Sunday, May 9, 2021


 The NJ Star Ledger’s far left editorial board simply ignores our nation’s Constitution and lies to its readership in its attempt to control their minds—not inform them. Its a sad day for journalism.   In an editorial entitled: “The Republican strategy: Cling to another Trump lie”  the supposedly erudite editors of the NJSL claim that the Republican’s “litmus test for loyalty” is that party officials must agree that Donald Trump was the real winner of the 2020 election.“Which he lost by 7 million votes.”  

It is not Trump but the NJSL that practices intentional deception.  For Donald Trump or any other US President was NOT elected by popular vote. That tabulation means absolutely nothing.  

Could it be that the Editors of the NJ SL are perhaps unaware that Mr. Biden won by the slimmest of Electoral College votes. That is where and how we elect Presidents in this nation.  Biden won about 40,000 more votes in four different tightly contested states. Not 7,000,000 votes! 

It is easy for any unbiased observer to imagine how a few dead people, a few illegal aliens, a few Trump  mail in ballots gone astray and a glitch or two in a few precincts in these states  could make the difference between winning and losing a very tight contest.. 

But the Editors of th NJSL would like their readership to think President Biden’s win was a substantial one.  It was not!  He has no mandate to govern, winning as he did by about 40 thousand votes out of well over 140 million votes cast ( or 0.00003%)

As I recall, Democrat candidate Gore lost to Republican Bush under very similar circumstances and the Democrats had no compunction about questioning that election. 

So the NJSL is the big liar here....not the Republican Party!     

The greatest threat to this nation today is the sad fact that our once robust and relatively fair-minded media and cadre of journalists have cast off their journalist’s cloak to become fervent  propagandists for only one Party..They have forgotten the elements of Journalism 101, “question everything!”  Instead of humility and an open mind they bring to their work absolute certainty of their correctness.  They question nothing—and posit everything that  fits into the establishment narrative that they are driven by near religious fervor to present.  

A little vignette by the German Prime Minister, Angela Merkel,  keeps coming mind.  Merkel  often recalls that when a young student in Communist East Berlin, the only “news” available was in the strictly controlled Communist Party newspapers. So as a curious and intelligent youngster  she realized  that to get to the truth she had to learn to read “between the lines”.  The Communist propaganda rags that were published in that part of divided Germany only published  propaganda designed to control the mind of its readership—only what fit into their narrative

Sadly this is what New Jersey readers are facing today—propagandists attempting to control the minds  of its readership—these ‘journos’ do not belong in a Democracy. .  

History will treat these propagandists all very unkindly. .I’m waiting.  

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