than 50% against Covid. The vaccines of the west almost off of which were effective to the 70-80% level , while the American Pfizer was effective to well over 90%.
But the sensible patent protections, protect the rights of creators and provide the incentive for them to continue to create. They guarantee that new vaccines, will be developed to meet the threat of the new variants These virus variants are now evolving in places like India and Brazil and will soon be infecting you! The pharma patents protect you too.
Go with Biden and risk your and your families health and safety.